form = $this->buildFormMock(); $this->field = $this->buildField($this->form); $this->folders = $this->loadFolders(); $this->folderIds = array_map( static function ($f) { return $f->ID; }, $this->folders ); $this->fieldValue = implode(',', $this->folderIds); } /** * Build a new mock object of a Form * * @return Form */ protected function buildFormMock() { $form = $this->createMock(Form::class); $form->method('getTemplateHelper') ->willReturn(FormTemplateHelper::singleton()); $form->method('getHTMLID') ->willReturn($this->formId); return $form; } /** * Build a new instance of TreeMultiselectField * * @param Form $form The field form * * @return TreeMultiselectField */ protected function buildField(Form $form) { $field = new TreeMultiselectField($this->fieldName, 'Test tree', File::class); $field->setForm($form); return $field; } /** * Load several files from the fixtures and return them in an array * * @return File[] */ protected function loadFolders() { $asdf = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'asdf'); $subfolderfile1 = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'subfolderfile1'); return [$asdf, $subfolderfile1]; } /** * Test the TreeMultiselectField behaviour with no selected values */ public function testEmpty() { $field = $this->field; $fieldId = $field->ID(); $this->assertEquals($fieldId, sprintf('%s_%s', $this->formId, $this->fieldName)); $schemaStateDefaults = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $fieldId, 'name' => $this->fieldName, 'value' => 'unchanged' ], $schemaStateDefaults, true ); $schemaDataDefaults = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $fieldId, 'name' => $this->fieldName, 'type' => 'text', 'schemaType' => 'SingleSelect', 'component' => 'TreeDropdownField', 'holderId' => sprintf('%s_Holder', $fieldId), 'title' => 'Test tree', 'extraClass' => 'treemultiselect multiple searchable', 'data' => [ 'urlTree' => 'field/TestTree/tree', 'showSearch' => true, 'emptyString' => '(Search or choose File)', 'hasEmptyDefault' => false, 'multiple' => true ] ], $schemaDataDefaults, true ); $items = $field->getItems(); $this->assertCount(0, $items, 'there must be no items selected'); $html = $field->Field(); $this->assertContains($field->ID(), $html); $this->assertContains('unchanged', $html); } /** * Test the field with some values set */ public function testChanged() { $field = $this->field; $field->setValue($this->fieldValue); $schemaStateDefaults = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $field->ID(), 'name' => 'TestTree', 'value' => $this->folderIds ], $schemaStateDefaults, true ); $items = $field->getItems(); $this->assertCount(2, $items, 'there must be exactly 2 items selected'); $html = $field->Field(); $this->assertContains($field->ID(), $html); $this->assertContains($this->fieldValue, $html); } /** * Test empty field in readonly mode */ public function testEmptyReadonly() { $field = $this->field->performReadonlyTransformation(); $schemaStateDefaults = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $field->ID(), 'name' => 'TestTree', 'value' => 'unchanged' ], $schemaStateDefaults, true ); $schemaDataDefaults = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $field->ID(), 'name' => $this->fieldName, 'type' => 'text', 'schemaType' => 'SingleSelect', 'component' => 'TreeDropdownField', 'holderId' => sprintf('%s_Holder', $field->ID()), 'title' => 'Test tree', 'extraClass' => 'treemultiselectfield_readonly multiple searchable', 'data' => [ 'urlTree' => 'field/TestTree/tree', 'showSearch' => true, 'emptyString' => '(Search or choose File)', 'hasEmptyDefault' => false, 'multiple' => true ] ], $schemaDataDefaults, true ); $items = $field->getItems(); $this->assertCount(0, $items, 'there must be 0 selected items'); $html = $field->Field(); $this->assertContains($field->ID(), $html); } /** * Test changed field in readonly mode */ public function testChangedReadonly() { $field = $this->field; $field->setValue($this->fieldValue); $field = $field->performReadonlyTransformation(); $schemaStateDefaults = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $field->ID(), 'name' => 'TestTree', 'value' => $this->folderIds ], $schemaStateDefaults, true ); $schemaDataDefaults = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertArraySubset( [ 'id' => $field->ID(), 'name' => $this->fieldName, 'type' => 'text', 'schemaType' => 'SingleSelect', 'component' => 'TreeDropdownField', 'holderId' => sprintf('%s_Holder', $field->ID()), 'title' => 'Test tree', 'extraClass' => 'treemultiselectfield_readonly multiple searchable', 'data' => [ 'urlTree' => 'field/TestTree/tree', 'showSearch' => true, 'emptyString' => '(Search or choose File)', 'hasEmptyDefault' => false, 'multiple' => true ] ], $schemaDataDefaults, true ); $items = $field->getItems(); $this->assertCount(2, $items, 'there must be exactly 2 selected items'); $html = $field->Field(); $this->assertContains($field->ID(), $html); $this->assertContains($this->fieldValue, $html); } public function testGetItems() { // Default items scaffolded from 'unchanged' value (empty) $field = $this->field; $this->assertListEquals( [], $field->getItems() ); $expectedItem = array_map( function ($folder) { return [ 'Filename' => $folder->Filename, ]; }, $this->loadFolders() ); // Set list of items by array of ids $field->setValue($this->folderIds); $this->assertListEquals( $expectedItem, $field->getItems() ); // Set list of items by comma separated ids $field->setValue($this->fieldValue); $this->assertListEquals( $expectedItem, $field->getItems() ); // Handle legacy empty value (form submits 'unchanged') $field->setValue('unchanged'); $this->assertListEquals( [], $field->getItems() ); } }