public static function provideGetIterator(): array
return [
'non-iterable object' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['Field1' => 'value1', 'Field2' => 'value2']),
'expected' => BadMethodCallException::class,
'non-iterable scalar' => [
'data' => 'This is some text, aint iterable',
'expected' => BadMethodCallException::class,
'empty array' => [
'data' => [],
'expected' => [],
'single item array' => [
'data' => ['one value'],
'expected' => ['one value'],
'multi-item array' => [
'data' => ['one', 'two', 'three'],
'expected' => ['one', 'two', 'three'],
'object implements an Iterable interface' => [
'data' => new ArrayList(['one', 'two', 'three']),
'expected' => ['one', 'two', 'three'],
'built-in PHP iterator' => [
'data' => new ArrayIterator(['one', 'two', 'three']),
'expected' => ['one', 'two', 'three'],
'non-iterable object with getIterator method' => [
'data' => new NonIterableObject(),
'expected' => ['some value', 'another value', 'isnt this nice'],
'extensible object with getIterator extension' => [
'data' => new ExtensibleObject(),
'expected' => ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e'],
public function testGetIterator(mixed $data, string|array $expected): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
if ($expected === BadMethodCallException::class) {
$this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/is not iterable.$/');
$this->assertEquals($expected, iterator_to_array($viewLayerData->getIterator()));
// Ensure the iterator is always wrapping values
foreach ($viewLayerData as $value) {
$this->assertInstanceOf(ViewLayerData::class, $value);
public static function provideGetIteratorCount(): array
return [
'uncountable object' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['Field1' => 'value1', 'Field2' => 'value2']),
'expected' => 0,
'uncountable object - has count field' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['count' => 12, 'Field2' => 'value2']),
'expected' => 12,
'uncountable object - has count field (non-int)' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['count' => 'aahhh', 'Field2' => 'value2']),
'expected' => 0,
'empty array' => [
'data' => [],
'expected' => 0,
'array with values' => [
'data' => [1, 2],
'expected' => 2,
'explicitly countable object' => [
'data' => new CountableObject(),
'expected' => 53,
'non-countable object with getCount method' => [
'data' => new GetCountObject(),
'expected' => 12,
'non-countable object with getIterator method' => [
'data' => new NonIterableObject(),
'expected' => 3,
'extensible object with getIterator extension' => [
'data' => new ExtensibleObject(),
'expected' => 14,
public function testGetIteratorCount(mixed $data, int $expected): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
$this->assertSame($expected, $viewLayerData->getIteratorCount());
public static function provideIsSet(): array
return [
'list array' => [
'data' => ['anything'],
'name' => 'anything',
'expected' => false,
'associative array has key' => [
'data' => ['anything' => 'some value'],
'name' => 'anything',
'expected' => true,
'ModelData without field' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['nothing' => 'some value']),
'name' => 'anything',
'expected' => false,
'ModelData with field' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['anything' => 'some value']),
'name' => 'anything',
'expected' => true,
'extensible class with getter extension' => [
'data' => new ExtensibleObject(),
'name' => 'anything',
'expected' => true,
'extensible class not set' => [
'data' => new ExtensibleObject(),
'name' => 'anythingelse',
'expected' => false,
'class with method' => [
'data' => new CountableObject(),
'name' => 'count',
'expected' => true,
public function testIsSet(mixed $data, string $name, bool $expected): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
$this->assertSame($expected, isset($viewLayerData->$name));
public static function provideGet(): array
return [
'basic field' => [
'name' => 'SomeField',
'throwException' => true,
'expected' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'SomeField',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getSomeField',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'property',
'name' => 'SomeField',
'getter as property' => [
'name' => 'getSomeField',
'throwException' => true,
'expected' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getSomeField',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getgetSomeField',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'property',
'name' => 'getSomeField',
'basic field (lowercase)' => [
'name' => 'somefield',
'throwException' => true,
'expected' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'somefield',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getsomefield',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'property',
'name' => 'somefield',
'property not set, dont even try it' => [
'name' => 'NotSet',
'throwException' => true,
'expected' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'NotSet',
'args' => [],
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getNotSet',
'args' => [],
'stops after method when not throwing' => [
'name' => 'SomeField',
'throwException' => false,
'expected' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'SomeField',
'args' => [],
public function testGet(string $name, bool $throwException, array $expected): void
$fixture = new TestFixture();
$fixture->throwException = $throwException;
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($fixture);
$value = $viewLayerData->$name;
$this->assertSame($expected, $fixture->getRequested());
public static function provideGetComplex(): array
// Note the actual value checks aren't very comprehensive here because that's done
// in more detail in testGetRawDataValue
return [
'exception gets thrown if not __call() method' => [
'name' => 'badMethodCall',
'expectRequested' => BadMethodCallException::class,
'expected' => null,
'returning nothing is like returning null' => [
'name' => 'voidMethod',
'expectRequested' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'voidMethod',
'args' => [],
'expected' => null,
'returned value is caught' => [
'name' => 'justCallMethod',
'expectRequested' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'justCallMethod',
'args' => [],
'expected' => 'This is a method value',
'getter is used' => [
'name' => 'ActualValue',
'expectRequested' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getActualValue',
'args' => [],
'expected' => 'this is the value',
'if no method exists, only property is fetched' => [
'name' => 'NoMethod',
'expectRequested' => [
'type' => 'property',
'name' => 'NoMethod',
'expected' => null,
'property value is caught' => [
'name' => 'ActualValueField',
'expectRequested' => [
'type' => 'property',
'name' => 'ActualValueField',
'expected' => 'the value is here',
'not set and no method' => [
'name' => 'NotSet',
'expectRequested' => [],
'expected' => null,
public function testGetComplex(string $name, string|array $expectRequested, ?string $expected): void
$fixture = new TestFixtureComplex();
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($fixture);
if ($expectRequested === BadMethodCallException::class) {
$value = $viewLayerData->$name;
$this->assertSame($expectRequested, $fixture->getRequested());
$this->assertEquals($expected, $value);
// Ensure value is being wrapped when not null
if ($value !== null) {
$this->assertInstanceOf(ViewLayerData::class, $value);
public static function provideCall(): array
// Currently there is no distinction between trying to get a property or call a method from ViewLayerData
// so the "get" examples should produce the same results when calling a method.
$scenarios = static::provideGet();
foreach ($scenarios as &$scenario) {
$scenario['args'] = [];
return [
'basic field with args' => [
'name' => 'SomeField',
'args' => ['abc', 123],
'throwException' => true,
'expected' => [
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'SomeField',
'args' => ['abc', 123],
'type' => 'method',
'name' => 'getSomeField',
'args' => ['abc', 123],
'type' => 'property',
'name' => 'SomeField',
public function testCall(string $name, array $args, bool $throwException, array $expected): void
$fixture = new TestFixture();
$fixture->throwException = $throwException;
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($fixture);
$value = $viewLayerData->$name(...$args);
$this->assertSame($expected, $fixture->getRequested());
public static function provideCallComplex(): array
// Currently there is no distinction between trying to get a property or call a method from ViewLayerData
// so the "get" examples should produce the same results when calling a method.
return static::provideGetComplex();
public function testCallComplex(string $name, string|array $expectRequested, ?string $expected): void
$fixture = new TestFixtureComplex();
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($fixture);
if ($expectRequested === BadMethodCallException::class) {
$value = $viewLayerData->$name();
$this->assertSame($expectRequested, $fixture->getRequested());
$this->assertEquals($expected, $value);
// Ensure value is being wrapped when not null
if ($value !== null) {
$this->assertInstanceOf(ViewLayerData::class, $value);
public static function provideToString(): array
return [
// These three all evaluate to ArrayList or ArrayData, which don't have templates to render
'empty array' => [
'data' => [],
'expected' => MissingTemplateException::class,
'array with values' => [
'data' => ['value1', 'value2'],
'expected' => MissingTemplateException::class,
'Class with no template' => [
// Note we won't check classes WITH templates because we're not testing the template engine here
'data' => new ArrayData(['Field1' => 'value1', 'Field2' => 'value2']),
'expected' => MissingTemplateException::class,
'string value' => [
'data' => 'just a string',
'expected' => 'just a string',
'html gets escaped by default' => [
'data' => 'HTML string',
'expected' => '<span>HTML string</span>',
'explicit HTML text not escaped' => [
'data' => (new DBHTMLText())->setValue('HTML string'),
'expected' => 'HTML string',
'DBField' => [
'data' => (new DBDate())->setValue('2024-03-24'),
'expected' => (new DBDate())->setValue('2024-03-24')->forTemplate(),
'__toString() method' => [
'data' => new StringableObject(),
'expected' => 'This is the string representation',
'forTemplate called from extension' => [
'data' => new ExtensibleObject(),
'expected' => 'This text comes from the extension class',
'cannot convert this class to string' => [
'data' => new CountableObject(),
'expected' => Error::class,
public function testToString(mixed $data, string $expected): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
if (is_a($expected, Throwable::class, true)) {
$this->assertSame($expected, (string) $viewLayerData);
public static function provideHasDataValue(): array
return [
'empty array' => [
'data' => [],
'name' => null,
'expected' => false,
'empty ArrayList' => [
'data' => new ArrayList(),
'name' => null,
'expected' => false,
'empty ArrayData' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(),
'name' => null,
'expected' => false,
'empty ArrayIterator' => [
'data' => new ArrayIterator(),
'name' => null,
'expected' => false,
'empty ModelData' => [
'data' => new ModelData(),
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'non-countable object' => [
'data' => new ExtensibleObject(),
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'array with data' => [
'data' => [1,2,3],
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'associative array' => [
'data' => ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2],
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'ArrayList with data' => [
'data' => new ArrayList([1,2,3]),
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'ArrayData with data' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]),
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'ArrayIterator with data' => [
'data' => new ArrayIterator([1,2,3]),
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'ArrayData missing value' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]),
'name' => 'three',
'expected' => false,
'ArrayData with truthy value' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]),
'name' => 'one',
'expected' => true,
'ArrayData with null value' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['nullVal' => null, 'two' => 2]),
'name' => 'nullVal',
'expected' => false,
'ArrayData with falsy value' => [
'data' => new ArrayData(['zero' => 0, 'two' => 2]),
'name' => 'zero',
'expected' => false,
'Empty string' => [
'data' => '',
'name' => null,
'expected' => false,
'Truthy string' => [
'data' => 'has a value',
'name' => null,
'expected' => true,
'Field on a string' => [
'data' => 'has a value',
'name' => 'SomeField',
'expected' => false,
public function testHasDataValue(mixed $data, ?string $name, bool $expected): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
$this->assertSame($expected, $viewLayerData->hasDataValue($name));
public static function provideGetRawDataValue(): array
$dbHtml = (new DBHTMLText())->setValue('Some html text');
// Note we're not checking the fetch order or passing args here - see testGet and testCall for that.
return [
'data' => ['MyField' => 'some value'],
'name' => 'MissingField',
'expected' => null,
'data' => ['MyField' => null],
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => null,
'data' => ['MyField' => 'some value'],
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => 'some value',
'data' => ['MyField' => 123],
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => 123,
'data' => ['MyField' => true],
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => true,
'data' => ['MyField' => false],
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => false,
'data' => ['MyField' => $dbHtml],
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => $dbHtml,
'data' => (new ArrayData(['MyField' => 1234]))->customise(new ArrayData(['MyField' => 'overridden value'])),
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => 'overridden value',
'data' => (new ArrayData(['MyField' => 1234]))->customise(new ArrayData(['FieldTwo' => 'checks here'])),
'name' => 'FieldTwo',
'expected' => 'checks here',
'data' => (new ArrayData(['MyField' => 1234]))->customise(new ArrayData(['FieldTwo' => 'not here'])),
'name' => 'MyField',
'expected' => 1234,
public function testGetRawDataValue(mixed $data, string $name, mixed $expected): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
$this->assertSame($expected, $viewLayerData->getRawDataValue($name));
public static function provideGetRawDataValueType(): array
// The types aren't currently used, but are passed in so we can use them later
// if we find the distinction useful. We should test they do what we expect
// in the meantime.
return [
'type' => 'property',
'shouldThrow' => false,
'type' => 'method',
'shouldThrow' => false,
'type' => 'any',
'shouldThrow' => false,
'type' => 'constant',
'shouldThrow' => true,
'type' => 'randomtext',
'shouldThrow' => true,
public function testGetRawDataValueType(string $type, bool $shouldThrow): void
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData([]);
if ($shouldThrow) {
} else {
$viewLayerData->getRawDataValue('something', type: $type);
public function testCache(): void
$data = new ArrayData(['MyField' => 'some value']);
$viewLayerData = new ViewLayerData($data);
// No cache because we haven't fetched anything
// Fetching the value caches it
$this->assertSame('some value', $data->objCacheGet('MyField'));