dropdownField = $dropdownField; $this->children = $fields; $this->dropdownField->extraClass = $dropdownClass; $this->showkeydropdown = $showKeyDropdown; } function transform(FormTransformation $trans){ $this->dropdownField->transform($trans); if($this->children){ $children=array(); foreach($this->children as $child){ $child = $child->transform($trans); $children[] = $child; } $this->children = $children; } return $this; } function IsNested(){ return $this->isNested; } function FieldHolder() { $fieldName = $this->name . 'ID'; $relationName = $this->name; Profiler::mark("RelatedDataEditor.FieldHolder", "get data"); $record = $this->form->getRecord(); $relatedObject = $record->$relationName(); Profiler::unmark("RelatedDataEditor.FieldHolder", "get data"); $this->dropdownField->Name = $this->name . '[ID]'; $this->dropdownField->Value = $record->$fieldName; $extraclass = $this->IsNested()?"nested":""; $result .= "
name\" class=\"$this->class groupfield $extraclass\" >"; $fieldholder = $this->dropdownField->FieldHolder(); if($this->showkeydropdown){ $result .= "
name}_keyholder\" class=\"keyholder\">$fieldholder
"; if($this->children){ $result .= "name}_loading\" src=\"cms/images/network-save.gif\" style=\"display: none;\" />"; $result .= "name}_loaded\" src=\"cms/images/alert-good.gif\" style=\"display: none;\" />"; } }else{ $result .= "
name}_keyholder\" class=\"keyholder\" style=\"display: none\">$fieldholder
"; } if($this->children){ $result .= "
name}_childrenholder\" class=\"children_holder\">"; foreach($this->children as $child) { if(!$child->isComposite()){ $childFieldName = $child->Name(); $child->Name = $this->name . '[' . $child->Name() . ']'; if($this->dropdownField->isSelected()) $child->Value = $relatedObject->$childFieldName; $child->setForm($this->form); $result .= $child->FieldHolder(); }else{ $fs = $child->FieldSet(); foreach($fs as $subfield){ $childFieldName = $subfield->Name(); $subfield->Name = $this->name . '[' . $subfield->Name() . ']'; if($this->dropdownField->isSelected()) $subfield->Value = $relatedObject->$childFieldName; $subfield->setForm($this->form); } $result .= $child->FieldHolder(); } } $result .= "
"; $result .= "
"; } $result .= "
"; return $result; } function saveInto($record) { $fieldName = $this->name . 'ID'; $relationName = $this->name; //If value[newID] exists, this is a newly added related data. if($this->value['newID']) $this->value['ID']=$this->value['newID']; //if value['ID'] == 0, nothing needs to be saved if($this->value['ID'] == 0){ $record->$fieldName = 0; return; } // Set the relation ID and look up the related object from the database $record->$fieldName = $this->value['ID']; $relatedObject = $record->$relationName(); $this->compositeSaveInto($relatedObject); $relatedID = $relatedObject->write(); if($relatedID != $this->value['ID']){ $record->$fieldName = $relatedID; } } /** * Smart, "form-like" saveInto, to allow for nested RelatedDataEditors */ function compositeSaveInto($dataObject) { if($this->children) foreach($this->children as $child){ if($child->isComposite()){ $dataFields = $child->FieldSet()->dataFields(); foreach($dataFields as $field) { $fieldVal = $this->value[$field->Name()]; $field->setValue($fieldVal); if($field->Name() != "ID") $field->saveInto($dataObject); } }else{ $fieldVal = $this->value[$child->Name()]; $child->setValue($fieldVal); if($child->Name() != "ID") $child->saveInto($dataObject); } } } } ?>