isInDB(); } /** * */ public function populateDefaults() { parent::populateDefaults(); if(!$this->Name) { $this->Name = _t('AssetAdmin.NEWFOLDER', "NewFolder"); } } /** * Find the given folder or create it as a database record * * @param string $folderPath Directory path relative to assets root * @return Folder|null */ public static function find_or_make($folderPath) { // replace leading and trailing slashes $folderPath = preg_replace('/^\/?(.*)\/?$/', '$1', trim($folderPath)); $parts = explode("/",$folderPath); $parentID = 0; $item = null; $filter = FileNameFilter::create(); foreach($parts as $part) { if(!$part) { continue; // happens for paths with a trailing slash } // Ensure search includes folders with illegal characters removed, but // err in favour of matching existing folders if $folderPath // includes illegal characters itself. $partSafe = $filter->filter($part); $item = Folder::get()->filter(array( 'ParentID' => $parentID, 'Name' => array($partSafe, $part) ))->first(); if(!$item) { $item = new Folder(); $item->ParentID = $parentID; $item->Name = $partSafe; $item->Title = $part; $item->write(); } $parentID = $item->ID; } return $item; } public function onBeforeDelete() { foreach($this->AllChildren() as $child) { $child->delete(); } parent::onBeforeDelete(); } /** * Override setting the Title of Folders to that Name and Title are always in sync. * Note that this is not appropriate for files, because someone might want to create a human-readable name * of a file that is different from its name on disk. But folders should always match their name on disk. * * @param string $title * @return $this */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->setName($title); return $this; } /** * Get the folder title * * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->Name; } /** * Override setting the Title of Folders to that Name and Title are always in sync. * Note that this is not appropriate for files, because someone might want to create a human-readable name * of a file that is different from its name on disk. But folders should always match their name on disk. * * @param string $name * @return $this */ public function setName($name) { parent::setName($name); $this->setField('Title', $this->Name); return $this; } /** * A folder doesn't have a (meaningful) file size. * * @return null */ public function getSize() { return null; } /** * Returns all children of this folder * * @return DataList */ public function myChildren() { return File::get()->filter("ParentID", $this->ID); } /** * Returns true if this folder has children * * @return bool */ public function hasChildren() { return $this->myChildren()->exists(); } /** * Returns true if this folder has children * * @return bool */ public function hasChildFolders() { return $this->ChildFolders()->exists(); } /** * Return the FieldList used to edit this folder in the CMS. * You can modify this FieldList by subclassing folder, or by creating a {@link DataExtension} * and implemeting updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) on that extension. * * @return FieldList */ public function getCMSFields() { // Hide field on root level, which can't be renamed if(!$this->ID || $this->ID === "root") { $titleField = new HiddenField("Name"); } else { $titleField = new TextField("Name", $this->fieldLabel('Name')); } $fields = new FieldList( $titleField, new HiddenField('ParentID') ); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } /** * Get the children of this folder that are also folders. * * @return DataList */ public function ChildFolders() { return Folder::get()->filter('ParentID', $this->ID); } /** * Get the number of children of this folder that are also folders. * * @return int */ public function numChildFolders() { return $this->ChildFolders()->count(); } /** * @return string */ public function CMSTreeClasses() { $classes = sprintf('class-%s', $this->class); if(!$this->canDelete()) { $classes .= " nodelete"; } if(!$this->canEdit()) { $classes .= " disabled"; } $classes .= $this->markingClasses('numChildFolders'); return $classes; } /** * @return string */ public function getTreeTitle() { return sprintf( "%s", Convert::raw2att(preg_replace('~\R~u', ' ', $this->Title)) ); } public function getFilename() { return parent::getFilename() . '/'; } /** * Folders do not have public URLs * * @return null */ public function getURL() { return null; } /** * Folders do not have public URLs * * @return string */ public function getAbsoluteURL() { return null; } public function onAfterWrite() { parent::onAfterWrite(); // Ensure that children loading $this->Parent() load the refreshed record $this->flushCache(); $this->updateChildFilesystem(); } public function updateFilesystem() { // No filesystem changes to update } /** * If a write is skipped due to no changes, ensure that nested records still get asked to update */ public function onAfterSkippedWrite() { $this->updateChildFilesystem(); } /** * Update filesystem of all children */ public function updateChildFilesystem() { // Writing this record should trigger a write (and potential updateFilesystem) on each child foreach($this->AllChildren() as $child) { $child->write(); } } public function StripThumbnail() { return null; } }