priorAuthenticators = Authenticator::get_authenticators(); $this->priorDefaultAuthenticator = Authenticator::get_default_authenticator(); Authenticator::register('MemberAuthenticator'); Authenticator::set_default_authenticator('MemberAuthenticator'); parent::setUp(); } function tearDown() { // Restore selected authenticator // MemberAuthenticator might not actually be present if(!in_array('MemberAuthenticator', $this->priorAuthenticators)) { Authenticator::unregister('MemberAuthenticator'); } Authenticator::set_default_authenticator($this->priorDefaultAuthenticator); parent::tearDown(); } function testLogInAsSomeoneElse() { $member = DataObject::get_one('Member'); /* Log in with any user that we can find */ $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $member->ID); /* View the Security/login page */ $this->get('Security/login'); $items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector('#MemberLoginForm_LoginForm input.action'); /* We have only 1 input, one to allow the user to log in as someone else */ $this->assertEquals(count($items), 1, 'There is 1 input, allowing the user to log in as someone else.'); $this->autoFollowRedirection = true; /* Submit the form, using only the logout action and a hidden field for the authenticator */ $response = $this->submitForm( 'MemberLoginForm_LoginForm', null, array( 'AuthenticationMethod' => 'MemberAuthenticator', 'action_dologout' => 1, ) ); /* We get a good response */ $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 200, 'We have a 200 OK response'); $this->assertNotNull($response->getBody(), 'There is body content on the page'); /* Log the user out */ $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null); } function testMemberIDInSessionDoesntExistInDatabaseHasToLogin() { /* Log in with a Member ID that doesn't exist in the DB */ $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', 500); $this->autoFollowRedirection = true; /* Attempt to get into the admin section */ $response = $this->get('admin/cms/'); $items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector('#MemberLoginForm_LoginForm input.text'); /* We have 2 text inputs - one for email, and another for the password */ $this->assertEquals(count($items), 2, 'There are 2 inputs - one for email, another for password'); $this->autoFollowRedirection = false; /* Log the user out */ $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null); } function testExternalBackUrlRedirectionDisallowed() { // Test internal relative redirect $response = $this->doTestLoginForm('', '1nitialPassword', 'testpage'); $this->assertEquals(302, $response->getStatusCode()); $this->assertRegExp('/testpage/', $response->getHeader('Location'), "Internal relative BackURLs work when passed through to login form" ); // Log the user out $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null); // Test internal absolute redirect $response = $this->doTestLoginForm('', '1nitialPassword', Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'testpage'); // for some reason the redirect happens to a relative URL $this->assertRegExp('/^' . preg_quote(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), '/') . 'testpage/', $response->getHeader('Location'), "Internal absolute BackURLs work when passed through to login form" ); // Log the user out $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null); // Test external redirect $response = $this->doTestLoginForm('', '1nitialPassword', ''); $this->assertNotRegExp('/^' . preg_quote('', '/') . '/', $response->getHeader('Location'), "Redirection to external links in login form BackURL gets prevented as a measure against spoofing attacks" ); // Log the user out $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null); } /** * Test that the login form redirects to the change password form after logging in with an expired password */ function testExpiredPassword() { /* BAD PASSWORDS ARE LOCKED OUT */ $badResponse = $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'badpassword'); $this->assertEquals(302, $badResponse->getStatusCode()); $this->assertRegExp('/Security\/login/', $badResponse->getHeader('Location')); $this->assertNull($this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs')); /* UNEXPIRED PASSWORD GO THROUGH WITHOUT A HITCH */ $goodResponse = $this->doTestLoginForm('' , '1nitialPassword'); $this->assertEquals(302, $goodResponse->getStatusCode()); $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'test/link', $goodResponse->getHeader('Location')); $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture('Member', 'test'), $this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs')); /* EXPIRED PASSWORDS ARE SENT TO THE CHANGE PASSWORD FORM */ $expiredResponse = $this->doTestLoginForm('' , '1nitialPassword'); $this->assertEquals(302, $expiredResponse->getStatusCode()); $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'Security/changepassword', $expiredResponse->getHeader('Location')); $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture('Member', 'expiredpassword'), $this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs')); } function testRepeatedLoginAttemptsLockingPeopleOut() { Member::lock_out_after_incorrect_logins(5); /* LOG IN WITH A BAD PASSWORD 7 TIMES */ for($i=1;$i<=7;$i++) { $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $member = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $this->idFromFixture('Member', 'test')); /* THE FIRST 4 TIMES, THE MEMBER SHOULDN'T BE LOCKED OUT */ if($i < 5) { $this->assertNull($member->LockedOutUntil); $this->assertTrue(false !== stripos($this->loginErrorMessage(), _t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED'))); } /* AFTER THAT THE USER IS LOCKED OUT FOR 15 MINUTES */ //(we check for at least 14 minutes because we don't want a slow running test to report a failure.) else { $this->assertGreaterThan(time() + 14*60, strtotime($member->LockedOutUntil)); } if($i > 5) { $this->assertTrue(false !== stripos($this->loginErrorMessage(), _t('Member.ERRORLOCKEDOUT'))); } } /* THE USER CAN'T LOG IN NOW, EVEN IF THEY GET THE RIGHT PASSWORD */ $this->doTestLoginForm('' , '1nitialPassword'); $this->assertNull($this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs')); /* BUT, IF TIME PASSES, THEY CAN LOG IN */ // (We fake this by re-setting LockedOutUntil) $member = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $this->idFromFixture('Member', 'test')); $member->LockedOutUntil = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 30); $member->write(); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , '1nitialPassword'); $this->assertEquals($this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs'), $member->ID); // Log the user out $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null); /* NOW THAT THE LOCK-OUT HAS EXPIRED, CHECK THAT WE ARE ALLOWED 4 FAILED ATTEMPTS BEFORE LOGGING IN */ $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->assertNull($this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs')); $this->assertTrue(false !== stripos($this->loginErrorMessage(), _t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED'))); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , '1nitialPassword'); $this->assertEquals($this->session()->inst_get('loggedInAs'), $member->ID); } function testAlternatingRepeatedLoginAttempts() { Member::lock_out_after_incorrect_logins(3); // ATTEMPTING LOG-IN TWICE WITH ONE ACCOUNT AND TWICE WITH ANOTHER SHOULDN'T LOCK ANYBODY OUT $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $member1 = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $this->idFromFixture('Member', 'test')); $member2 = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $this->idFromFixture('Member', 'noexpiry')); $this->assertNull($member1->LockedOutUntil); $this->assertNull($member2->LockedOutUntil); // BUT, DOING AN ADDITIONAL LOG-IN WITH EITHER OF THEM WILL LOCK OUT, SINCE THAT IS THE 3RD FAILURE IN THIS SESSION $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $member1 = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $this->idFromFixture('Member', 'test')); $this->assertNotNull($member1->LockedOutUntil); $this->doTestLoginForm('' , 'incorrectpassword'); $member2 = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $this->idFromFixture('Member', 'noexpiry')); $this->assertNotNull($member2->LockedOutUntil); } function testUnsuccessfulLoginAttempts() { Security::set_login_recording(true); /* UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS WITH WRONG PASSWORD FOR EXISTING USER ARE LOGGED */ $this->doTestLoginForm('', 'wrongpassword'); $attempt = DataObject::get_one('LoginAttempt', "\"Email\" = ''"); $this->assertTrue(is_object($attempt)); $member = DataObject::get_one('Member', "\"Email\" = ''"); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Status, 'Failure'); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Email, ''); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Member(), $member); /* UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS WITH NONEXISTING USER ARE LOGGED */ $this->doTestLoginForm('', 'wrongpassword'); $attempt = DataObject::get_one('LoginAttempt', "\"Email\" = ''"); $this->assertTrue(is_object($attempt)); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Status, 'Failure'); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Email, ''); } function testSuccessfulLoginAttempts() { Security::set_login_recording(true); /* SUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS ARE LOGGED */ $this->doTestLoginForm('', '1nitialPassword'); $attempt = DataObject::get_one('LoginAttempt', "\"Email\" = ''"); $member = DataObject::get_one('Member', "\"Email\" = ''"); $this->assertTrue(is_object($attempt)); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Status, 'Success'); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Email, ''); $this->assertEquals($attempt->Member(), $member); } function testDatabaseIsReadyWithInsufficientMemberColumns() { // Assumption: The database has been built correctly by the test runner, // and has all columns present in the ORM DB::getConn()->renameField('Member', 'Email', 'Email_renamed'); // Email column is now missing, which means we're not ready to do permission checks $this->assertFalse(Security::database_is_ready()); // Rebuild the database (which re-adds the Email column), and try again $this->resetDBSchema(true); $this->assertTrue(Security::database_is_ready()); } /** * Execute a log-in form using Director::test(). * Helper method for the tests above */ function doTestLoginForm($email, $password, $backURL = 'test/link') { $this->session()->inst_set('BackURL', $backURL); $this->get('Security/logout'); $this->get('Security/login'); return $this->submitForm( "MemberLoginForm_LoginForm", null, array( 'Email' => $email, 'Password' => $password, 'AuthenticationMethod' => 'MemberAuthenticator', 'action_dologin' => 1, ) ); } /** * Get the error message on the login form */ function loginErrorMessage() { return $this->session()->inst_get('FormInfo.MemberLoginForm_LoginForm.formError.message'); } } ?>