<?php class ConfigStaticManifestTest extends SapphireTest { /* Example statics */ // Different access levels static $nolevel; public static $public; protected static $protected; private static $private; static public $public2; static protected $protected2; static private $private2; static $nolevel_after_private; // Assigning values static $snone; static $snull = null; static $sint = 1; static $sfloat = 2.5; static $sstring = 'string'; static $sarray = array(1, 2, array(3, 4), 5); static $sheredoc = <<<DOC heredoc DOC; static $snowdoc = <<<'DOC' nowdoc DOC; // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart // Assigning multiple values static $onone, $onull = null, $oint = 1, $ofloat = 2.5, $ostring = 'string', $oarray = array(1, 2, array(3, 4), 5), $oheredoc = <<<DOC heredoc DOC , $onowdoc = <<<'DOC' nowdoc DOC; // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd static $mnone, $mnull = null, $mint = 1, $mfloat = 2.5, $mstring = 'string', $marray = array( 1, 2, array(3, 4), 5 ), $mheredoc = <<<DOC heredoc DOC , $mnowdoc = <<<'DOC' nowdoc DOC; static /* Has comment inline */ $commented_int = 1, /* And here */ $commented_string = 'string'; static /** * Has docblock inline */ $docblocked_int = 1, /** And here */ $docblocked_string = 'string'; // Should ignore static methpds static function static_method() {} // Should ignore method statics function instanceMethod() { static $method_static; } /* The tests */ protected function parseSelf() { static $statics = null; if ($statics === null) { $parser = new SS_ConfigStaticManifest_Parser(__FILE__); $parser->parse(); } return $parser; } public function testParsingAccessLevels() { $statics = $this->parseSelf()->getStatics(); $levels = array( 'nolevel' => null, 'public' => T_PUBLIC, 'public2' => T_PUBLIC, 'protected' => T_PROTECTED, 'protected2' => T_PROTECTED, 'private' => T_PRIVATE, 'private2' => T_PRIVATE, 'nolevel_after_private' => null ); foreach($levels as $var => $level) { $this->assertEquals( $level, $statics[__CLASS__][$var]['access'], 'Variable '.$var.' has '.($level ? token_name($level) : 'no').' access level' ); } } public function testParsingValues() { $statics = $this->parseSelf()->getStatics(); // Check assigning values $values = array( 'none', 'null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'array', 'heredoc', 'nowdoc' ); $prepends = array( 's', // Each on it's own 'o', // All on one line 'm' // All in on static statement, but each on own line ); foreach ($values as $value) { foreach ($prepends as $prepend) { $var = "$prepend$value"; $this->assertEquals( self::$$var, $statics[__CLASS__][$var]['value'], 'Variable '.$var.' value is extracted properly' ); } } } public function testIgnoreComments() { $statics = $this->parseSelf()->getStatics(); $this->assertEquals(self::$commented_int, $statics[__CLASS__]['commented_int']['value']); $this->assertEquals(self::$commented_string, $statics[__CLASS__]['commented_string']['value']); $this->assertEquals(self::$docblocked_int, $statics[__CLASS__]['docblocked_int']['value']); $this->assertEquals(self::$docblocked_string, $statics[__CLASS__]['docblocked_string']['value']); } public function testIgnoresMethodStatics() { $statics = $this->parseSelf()->getStatics(); $this->assertNull(@$statics[__CLASS__]['method_static']); } public function testIgnoresStaticMethods() { $statics = $this->parseSelf()->getStatics(); $this->assertNull(@$statics[__CLASS__]['static_method']); } public function testParsingShortArray() { if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<')) { $this->markTestSkipped('This test requires PHP 5.4 or higher'); return; } $parser = new SS_ConfigStaticManifest_Parser(__DIR__ . '/ConfigStaticManifestTest/ConfigStaticManifestTestMyObject.php'); $parser->parse(); $statics = $parser->getStatics(); $expectedValue = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar', 'Description' => 'Text', ); $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $statics['ConfigStaticManifestTestMyObject']['db']['value']); } public function testParsingNamespacesclass() { $parser = new SS_ConfigStaticManifest_Parser(__DIR__ . '/ConfigStaticManifestTest/ConfigStaticManifestTestNamespace.php'); $parser->parse(); $statics = $parser->getStatics(); $expectedValue = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar', 'Description' => 'Text', ); $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $statics['config\staticmanifest\NamespaceTest']['db']['value']); } }