title: Scaffolding with SearchContext summary: Configure the search form within ModelAdmin using the SearchContext class. # SearchContext [api:SearchContext] manages searching of properties on one or more [api:DataObject] types, based on a given set of input parameters. [api:SearchContext] is intentionally decoupled from any controller-logic, it just receives a set of search parameters and an object class it acts on. The default output of a [api:SearchContext] is either a [api:SQLQuery] object for further refinement, or a [api:DataObject] instance.
[api:SearchContext] is mainly used by [ModelAdmin](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface/modeladmin).
## Usage Defining search-able fields on your DataObject. :::php 'Text' 'HiddenProperty' => 'Text', 'MyDate' => 'Date' ); public function getCustomSearchContext() { $fields = $this->scaffoldSearchFields(array( 'restrictFields' => array('PublicProperty','MyDate') )); $filters = array( 'PublicProperty' => new PartialMatchFilter('PublicProperty'), 'MyDate' => new GreaterThanFilter('MyDate') ); return new SearchContext( $this->class, $fields, $filters ); } }
See the [SearchFilter](../model/searchfilters) documentation for more information about filters to use such as the `GreaterThanFilter`.
In case you need multiple contexts, consider name-spacing your request parameters by using `FieldList->namespace()` on the `$fields` constructor parameter.
### Generating a search form from the context :::php getCustomSearchContext(); $fields = $context->getSearchFields(); $form = new Form($this, "SearchForm", $fields, new FieldList( new FormAction('doSearch') ) ); return $form; } public function doSearch($data, $form) { $context = singleton('MyDataObject')->getCustomSearchContext(); $results = $context->getResults($data); return $this->customise(array( 'Results' => $results ))->renderWith('Page_results'); } } ## Related Documentation * [ModelAdmin](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface/modeladmin) * [Site Search](/tutorials/site_search) ## API Documentation * [api:SearchContext] * [api:DataObject]