extraDBFields(); $className = $this->owner->class; if($fields) { foreach($fields as $relationType => $fields) { if(in_array($relationType, array('db','has_one','has_many','many_many','belongs_many_many','many_many_extraFields'))) { eval("$className::\$$relationType = array_merge((array){$className}::\$$relationType, (array)\$fields);"); } } } } /** * Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension. * @param SQLQuery $query Query to augment. */ function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query) { } /** * Update the database schema as required by this extension. */ function augmentDatabase() { } /** * Define extra database fields. * Return an map where the keys are db, has_one, etc, and the values are additional fields / relations to be defined. */ function extraDBFields() { return array(); } /** * This function is used to provide modifications to the form in the CMS by the * decorator. By default, no changes are made - if you want you can overload * this function. */ function updateCMSFields(FieldSet &$fields) { } } ?>