// JSpec - Mock Timers - Copyright TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca> (MIT Licensed)

   * Version.
  mockTimersVersion = '1.0.1'
   * Localized timer stack.
  var timers = []
   * Set mock timeout with _callback_ and timeout of _ms_.
   * @param  {function} callback
   * @param  {int} ms
   * @return {int}
   * @api public
  setTimeout = function(callback, ms) {
    var id
  	return id = setInterval(function(){
  	}, ms)
   * Set mock interval with _callback_ and interval of _ms_.
   * @param  {function} callback
   * @param  {int} ms
   * @return {int}
   * @api public

  setInterval = function(callback, ms) {
    callback.step = ms, callback.current = callback.last = 0
    return timers[timers.length] = callback, timers.length
   * Destroy timer with _id_.
   * @param  {int} id
   * @return {bool}
   * @api public

  clearInterval = function(id) {
    return delete timers[--id]
   * Reset timers.
   * @return {array}
   * @api public
  resetTimers = function() {
    return timers = []
   * Increment each timers internal clock by _ms_.
   * @param  {int} ms
   * @api public
  tick = function(ms) {
    for (var i = 0, len = timers.length; i < len; ++i)
      if (timers[i] && (timers[i].current += ms))
        if (timers[i].current - timers[i].last >= timers[i].step) {
          var times = Math.floor((timers[i].current - timers[i].last) / timers[i].step)
          var remainder = (timers[i].current - timers[i].last) % timers[i].step
          timers[i].last = timers[i].current - remainder
          while (times-- && timers[i]) timers[i]()