parent = $parent ; $this->flags = array() ; } function __set( $k, $v ) { $this->flags[$k] = $v ; return $v ; } function __get( $k ) { if ( isset( $this->flags[$k] ) ) return $this->flags[$k] ; if ( isset( $this->parent ) ) return $this->parent->$k ; return NULL ; } } /** * PHPWriter contains several code generation snippets that are used both by the Token and the Rule compiler */ class PHPWriter { static $varid = 0 ; function varid() { return '_' . (self::$varid++) ; } function function_name( $str ) { $str = preg_replace( '/-/', '_', $str ) ; $str = preg_replace( '/\$/', 'DLR', $str ) ; $str = preg_replace( '/\*/', 'STR', $str ) ; $str = preg_replace( '/[^\w]+/', '', $str ) ; return $str ; } function save($id) { return PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$res'.$id.' = $result;', '$pos'.$id.' = $this->pos;' ); } function restore( $id, $remove = FALSE ) { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$result = $res'.$id.';', '$this->pos = $pos'.$id.';' ); if ( $remove ) $code->l( 'unset( $res'.$id.' );', 'unset( $pos'.$id.' );' ); return $code ; } function match_fail_conditional( $on, $match = NULL, $fail = NULL ) { return PHPBuilder::build() ->b( 'if (' . $on . ')', $match, 'MATCH' ) ->b( 'else', $fail, 'FAIL' ); } function match_fail_block( $code ) { $id = $this->varid() ; return PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$'.$id.' = NULL;' ) ->b( 'do', $code->replace(array( 'MBREAK' => '$'.$id.' = TRUE; break;', 'FBREAK' => '$'.$id.' = FALSE; break;' )) ) ->l( 'while(0);' ) ->b( 'if( $'.$id.' === TRUE )', 'MATCH' ) ->b( 'if( $'.$id.' === FALSE)', 'FAIL' ) ; } } /** * A Token is any portion of a match rule. Tokens are responsible for generating the code to match against them. * * This base class provides the compile() function, which handles the token modifiers ( ? * + & ! ) * * Each child class should provide the function match_code() which will generate the code to match against that specific token type. * In that generated code they should include the lines MATCH or FAIL when a match or a decisive failure occurs. These will * be overwritten when they are injected into parent Tokens or Rules. There is no requirement on where MATCH and FAIL can occur. * They tokens are also responsible for storing and restoring state when nessecary to handle a non-decisive failure. * * @author hamish * */ abstract class Token extends PHPWriter { public $optional = FALSE ; public $zero_or_more = FALSE ; public $one_or_more = FALSE ; public $positive_lookahead = FALSE ; public $negative_lookahead = FALSE ; public $silent = FALSE ; public $tag = FALSE ; public $type ; public $value ; function __construct( $type, $value = NULL ) { $this->type = $type ; $this->value = $value ; } // abstract protected function match_code() ; function compile() { $code = $this->match_code() ; $id = $this->varid() ; if ( $this->optional ) { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( $this->save($id), $code->replace( array( 'FAIL' => $this->restore($id,true) )) ); } if ( $this->zero_or_more ) { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->b( 'while (true)', $this->save($id), $code->replace( array( 'MATCH' => NULL, 'FAIL' => $this->restore($id,true) ->l( 'break;' ) )) ) ->l( 'MATCH' ); } if ( $this->one_or_more ) { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$count = 0;' ) ->b( 'while (true)', $this->save($id), $code->replace( array( 'MATCH' => NULL, 'FAIL' => $this->restore($id,true) ->l( 'break;' ) )), '$count += 1;' ) ->b( 'if ($count > 0)', 'MATCH' ) ->b( 'else', 'FAIL' ); } if ( $this->positive_lookahead ) { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( $this->save($id), $code->replace( array( 'MATCH' => $this->restore($id) ->l( 'MATCH' ), 'FAIL' => $this->restore($id) ->l( 'FAIL' ) ))); } if ( $this->negative_lookahead ) { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( $this->save($id), $code->replace( array( 'MATCH' => $this->restore($id) ->l( 'FAIL' ), 'FAIL' => $this->restore($id) ->l( 'MATCH' ) ))); } if ( $this->tag && !($this instanceof TokenRecurse ) ) { $rid = $this->varid() ; $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$substack[] = $result;', '$result = $this->construct( "'.$this->tag.'" );', $code->replace(array( 'MATCH' => PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$subres = $result ;', '$result = array_pop( $substack ) ;', '$this->store( $result, $subres, \''.$this->tag.'\' );', 'MATCH' ), 'FAIL' => PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$result = array_pop( $substack ) ;', 'FAIL' ) ))); } return $code ; } } abstract class TokenTerminal extends Token { function set_text( $text ) { return $this->silent ? NULL : '$result["text"] .= ' . $text . ';'; } protected function match_code( $value ) { return $this->match_fail_conditional( '( $subres = $this->'.$this->type.'( '.$value.' ) ) !== FALSE', $this->set_text('$subres') ); } } abstract class TokenExpressionable extends TokenTerminal { static $expression_rx = '/\$(\w+)/' ; function contains_expression(){ return preg_match(self::$expression_rx, $this->value); } function match_code( $value ) { if (!$this->contains_expression()) parent::match_code($value); $id = $this->varid() ; return PHPBuilder::build()->l( '$'.$id.' = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );', parent::match_code('$'.$id.'->expand('.$value.')') ); } } class TokenLiteral extends TokenExpressionable { function __construct( $value ) { parent::__construct( 'literal', $value ); } function match_code() { // We inline single-character matches for speed if ( strlen( eval( 'return '. $this->value . ';' ) ) == 1 ) { return $this->match_fail_conditional( 'substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '.$this->value, PHPBuilder::build()->l( '$this->pos += 1;', $this->set_text( $this->value ) ) ); } return parent::match_code($this->value); } } class TokenRegex extends TokenExpressionable { static function escape( $rx ) { $rx = str_replace( "'", "\\'", $rx ) ; $rx = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', $rx ) ; return $rx ; } function __construct( $value ) { parent::__construct('rx', self::escape($value)); } function match_code() { return parent::match_code("'{$this->value}'"); } } class TokenWhitespace extends TokenTerminal { function __construct( $optional ) { parent::__construct( 'whitespace', $optional ) ; } /* Call recursion indirectly */ function match_code() { $code = parent::match_code( '' ) ; return $this->value ? $code->replace( array( 'FAIL' => NULL )) : $code ; } } class TokenPHP extends TokenTerminal { function __construct( $value ) { parent::__construct( 'php', $value ) ; } /* Call recursion indirectly */ function match_code() { $id = $this->varid() ; return PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$'.$id.' = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );', $this->match_fail_block( '( $subres = $'.$id.'->match( \''.$this->value.'\' ) ) !== FALSE', PHPBuilder::build() ->b( 'if ( is_string( $subres ) )', $this->set_text('$subres') ) ->b( 'else', '$this->store($result, $subres);' ) )); } } class TokenRecurse extends Token { function __construct( $value ) { parent::__construct( 'recurse', $value ) ; } function match_code() { $function = $this->function_name( $this->value ) ; $storetag = $this->function_name( $this->tag ? $this->tag : $this->value ) ; if ( ParserCompiler::$debug ) { $debug_header = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( '$indent = str_repeat( " ", $this->depth );', '$this->depth += 2;', '$sub = ( strlen( $this->string ) - $this->pos > 20 ) ? ( substr( $this->string, $this->pos, 20 ) . "..." ) : substr( $this->string, $this->pos );', '$sub = preg_replace( \'/(\r|\n)+/\', " {NL} ", $sub );', 'print( $indent."Matching against '.$function.' (".$sub.")\n" );' ); $debug_match = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( 'print( $indent."MATCH\n" );', '$this->depth -= 2;' ); $debug_fail = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( 'print( $indent."FAIL\n" );', '$this->depth -= 2;' ); } else { $debug_header = $debug_match = $debug_fail = NULL ; } return PHPBuilder::build()->l( $debug_header, '$key = "'.$function.'"; $pos = $this->pos;', // :{$this->pos}";', '$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_'.$function.'(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );', $this->match_fail_conditional( '$subres !== FALSE', PHPBuilder::build()->l( $debug_match, $this->tag === FALSE ? '$this->store( $result, $subres );' : '$this->store( $result, $subres, "'.$storetag.'" );' ), PHPBuilder::build()->l( $debug_fail ) )); } } class TokenSequence extends Token { function __construct( $value ) { parent::__construct( 'sequence', $value ) ; } function match_code() { $code = PHPBuilder::build() ; foreach( $this->value as $token ) { $code->l( $token->compile()->replace(array( 'MATCH' => NULL, 'FAIL' => 'FBREAK' )) ); } $code->l( 'MBREAK' ); return $this->match_fail_block( $code ) ; } } class TokenOption extends Token { function __construct( $opt1, $opt2 ) { parent::__construct( 'option', array( $opt1, $opt2 ) ) ; } function match_code() { $id = $this->varid() ; $code = PHPBuilder::build() ->l( $this->save($id) ) ; foreach ( $this->value as $opt ) { $code->l( $opt->compile()->replace(array( 'MATCH' => 'MBREAK', 'FAIL' => NULL )), $this->restore($id) ); } $code->l( 'FBREAK' ) ; return $this->match_fail_block( $code ) ; } } /** * Handles storing of information for an expression that applys to the next token, and deletion of that * information after applying * * @author Hamish Friedlander */ class Pending { function __construct() { $this->what = NULL ; } function set( $what, $val = TRUE ) { $this->what = $what ; $this->val = $val ; } function apply_if_present( $on ) { if ( $this->what !== NULL ) { $what = $this->what ; $on->$what = $this->val ; $this->what = NULL ; } } } /** * Rule parsing and code generation * * A rule is the basic unit of a PEG. This parses one rule, and generates a function that will match on a string * * @author Hamish Friedlander */ class Rule extends PHPWriter { static $rule_rx = '@^[\x20\t]+(.*)@' ; static $func_rx = '@^[\x20\t]+function\s+([^\s(]+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)@' ; function __construct( $indent, $rules, $match ) { $this->indent = $indent; $this->name = $match[1][0] ; $this->rule = $match[2][0] ; $this->functions = array() ; $active_function = NULL ; /* Find all the lines following the rule start which are indented */ $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $match[0][0] ) ; $lines = preg_split( '/\r\n|\r|\n/', substr( $rules, $offset ) ) ; $rule_rx = '@^'.preg_quote($indent).'[\x20\t]+(.*)@' ; $func_rx = '@^'.preg_quote($indent).'[\x20\t]+function\s+([^\s(]+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)@' ; foreach( $lines as $line ) { if ( !trim( $line ) ) continue ; if ( !preg_match( $rule_rx, $line, $match ) ) break ; /* Handle function definitions */ if ( preg_match( $func_rx, $line, $func_match, 0 ) ) { $active_function = $func_match[1] ; $this->functions[$active_function] = array( $func_match[2], "" ) ; } else { if ( $active_function ) $this->functions[$active_function][1] .= $line . PHP_EOL ; else $this->rule .= PHP_EOL . trim($line) ; } } $this->parse_rule() ; } /* Manual parsing, because we can't bootstrap ourselves yet */ function parse_rule() { $rule = trim( $this->rule ) ; /* If this is a regex end-token, just mark it and return */ if ( substr( $rule, 0, 1 ) == '/' ) { $this->parsed = new TokenRegex( $rule ) ; } else { $tokens = array() ; $this->tokenize( $rule, $tokens ) ; $this->parsed = ( count( $tokens ) == 1 ? array_pop( $tokens ) : new TokenSequence( $tokens ) ) ; } } static $rx_rx = '{^/( ((\\\\\\\\)*\\\\/) # Escaped \/, making sure to catch all the \\ first, so that we dont think \\/ is an escaped / | [^/] # Anything except / )*/}xu' ; function tokenize( $str, &$tokens, $o = 0 ) { $pending = new Pending() ; while ( $o < strlen( $str ) ) { $sub = substr( $str, $o ) ; /* Absorb white-space */ if ( preg_match( '/^\s+/', $sub, $match ) ) { $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle expression labels */ elseif ( preg_match( '/^(\w*):/', $sub, $match ) ) { $pending->set( 'tag', isset( $match[1] ) ? $match[1] : '' ) ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle descent token */ elseif ( preg_match( '/^[\w-]+/', $sub, $match ) ) { $tokens[] = $t = new TokenRecurse( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle " quoted literals */ elseif ( preg_match( '/^"[^"]*"/', $sub, $match ) ) { $tokens[] = $t = new TokenLiteral( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle ' quoted literals */ elseif ( preg_match( "/^'[^']*'/", $sub, $match ) ) { $tokens[] = $t = new TokenLiteral( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle regexs */ elseif ( preg_match( self::$rx_rx, $sub, $match ) ) { $tokens[] = $t = new TokenRegex( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle $ call literals */ elseif ( preg_match( '/^\$(\w+)/', $sub, $match ) ) { $tokens[] = $t = new TokenPHP( $match[1] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; } /* Handle flags */ elseif ( preg_match( '/^\@(\w+)/', $sub, $match ) ) { $l = count( $tokens ) - 1 ; $o += strlen( $match[0] ) ; user_error( "TODO: Flags not currently supported", E_USER_WARNING ) ; } /* Handle control tokens */ else { $c = substr( $sub, 0, 1 ) ; $l = count( $tokens ) - 1 ; $o += 1 ; switch( $c ) { case '?': $tokens[$l]->optional = TRUE ; break ; case '*': $tokens[$l]->zero_or_more = TRUE ; break ; case '+': $tokens[$l]->one_or_more = TRUE ; break ; case '&': $pending->set( 'positive_lookahead' ) ; break ; case '!': $pending->set( 'negative_lookahead' ) ; break ; case '.': $pending->set( 'silent' ); break; case '[': case ']': $tokens[] = new TokenWhitespace( FALSE ) ; break ; case '<': case '>': $tokens[] = new TokenWhitespace( TRUE ) ; break ; case '(': $subtokens = array() ; $o = $this->tokenize( $str, $subtokens, $o ) ; $tokens[] = $t = new TokenSequence( $subtokens ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ; break ; case ')': return $o ; case '|': $option1 = $tokens ; $option2 = array() ; $o = $this->tokenize( $str, $option2, $o ) ; $option1 = (count($option1) == 1) ? $option1[0] : new TokenSequence( $option1 ); $option2 = (count($option2) == 1) ? $option2[0] : new TokenSequence( $option2 ); $pending->apply_if_present( $option2 ) ; $tokens = array( new TokenOption( $option1, $option2 ) ) ; return $o ; default: user_error( "Can't parser $c - attempting to skip", E_USER_WARNING ) ; } } } return $o ; } /** * Generate the PHP code for a function to match against a string for this rule */ function compile() { $function_name = $this->function_name( $this->name ) ; $match = PHPBuilder::build() ; if ( $this->parsed instanceof TokenRegex ) { $match->b( "function match_{$function_name} (\$substack = array())", '$result = array("name"=>"'.$function_name.'", "text"=>"");', $this->parsed->compile()->replace(array( 'MATCH' => 'return $result;', 'FAIL' => 'return FALSE;' )) ); } else { $match->b( "function match_{$function_name} (\$substack = array())", '$result = $this->construct( "'.$function_name.'" );', $this->parsed->compile()->replace(array( 'MATCH' => 'return $this->finalise( "'.$function_name.'", $result );', 'FAIL' => 'return FALSE;' )) ); } $functions = array() ; foreach( $this->functions as $name => $function ) { $function_name = $this->function_name( preg_match( '/^_/', $name ) ? $this->name.$name : $this->name.'_'.$name ) ; $functions[] = implode( PHP_EOL, array( 'function ' . $function_name . ' ( ' . $function[0] . ' ) { ', $function[1], )); } // print_r( $match ) ; return '' ; return $match->render(NULL, $this->indent) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . implode( PHP_EOL, $functions ) ; } } class ParserCompiler { static $debug = false; static $currentClass = null; static function create_parser( $match ) { /* We allow indenting of the whole rule block, but only to the level of the comment start's indent */ $indent = $match[1]; /* The regex to match a rule */ $rx = '@^'.preg_quote($indent).'([\w\-]+):(.*)$@m' ; /* Class isn't actually used ATM. Eventually it might be used for rule inlineing optimization */ if ($class = trim($match[2])) self::$currentClass = $class; elseif (self::$currentClass) $class = self::$currentClass; else $class = self::$currentClass = 'Anonymous Parser'; /* Get the actual body of the parser rule set */ $rulestr = $match[3] ; /* Check for pragmas */ if (strpos($class, '!') === 0) { switch ($class) { case '!silent': // NOP - dont output return ''; case '!insert_autogen_warning': return $ident . implode(PHP_EOL.$ident, array( '/*', 'WARNING: This file has been machine generated. Do not edit it, or your changes will be overwritten next time it is compiled.', '*/' )) . PHP_EOL; case '!debug': self::$debug = true; return ''; } throw new Exception("Unknown pragma $class encountered when compiling parser"); } $rules = array(); preg_match_all( $rx, $rulestr, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ; foreach ( $matches as $match ) { $rules[] = new Rule( $indent, $rulestr, $match ) ; } $out = array() ; foreach ( $rules as $rule ) { $out[] = $indent . '/* ' . $rule->name . ':' . $rule->rule . ' */' . PHP_EOL ; $out[] = $rule->compile() ; $out[] = PHP_EOL ; } return implode( '', $out ) ; } static function compile( $string ) { static $rx = '@ ^([\x20\t]*)/\*!\* (?:[\x20\t]*(!?\w*))? # Start with some indent, a comment with the special marker, then an optional name ((?:[^*]|\*[^/])*) # Any amount of "a character that isnt a star, or a star not followed by a / \*/ # The comment end @mx'; return preg_replace_callback( $rx, array( 'ParserCompiler', 'create_parser' ), $string ) ; } static function cli( $args ) { if ( count( $args ) == 1 ) { print "Parser Compiler: A compiler for PEG parsers in PHP \n" ; print "(C) 2009 SilverStripe. See COPYING for redistribution rights. \n" ; print "\n" ; print "Usage: {$args[0]} infile [ outfile ]\n" ; print "\n" ; } else { $fname = ( $args[1] == '-' ? 'php://stdin' : $args[1] ) ; $string = file_get_contents( $fname ) ; $string = self::compile( $string ) ; if ( !empty( $args[2] ) && $args[2] != '-' ) { file_put_contents( $args[2], $string ) ; } else { print $string ; } } } }