# Tutorial 5 - Dataobject Relationship Management ## Overview In the [second tutorial](2-extending-a-basic-site) we have learned how to add extrafields to a page type thanks to the *$db* array and how to add an image using the *$has_one* array and so create a relationship between a table and the *Image* table by storing the id of the respective *Image* in the first table. This tutorial explores all this relations between [DataObjects](/topics/datamodel#relations) and the way to manage them easily. ## What are we working towards? To simulate these relations between objects, we are going to simulate the management via the CMS of the **[Google Summer Of Code 2007](http://www.silverstripe.com/google-summer-of-code-2007-we-are-in/)** that SilverStripe was part of. To do this, we are gonna use the following objects : * Project : Project on SilverStripe system for the GSOC * Student : Student involved in the project * Mentor : SilverStripe developer * Module : Module used for the project This is a table which sums up the relations between them : | Project | Student | Mentor | Modules | | ------- | ------- | ------ | ------------------ | i18n Multi-Language | Bernat Foj Capell | Ingo Schommer | Cms, Sapphire, i18n, Translation | | Image Manipulation | Mateusz Ujma | Sam Minnee | Cms, Sapphire, ImageManipulation | | Google Maps | Ofir Picazo Navarro | Hayden Smith | Cms, Sapphire, Maps | | Mashups | Lakshan Perera | Matt Peel | Cms, Sapphire, MashUps | | Multiple Databases | Philipp Krenn | Brian Calhoun | Cms, Sapphire, MultipleDatabases | | Reporting | Quin Hoxie | Sam Minnee | Cms, Sapphire, Reporting | | Security & OpenID | Markus Lanthaler | Hayden Smith | Cms, Sapphire, auth_openid | | SEO | Will Scott | Brian Calhoun | Cms, Sapphire, googleadwords, googleanalytics | | Usability | Elijah Lofgren | Sean Harvey | Cms, Sapphire, UsabilityElijah | | Safari 3 Support | Meg Risen | Sean Harvey | Cms, Sapphire, UsabilityMeg | ## GSOC Projects Before starting the relations management, we need to create a *ProjectsHolder* class where we will save the GSOC Project pages. *tutorial/code/ProjectsHolder.php* :::php 'Text', 'Lastname' => 'Text', 'Nationality' => 'Text' ); function getCMSFields_forPopup() { $fields = new FieldSet(); $fields->push( new TextField( 'FirstName', 'First Name' ) ); $fields->push( new TextField( 'Lastname' ) ); $fields->push( new TextField( 'Nationality' ) ); return $fields; } } *tutorial/code/Project.php* :::php 'Student' ); } class Project_Controller extends Page_Controller {} This code will create a relationship between the *Project* table and the *Student* table by storing the id of the respective *Student* in the *Project* table. The second step is to add the table in the method *getCMSFields* which will allow you to manage the *has_one* relation. :::php class Project extends Page { ... function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $tablefield = new HasOneComplexTableField( $this, 'MyStudent', 'Student', array( 'FirstName' => 'First Name', 'Lastname' => 'Family Name', 'Nationality' => 'Nationality' ), 'getCMSFields_forPopup' ); $tablefield->setParentClass('Project'); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Student', $tablefield ); return $fields; } } Let’s walk through the parameters of the *HasOneComplexTableField* constructor. 1. **$this** : The first object concerned by the relation 2. **'MyStudent'** : The name of the second object of the relation 3. **'Student'** : The type of the second object of the relation 4. **array(...)** : The fields of the second object which will be in the table 5. **'getCMSFields_forPopup'** : The method which will be called to add, edit or only show a second object You can also directly replace the last parameter by this code : :::php new FieldSet( new TextField( 'FirstName', 'First Name' ), new TextField( 'Lastname' ), new TextField( 'Nationality' ) );
Don't forget to rebuild the database using *dev/build?flush=1* before you proceed to the next part of this tutorial.
Now that we have created our *Project* page type and *Student* data object, let’s add some content. Go into the CMS and create one *Project* page for each project listed [above](#what-are-we-working-towards) under a *ProjectsHolder* page named **GSOC Projects** for instance. ![tutorial:gsoc-project-creation.png](_images/gsoc-project-creation.jpg) As you can see in the tab panel *Student*, the adding functionality is titled *Add Student*. However, if you want to modify this title, you have to add this code in the *getCMSFields* method of the *Project* class : :::php $tablefield->setAddTitle( 'A Student' ); Select now one of the *Project* page that you have created, go in the tab panel *Student* and add all the students listed [above](#what-are-we-working-towards) by clicking on the link **Add A Student** of your *HasOneComplexTableField* table. ![tutorial:gsoc-student-creation.png](_images/gsoc-student-creation.jpg) After having added all the students, you will see that, in the tab panel *Student* of all the *Project* pages, the *HasOneComplexTableField* tables have the same content. For each *Project* page, you can now affect **one and only one** student to it ( see the [list](#What_are_we_working_towards?) ). ![tutorial:gsoc-project-student-selection.png](_images/gsoc-project-student-selection.jpg) You will also notice, that you have the possibility to **unselect** a student which will make your *Project* page without any student affected to it. **At the moment, the *HasOneComplexTableField* table doesn't manage totally the *1-to-1* relation because you can easily select the same student for two ( or more ) differents *Project* pages which corresponds to a *1-to-many* relation.** To use your *HasOneComplexTableField* table for a **1-to-1** relation, make this modification in the class *Project* : :::php class Project extends Page { ... function getCMSFields() { ... $tablefield->setParentClass('Project'); $tablefield->setOneToOne(); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Student', $tablefield ); return $fields; } } Now, you will notice that by checking a student in a *Project* page, you will be unable to select him again in any other *Project* page which is the definition of a **1-to-1** relation. ## Student - Mentor relation **A student has one mentor.** **A mentor has several students.** This relation is called a **1-to-many** relation. The first step is to create the mentor object and set the relation with the *Student* data object. *tutorial/code/Mentor.php* :::php 'Text', 'Lastname' => 'Text', 'Nationality' => 'Text' ); static $has_many = array( 'Students' => 'Student' ); function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Main', new TextField( 'FirstName' ) ); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Main', new TextField( 'Lastname' ) ); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Main', new TextField( 'Nationality' ) ); return $fields; } } class Mentor_Controller extends Page_Controller {} :::php class Student extends DataObject { ... static $has_one = array( 'MyMentor' => 'Mentor' ); } This code will create a relationship between the *Student* table and the *Mentor* table by storing the id of the respective *Mentor* in the *Student* table. The second step is to add the table in the method *getCMSFields* which will allow you to manage the *has_many* relation. :::php class Mentor extends Page { ... function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); ... $tablefield = new HasManyComplexTableField( $this, 'Students', 'Student', array( 'FirstName' => 'FirstName', 'Lastname' => 'Family Name', 'Nationality' => 'Nationality' ), 'getCMSFields_forPopup' ); $tablefield->setAddTitle( 'A Student' ); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Students', $tablefield ); return $fields; } } To know more about the parameters of the *HasManyComplexTableField* constructor, [check](#project_-_student_relation) those of the *HasOneComplexTableField* constructor.
Don't forget to rebuild the database using *dev/build?flush=1* before you proceed to the next part of this tutorial.
Now that we have created our *Mentor* page type, go into the CMS and create one *Mentor* page for each mentor listed [above](#what-are-we-working-towards) under a simple *Page* named **Mentors** for instance. ![tutorial:gsoc-mentor-creation.png](_images/gsoc-mentor-creation.jpg) For each *Mentor* page, you can now affect **many** students created previously ( see the [list](#What_are_we_working_towards?) ) by going in the tab panel *Students*. ![tutorial:gsoc-mentor-student-selection.png](_images/gsoc-mentor-student-selection.jpg) You will also notice, that by checking a student in a *Mentor* page, you will be unable to select him again in any other *Mentor* page which is the definition of a **1-to-many** relation. As the *HasOneComplexTableField* table, you also have the possibility not to select any student which will make your *Mentor* page without any student affected to it. ## Project - Module relation **A project uses several modules.** **A module is used by several projects.** This relation is called a **many-to-many** relation. The first step is to create the module object and set the relation with the *Project* page type. *tutorial/code/Module.php* :::php class Module extends DataObject { static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Text' ); static $belongs_many_many = array( 'Projects' => 'Project' ); function getCMSFields_forPopup() { $fields = new FieldSet(); $fields->push( new TextField( 'Name' ) ); return $fields; } } :::php class Project extends Page { ... static $many_many = array( 'Modules' => 'Module' ); } This code will create a relationship between the *Project* table and the *Module* table by storing the ids of the respective *Project* and *Module* in a another table named **Project_Modules**. The second step is to add the table in the method *getCMSFields* which will allow you to manage the *many_many* relation. :::php class Project extends Page { ... function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); ... $modulesTablefield = new ManyManyComplexTableField( $this, 'Modules', 'Module', array( 'Name' => 'Name' ), 'getCMSFields_forPopup' ); $modulesTablefield->setAddTitle( 'A Module' ); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Modules', $modulesTablefield ); return $fields; } } To know more about the parameters of the *ManyManyComplexTableField* constructor, [check](#project_-_student_relation) those of the *HasOneComplexTableField* constructor. Don't forget to rebuild the database using [http://localhost:3000/db/build?flush=1](http://localhost:3000/db/build?flush=1) before you proceed to the next part of this tutorial. Select now one of the *Project* page, go in the tab panel *Modules* and add all the modules listed [above](#what-are-we-working-towards) by clicking on the link **Add A Module** of your *ManyManyComplexTableField* table. ![tutorial:gsoc-module-creation.png](_images/gsoc-module-creation.jpg) For each *Project* page, you can now affect **many** modules created previously ( see the [list](#What_are_we_working_towards?) ) by going in the tab panel *Modules*. ![tutorial:gsoc-project-module-selection.png](_images/gsoc-project-module-selection.jpg) You will also notice, that you are able to select several times a *Module* on different *Project* pages which is the definition of a **many-to-many** relation. As the *HasOneComplexTableField* and *HasManyComplexTableField* table, you also have the possibility not to select any module which will make your *Project* page without any module affected to it. ## Displaying the data on your website Now that we have created all the *Page* and *DataObject* classes necessary and the relational tables to manage the [relations](../topics/datamodel#relations) between them, we would like to see these relations on the website. We will see in this section how to display all these relations but also how to create a template for a *DataObject*. For every kind of *Page* or *DataObject*, you can access to their relations thanks to the **control** loop. **__1. GSOC Projects__** Let's start with the *ProjectsHolder* page created before. For this template, we are will display the same table than [above](#what-are-we-working-towards). ![tutorial:gsoc-projects-table.png](_images/gsoc-projects-table.jpg) *tutorial/templates/Layout/ProjectsHolder.ss* :::ss
<% if Menu(2) %> <% include SideBar %>
<% end_if %> <% if Level(2) %> <% include BreadCrumbs %> <% end_if %>


$Content <% control Children %> <% end_control %>
Project Student Mentor Modules
$Title <% if MyStudent %> <% control MyStudent %> $FirstName $Lastname <% end_control %> <% else %> No Student <% end_if %> <% if MyStudent %> <% control MyStudent %> <% if MyMentor %> <% control MyMentor %> $FirstName $Lastname <% end_control %> <% else %> No Mentor <% end_if %> <% end_control %> <% else %> No Mentor <% end_if %> <% if Modules %> <% control Modules %> $Name   <% end_control %> <% else %> No Modules <% end_if %>
$Form $PageComments <% if Menu(2) %>
<% end_if %>
*tutorial/templates/Includes/SideBar.ss* You might want to move the include above the typography div in your layouts to get rid of the bullets. :::ss <% if Menu(2) %> <% end_if %> **__2. Project__** We know now how to easily access and show [relations](../topics/datamodel#relations) between *DataObject* in a template. We can now do the same for every *Project* page by creating its own template. ![tutorial:gsoc-project.png](_images/gsoc-project.jpg) *tutorial/templates/Layout/Project.ss* :::ss
<% if Menu(2) %> <% include SideBar %>
<% end_if %> <% if Level(2) %> <% include BreadCrumbs %> <% end_if %>




<% if MyStudent %> <% control MyStudent %>

First Name: $FirstName

Lastname: $Lastname

Nationality: $Nationality


<% if MyMentor %> <% control MyMentor %>

First Name: $FirstName

Lastname: $Lastname

Nationality: $Nationality

<% end_control %> <% else %>

This student doesn't have any mentor.

<% end_if %> <% end_control %> <% else %>

There is no any student working on this project.

<% end_if %>


<% if Modules %> <% else %>

This project has not used any modules.

<% end_if %> $Form $PageComments <% if Menu(2) %>
<% end_if %>
What we would like now is to create a special template for the *DataObject* *Student* and the *Page* *Mentor* which will be used when we will call directly the variable in the *Project* template. In our case, we will use the same template because these two classes have the same fields ( FirstName, Surname and Nationality ). *tutorial/templates/Includes/GSOCPerson.ss* :::ss

First Name: $FirstName

Lastname: $Lastname

Nationality: $Nationality

Now the template is created, we need to establish the link between the *Student* and *Mentor* classes with their common template. To do so, add this code in the two classes. This will create a control on each of those objects which can be called from templates either within a control block or dot notation. *tutorial/code/Student.php, tutorial/code/Mentor.php* :::php function PersonalInfo() { $template = 'GSOCPerson'; return $this->renderWith( $template ); } We can now modify the *Project* template. :::ss ... <% if MyStudent %> $MyStudent.PersonalInfo


<% control MyStudent %> <% if MyMentor %> $MyMentor.PersonalInfo <% else %>

This student doesn't have any mentor.

<% end_if %> <% end_control %> <% else %>

There is no any student working on this project.

<% end_if %> ... In the *Project* template, it has been really easy to display the **1-to-1** relation with a *Student* object just by calling the variable **$MyStudent**. This has been made possible thanks to the code below present in the *Project* class. :::php static $has_one = array( 'MyStudent' => 'Student' ); However, in the *Student* class, there is no any code relating to the **1-to-1** relation with a *Project* *Page*. So how to access it from a *Student* *DataObject* ? **__3. Mentor__** In this template, we are gonna try to access the *Project* details from a *Student* *DataObject*. What we want to do is to access to the *Project* page in the same way than we have done for the other relations **without modifying the relations between *Page* and *DataObject* and the database structure**. ![tutorial:gsoc-mentor.png](_images/gsoc-mentor.jpg) To do so, we have to create a function in the *Student* class which will return the *Project* linked with it. Let's call it *MyProject* for instance. :::php class Student extends DataObject { ... function MyProject() { return DataObject::get( 'Project', "`MyStudentID` = '{$this->ID}'" ); } } We can now use this value in the same way that we have used the other relations. That's how we can use this function in the *Mentor* template. *tutorial/templates/Layout/Mentor.ss* :::ss
<% if Menu(2) %> <% include SideBar %>
<% end_if %> <% if Level(2) %> <% include BreadCrumbs %> <% end_if %>



Personal Details

First Name: $FirstName

Lastname: $Lastname

Nationality: $Nationality


<% if Students %> <% control Students %> <% end_control %>
Student Project
$FirstName $Lastname <% if MyProject %> <% control MyProject %> $Title <% end_control %> <% else %> No Project <% end_if %>
<% else %>

There is no any student working with this mentor.

<% end_if %> $Form $PageComments <% if Menu(2) %>
<% end_if %>
## Summary This tutorial has demonstrated how easy it is to manage all the type of relations between *DataObject* objects in the CMS and how to display them on the website. ## Download the code You can download all the [complete code](http://doc.silverstripe.org/src/github/master/sapphire/docs/en/tutorials/_images/tutorial5-completecode.zip) of this tutorial.