update('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO', 'create_table_options', array(MySQLSchemaManager::ID => 'ENGINE=MyISAM')); parent::setUpOnce(); } /** * Check that once a schema has been generated, then it doesn't need any more updating */ public function testFieldsDontRerequestChanges() { $schema = DB::get_schema(); $test = $this; DB::quiet(); // Table will have been initially created by the $extraDataObjects setting // Verify that it doesn't need to be recreated $schema->schemaUpdate(function() use ($test, $schema) { $obj = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO(); $obj->requireTable(); $needsUpdating = $schema->doesSchemaNeedUpdating(); $schema->cancelSchemaUpdate(); $test->assertFalse($needsUpdating); }); } /** * Check that updates to a class fields are reflected in the database */ public function testFieldsRequestChanges() { $schema = DB::get_schema(); $test = $this; DB::quiet(); // Table will have been initially created by the $extraDataObjects setting // Let's insert a new field here Config::inst()->update('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO', 'db', array( 'SecretField' => 'Varchar(100)' )); // Verify that the above extra field triggered a schema update $schema->schemaUpdate(function() use ($test, $schema) { $obj = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO(); $obj->requireTable(); $needsUpdating = $schema->doesSchemaNeedUpdating(); $schema->cancelSchemaUpdate(); $test->assertTrue($needsUpdating); }); } /** * Check that indexes on a newly generated class do not subsequently request modification */ public function testIndexesDontRerequestChanges() { $schema = DB::get_schema(); $test = $this; DB::quiet(); // Table will have been initially created by the $extraDataObjects setting // Verify that it doesn't need to be recreated $schema->schemaUpdate(function() use ($test, $schema) { $obj = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO(); $obj->requireTable(); $needsUpdating = $schema->doesSchemaNeedUpdating(); $schema->cancelSchemaUpdate(); $test->assertFalse($needsUpdating); }); // Test with alternate index format, although these indexes are the same Config::inst()->remove('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO', 'indexes'); Config::inst()->update('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO', 'indexes', Config::inst()->get('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO', 'indexes_alt') ); // Verify that it still doesn't need to be recreated $schema->schemaUpdate(function() use ($test, $schema) { $obj2 = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO(); $obj2->requireTable(); $needsUpdating = $schema->doesSchemaNeedUpdating(); $schema->cancelSchemaUpdate(); $test->assertFalse($needsUpdating); }); } /** * Check that updates to a dataobject's indexes are reflected in DDL */ public function testIndexesRerequestChanges() { $schema = DB::get_schema(); $test = $this; DB::quiet(); // Table will have been initially created by the $extraDataObjects setting // Update the SearchFields index here Config::inst()->update('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO', 'indexes', array( 'SearchFields' => array( 'value' => 'Title' ) )); // Verify that the above index change triggered a schema update $schema->schemaUpdate(function() use ($test, $schema) { $obj = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO(); $obj->requireTable(); $needsUpdating = $schema->doesSchemaNeedUpdating(); $schema->cancelSchemaUpdate(); $test->assertTrue($needsUpdating); }); } /** * Tests the generation of the ClassName spec and ensure it's not unnecessarily influenced * by the order of classnames of existing records */ public function testClassNameSpecGeneration() { // Test with blank entries DataObject::clear_classname_spec_cache(); $fields = DataObject::database_fields('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO'); $this->assertEquals( "Enum('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO, DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO')", $fields['ClassName'] ); // Test with instance of subclass $item1 = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO(); $item1->write(); DataObject::clear_classname_spec_cache(); $fields = DataObject::database_fields('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO'); $this->assertEquals( "Enum('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO, DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO')", $fields['ClassName'] ); $item1->delete(); // Test with instance of main class $item2 = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO(); $item2->write(); DataObject::clear_classname_spec_cache(); $fields = DataObject::database_fields('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO'); $this->assertEquals( "Enum('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO, DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO')", $fields['ClassName'] ); $item2->delete(); // Test with instances of both classes $item1 = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO(); $item1->write(); $item2 = new DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO(); $item2->write(); DataObject::clear_classname_spec_cache(); $fields = DataObject::database_fields('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO'); $this->assertEquals( "Enum('DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO, DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO')", $fields['ClassName'] ); $item1->delete(); $item2->delete(); } } class DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'Enum1' => 'Enum("A, B, C, D","")', 'Enum2' => 'Enum("A, B, C, D","A")', ); } class DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_IndexDO extends DataObjectSchemaGenerationTest_DO implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'Title' => 'Varchar(255)', 'Content' => 'Text' ); private static $indexes = array( 'NameIndex' => 'unique ("Title")', 'SearchFields' => array( 'type' => 'fulltext', 'name' => 'SearchFields', 'value' => '"Title","Content"' ) ); /** @config */ private static $indexes_alt = array( 'NameIndex' => array( 'type' => 'unique', 'name' => 'NameIndex', 'value' => '"Title"' ), 'SearchFields' => 'fulltext ("Title","Content")' ); }