'HTMLText', ); /** * The width of an image thumbnail in a strip. * @var int */ public static $strip_thumbnail_width = 50; /** * The height of an image thumbnail in a strip. * @var int */ public static $strip_thumbnail_height = 50; /** * The width of an image thumbnail in the CMS. * @var int */ public static $cms_thumbnail_width = 100; /** * The height of an image thumbnail in the CMS. */ public static $cms_thumbnail_height = 100; /** * The width of an image thumbnail in the Asset section. */ public static $asset_thumbnail_width = 100; /** * The height of an image thumbnail in the Asset section. */ public static $asset_thumbnail_height = 100; /** * The width of an image preview in the Asset section. */ public static $asset_preview_width = 400; /** * The height of an image preview in the Asset section. */ public static $asset_preview_height = 200; /** * Set up template methods to access the transformations generated by 'generate' methods. */ public function defineMethods() { $methodNames = $this->allMethodNames(); foreach($methodNames as $methodName) { if(substr($methodName,0,8) == 'generate') { $this->addWrapperMethod(substr($methodName,8), 'getFormattedImage'); } } parent::defineMethods(); } /** * An image exists if it has a filename. * @return boolean */ public function exists() { if(isset($this->record["Filename"])) { return true; } } /** * Get the relative URL for this Image. * Overwrites File->URL() which returns an absolute URL. * * @todo Refactor to return absolute URL like {@link File} * @uses Director::baseURL() * @return string */ function getURL() { return Director::baseURL() . $this->Filename; } /** * Return an XHTML img tag for this Image. * @return string */ function getTag() { if(file_exists("../" . $this->Filename)) { $url = $this->URL(); $title = ($this->Title) ? $this->Title : $this->Filename; return "\"$title\""; } } /** * Return an XHTML img tag for this Image. * @return string */ function forTemplate() { return $this->Tag(); } /** * Load a recently uploaded image into this image field. * @param array $tmpFile The array entry from $_FILES * @return boolean Returns true if successful */ function loadUploaded($tmpFile) { if(parent::loadUploaded($tmpFile) === true) { $this->deleteFormattedImages(); return true; } } function loadUploadedImage($tmpFile) { if(!is_array($tmpFile)) { user_error("Image::loadUploadedImage() Not passed an array. Most likely, the form hasn't got the right enctype", E_USER_ERROR); } if(!$tmpFile['size']) { return; } $class = $this->class; // Create a folder if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) { mkdir(ASSETS_PATH, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask); } if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH . "/$class")) { mkdir(ASSETS_PATH . "/$class", Filesystem::$folder_create_mask); } // Generate default filename $file = str_replace(' ', '-',$tmpFile['name']); $file = ereg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9+.-]+','',$file); $file = ereg_replace('-+', '-',$file); if(!$file) { $file = "file.jpg"; } $file = ASSETS_PATH . "/$class/$file"; while(file_exists(BASE_PATH . "/$file")) { $i = $i ? ($i+1) : 2; $oldFile = $file; $file = ereg_replace('[0-9]*(\.[^.]+$)',$i . '\\1', $file); if($oldFile == $file && $i > 2) user_error("Couldn't fix $file with $i", E_USER_ERROR); } if(file_exists($tmpFile['tmp_name']) && copy($tmpFile['tmp_name'], BASE_PATH . "/$file")) { // Remove the old images $this->deleteFormattedImages(); return true; } } public function SetWidth($width) { return $this->getFormattedImage('SetWidth', $width); } public function SetHeight($height) { return $this->getFormattedImage('SetHeight', $height); } public function SetSize($width, $height) { return $this->getFormattedImage('SetSize', $width, $height); } public function SetRatioSize($width, $height) { return $this->getFormattedImage('SetRatioSize', $width, $height); } public function generateSetRatioSize(GD $gd, $width, $height) { return $gd->resizeRatio($width, $height); } /** * Resize this Image by width, keeping aspect ratio. Use in templates with $SetWidth. * @return GD */ public function generateSetWidth(GD $gd, $width) { return $gd->resizeByWidth($width); } /** * Resize this Image by height, keeping aspect ratio. Use in templates with $SetHeight. * @return GD */ public function generateSetHeight(GD $gd, $height){ return $gd->resizeByHeight($height); } /** * Resize this Image by both width and height, using padded resize. Use in templates with $SetSize. * @return GD */ public function generateSetSize(GD $gd, $width, $height) { return $gd->paddedResize($width, $height); } public function CMSThumbnail() { return $this->getFormattedImage('CMSThumbnail'); } /** * Resize this image for the CMS. Use in templates with $CMSThumbnail. * @return GD */ function generateCMSThumbnail(GD $gd) { return $gd->paddedResize($this->stat('cms_thumbnail_width'),$this->stat('cms_thumbnail_height')); } /** * Resize this image for preview in the Asset section. Use in templates with $AssetLibraryPreview. * @return GD */ function generateAssetLibraryPreview(GD $gd) { return $gd->paddedResize($this->stat('asset_preview_width'),$this->stat('asset_preview_height')); } /** * Resize this image for thumbnail in the Asset section. Use in templates with $AssetLibraryThumbnail. * @return GD */ function generateAssetLibraryThumbnail(GD $gd) { return $gd->paddedResize($this->stat('asset_thumbnail_width'),$this->stat('asset_thumbnail_height')); } /** * Resize this image for use as a thumbnail in a strip. Use in templates with $StripThumbnail. * @return GD */ function generateStripThumbnail(GD $gd) { return $gd->croppedResize($this->stat('strip_thumbnail_width'),$this->stat('strip_thumbnail_height')); } function generatePaddedImage(GD $gd, $width, $height) { return $gd->paddedResize($width, $height); } /** * Return an image object representing the image in the given format. * This image will be generated using generateFormattedImage(). * The generated image is cached, to flush the cache append ?flush=1 to your URL. * @param string $format The name of the format. * @param string $arg1 An argument to pass to the generate function. * @param string $arg2 A second argument to pass to the generate function. * @return Image_Cached */ function getFormattedImage($format, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) { if($this->ID && $this->Filename && Director::fileExists($this->Filename)) { $cacheFile = $this->cacheFilename($format, $arg1, $arg2); if(!file_exists("../".$cacheFile) || isset($_GET['flush'])) { $this->generateFormattedImage($format, $arg1, $arg2); } return new Image_Cached($cacheFile); } } /** * Return the filename for the cached image, given it's format name and arguments. * @param string $format The format name. * @param string $arg1 The first argument passed to the generate function. * @param string $arg2 The second argument passed to the generate function. * @return string */ function cacheFilename($format, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) { $folder = $this->ParentID ? $this->Parent()->Filename : ASSETS_DIR . "/"; $format = $format.$arg1.$arg2; return $folder . "_resampled/$format-" . $this->Name; } /** * Generate an image on the specified format. It will save the image * at the location specified by cacheFilename(). The image will be generated * using the specific 'generate' method for the specified format. * @param string $format Name of the format to generate. * @param string $arg1 Argument to pass to the generate method. * @param string $arg2 A second argument to pass to the generate method. */ function generateFormattedImage($format, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) { $cacheFile = $this->cacheFilename($format, $arg1, $arg2); $gd = new GD("../" . $this->Filename); if($gd->hasGD()){ $generateFunc = "generate$format"; if($this->hasMethod($generateFunc)){ $gd = $this->$generateFunc($gd, $arg1, $arg2); if($gd){ $gd->writeTo("../" . $cacheFile); } } else { USER_ERROR("Image::generateFormattedImage - Image $format function not found.",E_USER_WARNING); } } } /** * Generate a resized copy of this image with the given width & height. * Use in templates with $ResizedImage. */ function generateResizedImage($gd, $width, $height) { if(is_numeric($gd) || !$gd){ USER_ERROR("Image::generateFormattedImage - generateResizedImage is being called by legacy code or gd is not set.",E_USER_WARNING); }else{ return $gd->resize($width, $height); } } /** * Generate a resized copy of this image with the given width & height, cropping to maintain aspect ratio. * Use in templates with $CroppedImage */ function generateCroppedImage($gd, $width, $height) { return $gd->croppedResize($width, $height); } /** * Remove all of the formatted cached images. * Should be called by any method that updates the current image. */ public function deleteFormattedImages() { if($this->Filename) { $numDeleted = 0; $methodNames = $this->allMethodNames(); $numDeleted = 0; foreach($methodNames as $methodName) { if(substr($methodName,0,8) == 'generate') { $format = substr($methodName,8); $cacheFile = $this->cacheFilename($format); if(Director::fileExists($cacheFile)) { unlink(Director::getAbsFile($cacheFile)); $numDeleted++; } } } return $numDeleted; } } /** * Get the dimensions of this Image. * @param string $dim If this is equal to "string", return the dimensions in string form, * if it is 0 return the height, if it is 1 return the width. * @return string|int */ function getDimensions($dim = "string") { if($this->getField('Filename')) { $imagefile = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $this->getField('Filename'); if(file_exists($imagefile)) { $size = getimagesize($imagefile); return ($dim === "string") ? "$size[0]x$size[1]" : $size[$dim]; } else { return ($dim === "string") ? "file '$imagefile' not found" : null; } } } /** * Get the width of this image. * @return int */ function getWidth() { return $this->getDimensions(0); } /** * Get the height of this image. * @return int */ function getHeight() { return $this->getDimensions(1); } /** * Get the orientation of this image. * @return ORIENTATION_SQUARE | ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE */ function getOrientation() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $height = $this->getHeight(); if($width > $height) { return self::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; } elseif($height > $width) { return self::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; } else { return self::ORIENTATION_SQUARE; } } // ################### // DEPRECATED // ################### /** * @deprecated Use getTag() instead */ function Tag() { return $this->getTag(); } /** * @deprecated Use getURL() instead */ function URL() { return $this->getURL(); } } /** * A resized / processed {@link Image} object. * When Image object are processed or resized, a suitable Image_Cached object is returned, pointing to the * cached copy of the processed image. * @package sapphire * @subpackage filesystem */ class Image_Cached extends Image { /** * Create a new cached image. * @param string $filename The filename of the image. * @param boolean $isSingleton This this to true if this is a singleton() object, a stub for calling methods. Singletons * don't have their defaults set. */ public function __construct($filename = null, $isSingleton = false) { parent::__construct(array(), $isSingleton); $this->Filename = $filename; } public function getRelativePath() { return $this->getField('Filename'); } // Prevent this from doing anything public function requireTable() { } public function debug() { return "Image_Cached object for $this->Filename"; } }