/** * Functions for HtmlEditorFields in the back end. * Includes the JS for the ImageUpload forms. * * Relies on the jquery.form.js plugin to power the * ajax / iframe submissions */ (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { // jQuery('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm').dialog('open') /** * On page refresh load the initial images (in root) */ if($("#FolderImages").length > 0 && $("body.CMSMain").length > 0) loadImages(false); /** * Show / Hide the Upload Form */ $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm .showUploadField a").click(function() { if($(this).hasClass("showing")) { $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Files-0").parents('.file').hide(); $(this).text(ss.i18n._t('HtmlEditorField.ShowUploadForm', 'Upload File')).removeClass("showing"); } else { $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Files-0").parents('.file').show(); $(this).text(ss.i18n._t('HtmlEditorField.HideUploadForm', 'Hide Upload Form')).addClass("showing"); } return false; }).show(); /** * On folder change - lookup the new images */ $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Files-0").change(function() { $(".cms-editor-dialogs #Form_EditorToolbarImageForm").ajaxForm({ url: 'admin/assets/UploadForm?action_doUpload=1', iframe: true, dataType: 'json', beforeSubmit: function(data) { $("#UploadFormResponse").text("Uploading File...").addClass("loading").show(); $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Files-0").parents('.file').hide(); }, success: function(data) { $("#UploadFormResponse").text("").removeClass("loading"); $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Files-0").val("").parents('.file').show(); $("#FolderImages").html('

'+ ss.i18n._t('HtmlEditorField.Loading', 'Loading') + '

'); loadImages(data); } }).submit(); }); /** * Loads images from getimages() to the thumbnail view. It's called on */ function loadImages(params) { $.get('admin/EditorToolbar/ImageForm', { action_callfieldmethod: "1", fieldName: "FolderImages", ajax: "1", methodName: "getimages", folderID: $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_FolderID").val(), searchText: $("#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_getimagesSearch").val(), cacheKillerDate: parseInt((new Date()).getTime()), cacheKillerRand: parseInt(10000 * Math.random()) }, function(data) { $("#FolderImages").html(data); $("#FolderImages").each(function() { Behaviour.apply(this); }); if(params) { $("#FolderImages a[href*="+ params.Filename +"]").click(); } }); } }); $.entwine('ss', function($) { $('form.htmleditorfield-form').entwine({ Bookmark: null, onmatch: function() { // Move title from headline to (jQuery compatible) title attribute var titleEl = this.find(':header:first'); this.attr('title', titleEl.text()); titleEl.remove(); // Create jQuery dialog this.dialog({autoOpen: false, bgiframe: true, modal: true, height: 500, width: 500, ghost: true}); }, redraw: function() { }, toggle: function() { if(this.is(':visible')) this.close(); else this.open(); }, close: function() { this.dialog('close'); this.setBookmark(null); }, open: function() { this.dialog('open'); this.redraw(); this.setBookmark(this.getEditor().selection.getBookmark()); }, getEditor: function() { return tinyMCE.activeEditor; } }); $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform').entwine({ onmatch: function() { this._super(); // this.bind('submit', function() { // self.insertLink(); // self.close(); // return false; // }); }, open: function() { this.respondToNodeChange(); this.dialog('open'); this.redraw(); this.setBookmark(this.getEditor().selection.getBookmark()); }, close: function() { this._super(); this.resetFields(); }, // TODO Entwine doesn't respect submits triggered by ENTER key onsubmit: function(e) { this.insertLink(); this.close(); return false; }, resetFields: function() { this.find('fieldset :input:not(:radio)').val('').change(); }, redraw: function(setDefaults) { this._super(); var linkType = this.find(':input[name=LinkType]:checked').val(), list = ['internal', 'external', 'file', 'email'], i, item; // If we haven't selected an existing link, then just make sure we default to "internal" for the link type. if(!linkType) { this.find(':input[name=LinkType]').val(['internal']); linkType = 'internal'; } this.addAnchorSelector(); // Toggle field visibility and state based on type selection for(i=0;item=list[i];i++) jQuery(this.find('.field#' + item)).toggle(item == linkType); jQuery(this.find('.field#Anchor')).toggle(linkType == 'internal' || linkType == 'anchor'); jQuery(this.find('.field#AnchorSelector')).toggle(linkType=='anchor'); jQuery(this.find('.field#AnchorRefresh')).toggle(linkType=='anchor'); this.find(':input[name=TargetBlank]').attr('disabled', (linkType == 'email')); if(typeof setDefaults == 'undefined' || setDefaults) { this.find(':input[name=TargetBlank]').attr('checked', (linkType == 'file')); } }, insertLink: function() { var href, target = null, anchor = this.find(':input[name=Anchor]').val(), ed = this.getEditor(); // Determine target if(this.find(':input[name=TargetBlank]').is(':checked')) target = '_blank'; // All other attributes switch(this.find(':input[name=LinkType]:checked').val()) { case 'internal': href = '[sitetree_link id=' + this.find(':input[name=internal]').val() + ']'; if(anchor) href += '#' + anchor; break; case 'anchor': href = '#' + anchor; break; case 'file': href = this.find(':input[name=file]').val(); target = '_blank'; break; case 'email': href = 'mailto:' + this.find(':input[name=email]').val(); target = null; break; case 'external': default: href = this.find(':input[name=external]').val(); // Prefix the URL with "http://" if no prefix is found if(href.indexOf('://') == -1) href = 'http://' + href; break; } var attributes = { href : href, target : target, title : this.find(':input[name=Description]').val() }; // Add the new link ed.selection.moveToBookmark(this.getBookmark()); ed.execCommand("mceInsertLink", false, attributes); this.trigger('onafterinsert', attributes); this.respondToNodeChange(); }, removeLink: function() { this.getEditor().execCommand('unlink', false); this.close(); }, addAnchorSelector: function() { // Avoid adding twice if(this.find(':input[name=AnchorSelector]').length) return; var self = this; // refresh the anchor selector on click, or in case of IE - button click if( !tinymce.isIE ) { var anchorSelector = $(''); this.find(':input[name=Anchor]').parent().append(anchorSelector); anchorSelector.focus(function(e) { self.refreshAnchors($(this)); }); } else { var buttonRefresh = $(''); var anchorSelector = $(''); this.find(':input[name=Anchor]').parent().append(buttonRefresh).append(anchorSelector); buttonRefresh.click(function(e) { refreshAnchors(anchorSelector); }); } // initialization this.refreshAnchors(); // copy the value from dropdown to the text field anchorSelector.change(function(e) { self.find(':input[name="Anchor"]').val($(this).val()); }); }, // this function collects the anchors in the currently active editor and regenerates the dropdown refreshAnchors: function() { var selector = this.find(':input[name=AnchorSelector]'), anchors = new Array(); // name attribute is defined as CDATA, should accept all characters and entities // http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/struct/links.html#h-12.2 var raw = this.getEditor().getContent().match(/name="([^"]+?)"|name='([^']+?)'/gim); if (raw && raw.length) { for(var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { anchors.push(raw[i].substr(6).replace(/"$/, '')); } } selector.empty(); selector.append($('')); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { selector.append($('')); } }, respondToNodeChange: function() { var htmlTagPattern = /<\S[^><]*>/g, ed = this.getEditor(); var fieldName,data = this.getCurrentLink(); if(data) { for(fieldName in data) { var el = this.find(':input[name=' + fieldName + ']'), selected = data[fieldName]; // Remove html tags in the selected text that occurs on IE browsers if(typeof(selected) == 'string') selected = selected.replace(htmlTagPattern, ''); if(el.is(':radio')) { el.val([selected]).change(); // setting as an arry due to jQuery quirks } else { el.val(selected).change(); } } } }, /** * Return information about the currently selected link, suitable for population of the link * form. */ getCurrentLink: function() { var ed = this.getEditor(), selectedText = ed.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}), selectedEl = $(ed.selection.getNode()), href = "", target = "", title = "", action = "insert", style_class = ""; // We use a separate field for linkDataSource from tinyMCE.linkElement. // If we have selected beyond the range of an element, then use use that element to get the link data source, // but we don't use it as the destination for the link insertion var linkDataSource = null; if(selectedEl.length) { if(selectedEl.is('a')) { // Element is a link linkDataSource = selectedEl; // TODO Limit to inline elements, otherwise will also apply to e.g. paragraphs which already contain one or more links // } else if((selectedEl.find('a').length)) { // // Element contains a link // var firstLinkEl = selectedEl.find('a:first'); // if(firstLinkEl.length) linkDataSource = firstLinkEl; } else { // Element is a child of a link linkDataSource = selectedEl = selectedEl.parents('a:first'); } } if(linkDataSource && linkDataSource.length) ed.selection.select(linkDataSource[0]); // Is anchor not a link if (!linkDataSource.attr('href')) linkDataSource = null; if (linkDataSource) { href = linkDataSource.attr('href'); target = linkDataSource.attr('target'); title = linkDataSource.attr('title'); style_class = linkDataSource.attr('class'); href = eval(tinyMCE.settings['urlconverter_callback'] + "(href, linkDataSource, true);"); action = "update"; } // Turn into relative if(href.match(new RegExp('^' + tinyMCE.settings['document_base_url'] + '(.*)$'))) { href = RegExp.$1; } // Get rid of TinyMCE's temporary URLs if(href.match(/^javascript:\s*mctmp/)) href = ''; if(href.match(/^mailto:(.*)$/)) { return { LinkType: 'email', email: RegExp.$1, Description: title } } else if(href.match(/^(assets\/.*)$/)) { return { LinkType: 'file', file: RegExp.$1, Description: title } } else if(href.match(/^#(.*)$/)) { return { LinkType: 'anchor', Anchor: RegExp.$1, Description: title, TargetBlank: target ? true : false } } else if(href.match(/^\[sitetree_link\s*(?:%20)?id=([0-9]+)\]?(#.*)?$/)) { return { LinkType: 'internal', internal: RegExp.$1, Anchor: RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2.substr(1) : '', Description: title, TargetBlank: target ? true : false } } else if(href) { return { LinkType: 'external', external: href, Description: title, TargetBlank: target ? true : false } } else { return { LinkType: 'internal' } } } }); $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform input[name=LinkType]').entwine({ onclick: function(e) { this.parents('form:first').redraw(); }, onchange: function() { this.parents('form:first').redraw(); } }); $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform input[name=action_remove]').entwine({ onclick: function(e) { this.parents('form:first').removeLink(); return false; } }); }); })(jQuery);