describe("Jasmine Mock Ajax (for jQuery)", function() { var request, anotherRequest, response; var success, error, complete; var sharedContext = {}; beforeEach(function() { success = jasmine.createSpy("onSuccess"); error = jasmine.createSpy("onFailure"); complete = jasmine.createSpy("onComplete"); }); describe("when making a request", function () { beforeEach(function() { request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); }); it("should store URL and transport", function() { expect(request.url).toEqual(""); }); it("should queue the request", function() { expect(ajaxRequests.length).toEqual(1); }); it("should allow access to the queued request", function() { expect(ajaxRequests[0]).toEqual(request); }); describe("and then another request", function () { beforeEach(function() { anotherRequest = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); }); it("should queue the next request", function() { expect(ajaxRequests.length).toEqual(2); }); it("should allow access to the other queued request", function() { expect(ajaxRequests[1]).toEqual(anotherRequest); }); }); describe("mostRecentAjaxRequest", function () { describe("when there is one request queued", function () { it("should return the request", function() { expect(mostRecentAjaxRequest()).toEqual(request); }); }); describe("when there is more than one request", function () { beforeEach(function() { anotherRequest = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); }); it("should return the most recent request", function() { expect(mostRecentAjaxRequest()).toEqual(anotherRequest); }); }); describe("when there are no requests", function () { beforeEach(function() { clearAjaxRequests(); }); it("should return null", function() { expect(mostRecentAjaxRequest()).toEqual(null); }); }); }); describe("clearAjaxRequests()", function () { beforeEach(function() { clearAjaxRequests(); }); it("should remove all requests", function() { expect(ajaxRequests.length).toEqual(0); expect(mostRecentAjaxRequest()).toEqual(null); }); }); }); describe("when simulating a response with request.response", function () { describe("and the response is Success", function () { beforeEach(function() { request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", dataType: 'text', success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); response = {status: 200, contentType: "text/html", responseText: "OK!"}; request.response(response); sharedContext.responseCallback = success; sharedContext.status = response.status; sharedContext.contentType = response.contentType; sharedContext.responseText = response.responseText; }); it("should call the success handler", function() { expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not call the failure handler", function() { expect(error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the complete handler", function() { expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Success(sharedContext); }); describe("and the response is Success, but with JSON", function () { beforeEach(function() { request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", dataType: 'json', success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); var responseObject = {status: 200, contentType: "application/json", responseText: '{"foo":"bar"}'}; request.response(responseObject); sharedContext.responseCallback = success; sharedContext.status = responseObject.status; sharedContext.contentType = responseObject.contentType; sharedContext.responseText = responseObject.responseText; response = success.mostRecentCall.args[2]; }); it("should call the success handler", function() { expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not call the failure handler", function() { expect(error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the complete handler", function() { expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should return a JavaScript object", function() { expect(success.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual({foo: "bar"}); }); sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Success(sharedContext); }); describe("the content type defaults to application/json", function () { beforeEach(function() { request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", dataType: 'json', success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); response = {status: 200, responseText: '{"foo": "valid JSON, dammit."}'}; request.response(response); sharedContext.responseCallback = success; sharedContext.status = response.status; sharedContext.contentType = "application/json"; sharedContext.responseText = response.responseText; }); it("should call the success handler", function() { expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not call the failure handler", function() { expect(error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the complete handler", function() { expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Success(sharedContext); }); describe("and the status/response code is 0", function () { beforeEach(function() { request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", dataType: "text", success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); response = {status: 0, responseText: '{"foo": "whoops!"}'}; request.response(response); sharedContext.responseCallback = success; sharedContext.status = 0; sharedContext.contentType = 'application/json'; sharedContext.responseText = response.responseText; }); it("should call the success handler", function() { expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not call the failure handler", function() { expect(error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the complete handler", function() { expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Success(sharedContext); }); }); describe("and the response is error", function () { beforeEach(function() { request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", dataType: "text", success: success, complete: complete, error: error }); response = {status: 500, contentType: "text/html", responseText: "(._){"}; request.response(response); sharedContext.responseCallback = error; sharedContext.status = response.status; sharedContext.contentType = response.contentType; sharedContext.responseText = response.responseText; }); it("should not call the success handler", function() { expect(success).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the failure handler", function() { expect(error).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the complete handler", function() { expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Failure(sharedContext); }); }); function sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Success(context) { describe("the success response", function () { var xhr; beforeEach(function() { xhr = context.responseCallback.mostRecentCall.args[2]; }); it("should have the expected status code", function() { expect(xhr.status).toEqual(context.status); }); it("should have the expected content type", function() { expect(xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-type')).toEqual(context.contentType); }); it("should have the expected response text", function() { expect(xhr.responseText).toEqual(context.responseText); }); }); } function sharedAjaxResponseBehaviorForJQuery_Failure(context) { describe("the failure response", function () { var xhr; beforeEach(function() { xhr = context.responseCallback.mostRecentCall.args[0]; }); it("should have the expected status code", function() { expect(xhr.status).toEqual(context.status); }); it("should have the expected content type", function() { expect(xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-type')).toEqual(context.contentType); }); it("should have the expected response text", function() { expect(xhr.responseText).toEqual(context.responseText); }); }); }