lowest priority order * * - Any values set via a call to Config#update * * - The configuration values taken from the YAML files in _config directories (internally sorted in before / after * order, where the item that is latest is highest priority) * * - Any static set on an "additional static source" class (such as an extension) named the same as the name of the * property * * - Any static set on the class named the same as the name of the property * * - The composite configuration value of the parent class of this class * * At some of these levels you can also set masks. These remove values from the composite value at their priority * point rather than add. They are much simpler. They consist of a list of key / value pairs. When applied against the * current composite value: * * - If the composite value is a sequential array, any member of that array that matches any value in the mask is * removed * * - If the composite value is an associative array, any member of that array that matches both the key and value of * any pair in the mask is removed * * - If the composite value is not an array, if that value matches any value in the mask it is removed */ class Config { /** * [A marker instance for the "anything" singleton value. Don't access directly, even in-class, always use * self::anything() * @var Object */ static private $_anything = null; /** * Get a marker class instance that is used to do a "remove anything with this key" by adding * $key => Config::anything() to the suppress array * * @todo Does this follow the SS coding conventions? Config::get_anything_marker_instance() is a lot less elegant. * @return Object */ static public function anything() { if (self::$_anything === null) self::$_anything = new stdClass(); return self::$_anything; } // -- Source options bitmask -- /** * source options bitmask value - merge all parent configuration in as lowest priority * @const */ const INHERITED = 0; /** * source options bitmask value - only get configuration set for this specific class, not any of it's parents * @const */ const UNINHERITED = 1; /** * source options bitmask value - inherit, but stop on the first class that actually provides a value (event an * empty value) * @const */ const FIRST_SET = 2; /** @const source options bitmask value - do not use additional statics sources (such as extension) */ const EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES = 4; // -- get_value_type response enum -- /** * Return flag for get_value_type indicating value is a scalar (or really just not-an-array, at least ATM) * @const */ const ISNT_ARRAY = 1; /** * Return flag for get_value_type indicating value is an array * @const */ const IS_ARRAY = 2; /** * Get whether the value is an array or not. Used to be more complicated, but still nice sugar to have an enum * to compare and not just a true/false value * @param $val any - The value * @return int - One of ISNT_ARRAY or IS_ARRAY */ static protected function get_value_type($val) { if (is_array($val)) return self::IS_ARRAY; return self::ISNT_ARRAY; } /** * What to do if there's a type mismatch * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ static protected function type_mismatch() { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Type mismatch in configuration. All values for a particular property must' . ' contain the same type (or no value at all).'); } /* @todo If we can, replace next static & static methods with DI once that's in */ static protected $instance; /** * Get the current active Config instance. * * Configs should not normally be manually created. * In general use you will use this method to obtain the current Config instance. * * @return Config */ static public function inst() { if (!self::$instance) self::$instance = new Config(); return self::$instance; } /** * Set the current active Config instance. * * Configs should not normally be manually created. * A use case for replacing the active configuration set would be for creating an isolated environment for * unit tests * * @return Config */ static public function set_instance($instance) { self::$instance = $instance; global $_SINGLETONS; $_SINGLETONS['Config'] = $instance; } /** * Make the newly active Config be a copy of the current active Config instance. * * You can then make changes to the configuration by calling update and remove on the new * value returned by Config::inst(), and then discard those changes later by calling unnest */ static public function nest() { $current = self::$instance; $new = clone $current; $new->nestedFrom = $current; self::set_instance($new); } /** * Change the active Config back to the Config instance the current active Config object * was copied from */ static public function unnest() { self::set_instance(self::$instance->nestedFrom); } protected $cache; /** * Each copy of the Config object need's it's own cache, so changes don't leak through to other instances */ public function __construct() { $this->cache = new Config_LRU(); } public function __clone() { $this->cache = clone $this->cache; } /** @var Config - The config instance this one was copied from when Config::nest() was called */ protected $nestedFrom = null; /** @var [array] - Array of arrays. Each member is an nested array keyed as $class => $name => $value, * where value is a config value to treat as the highest priority item */ protected $overrides = array(); /** @var [array] - Array of arrays. Each member is an nested array keyed as $class => $name => $value, * where value is a config value suppress from any lower priority item */ protected $suppresses = array(); protected $staticManifests = array(); public function pushConfigStaticManifest(SS_ConfigStaticManifest $manifest) { array_unshift($this->staticManifests, $manifest); $this->cache->clean(); } /** @var [array] - The list of settings pulled from config files to search through */ protected $manifests = array(); /** * Add another manifest to the list of config manifests to search through. * * WARNING: Config manifests to not merge entries, and do not solve before/after rules inter-manifest - * instead, the last manifest to be added always wins */ public function pushConfigYamlManifest(SS_ConfigManifest $manifest) { array_unshift($this->manifests, $manifest->yamlConfig); $this->cache->clean(); // @todo: Do anything with these. They're for caching after config.php has executed $this->collectConfigPHPSettings = true; $this->configPHPIsSafe = false; $manifest->activateConfig(); $this->collectConfigPHPSettings = false; } /** @var [Config_ForClass] - The list of Config_ForClass instances, keyed off class */ static protected $for_class_instances = array(); /** * Get an accessor that returns results by class by default. * * Shouldn't be overridden, since there might be many Config_ForClass instances already held in the wild. Each * Config_ForClass instance asks the current_instance of Config for the actual result, so override that instead * * @param $class * @return Config_ForClass */ public function forClass($class) { if (isset(self::$for_class_instances[$class])) { return self::$for_class_instances[$class]; } else { return self::$for_class_instances[$class] = new Config_ForClass($class); } } /** * Merge a lower priority associative array into an existing higher priority associative array, as per the class * docblock rules * * It is assumed you've already checked that you've got two associative arrays, not scalars or sequential arrays * * @param $dest array - The existing high priority associative array * @param $src array - The low priority associative array to merge in */ public static function merge_array_low_into_high(&$dest, $src) { foreach ($src as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { continue; } else if (is_int($k)) { $dest[] = $v; } else if (isset($dest[$k])) { $newType = self::get_value_type($v); $currentType = self::get_value_type($dest[$k]); // Throw error if types don't match if ($currentType !== $newType) self::type_mismatch(); if ($currentType == self::IS_ARRAY) self::merge_array_low_into_high($dest[$k], $v); else continue; } else { $dest[$k] = $v; } } } /** * Merge a higher priority assocative array into an existing lower priority associative array, as per the class * docblock rules. * * Much more expensive that the other way around, as there's no way to insert an associative k/v pair into an * array at the top of the array * * @static * @param $dest array - The existing low priority associative array * @param $src array - The high priority array to merge in */ public static function merge_array_high_into_low(&$dest, $src) { $res = $src; self::merge_array_low_into_high($res, $dest); $dest = $res; } public static function merge_high_into_low(&$result, $value) { if (!$value) return; $newType = self::get_value_type($value); if (!$result) { $result = $value; } else { $currentType = self::get_value_type($result); if ($currentType !== $newType) self::type_mismatch(); if ($currentType == self::ISNT_ARRAY) $result = $value; else self::merge_array_high_into_low($result, $value); } } public static function merge_low_into_high(&$result, $value, $suppress) { $newType = self::get_value_type($value); if ($suppress) { if ($newType == self::IS_ARRAY) { $value = self::filter_array_by_suppress_array($value, $suppress); if (!$value) return; } else { if (self::check_value_contained_in_suppress_array($value, $suppress)) return; } } if (!$result) { $result = $value; } else { $currentType = self::get_value_type($result); if ($currentType !== $newType) self::type_mismatch(); if ($currentType == self::ISNT_ARRAY) return; // PASS else self::merge_array_low_into_high($result, $value); } } public static function check_value_contained_in_suppress_array($v, $suppresses) { foreach ($suppresses as $suppress) { list($sk, $sv) = $suppress; if ($sv === self::anything() || $v == $sv) return true; } return false; } static protected function check_key_or_value_contained_in_suppress_array($k, $v, $suppresses) { foreach ($suppresses as $suppress) { list($sk, $sv) = $suppress; if (($sk === self::anything() || $k == $sk) && ($sv === self::anything() || $v == $sv)) return true; } return false; } static protected function filter_array_by_suppress_array($array, $suppress) { $res = array(); foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $suppressed = self::check_key_or_value_contained_in_suppress_array($k, $v, $suppress); if (!$suppressed) { if (is_numeric($k)) $res[] = $v; else $res[$k] = $v; } } return $res; } protected $extraConfigSources = array(); public function extraConfigSourcesChanged($class) { unset($this->extraConfigSources[$class]); $this->cache->clean("__{$class}"); } protected function getUncached($class, $name, $sourceOptions, &$result, $suppress, &$tags) { $tags[] = "__{$class}"; $tags[] = "__{$class}__{$name}"; // If result is already not something to merge into, just return it if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result; // First, look through the override values foreach($this->overrides as $k => $overrides) { if (isset($overrides[$class][$name])) { $value = $overrides[$class][$name]; self::merge_low_into_high($result, $value, $suppress); if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result; } if (isset($this->suppresses[$k][$class][$name])) { $suppress = $suppress ? array_merge($suppress, $this->suppresses[$k][$class][$name]) : $this->suppresses[$k][$class][$name]; } } // Then the manifest values foreach($this->manifests as $manifest) { if (isset($manifest[$class][$name])) { self::merge_low_into_high($result, $manifest[$class][$name], $suppress); if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result; } } $sources = array($class); // Include extensions only if not flagged not to, and some have been set if (($sourceOptions & self::EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES) != self::EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES) { // If we don't have a fresh list of extra sources, get it from the class itself if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->extraConfigSources)) { $this->extraConfigSources[$class] = Object::get_extra_config_sources($class); } // Update $sources with any extra sources $extraSources = $this->extraConfigSources[$class]; if ($extraSources) $sources = array_merge($sources, $extraSources); } $value = $nothing = null; foreach ($sources as $staticSource) { if (is_array($staticSource)) { $value = isset($staticSource[$name]) ? $staticSource[$name] : $nothing; } else { foreach ($this->staticManifests as $i => $statics) { $value = $statics->get($staticSource, $name, $nothing); if ($value !== $nothing) break; } } if ($value !== $nothing) { self::merge_low_into_high($result, $value, $suppress); if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result; } } // Finally, merge in the values from the parent class if ( ($sourceOptions & self::UNINHERITED) != self::UNINHERITED && (($sourceOptions & self::FIRST_SET) != self::FIRST_SET || $result === null) ) { $parent = get_parent_class($class); if ($parent) $this->getUncached($parent, $name, $sourceOptions, $result, $suppress, $tags); } return $result; } /** * Get the config value associated for a given class and property * * This merges all current sources and overrides together to give final value * todo: Currently this is done every time. This function is an inner loop function, so we really need to be * caching heavily here. * * @param $class string - The name of the class to get the value for * @param $name string - The property to get the value for * @param int $sourceOptions Bitmask which can be set to some combintain of Config::UNINHERITED, * Config::FIRST_SET, and Config::EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS. * * Config::UNINHERITED does not include parent classes when merging configuration fragments * Config::FIRST_SET stops inheriting once the first class that sets a value (even an empty value) is encoutered * Config::EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES does not include any additional static sources (such as extensions) * * Config::INHERITED is a utility constant that can be used to mean "none of the above", equvilient to 0 * Setting both Config::UNINHERITED and Config::FIRST_SET behaves the same as just Config::UNINHERITED * * should the parent classes value be merged in as the lowest priority source? * @param $result array|scalar Reference to a variable to put the result in. Also returned, so this can be left * as null safely. If you do pass a value, it will be treated as the highest priority * value in the result chain * @param $suppress array Internal use when called by child classes. Array of mask pairs to filter value by * @return array|scalar The value of the config item, or null if no value set. Could be an associative array, * sequential array or scalar depending on value (see class docblock) */ public function get($class, $name, $sourceOptions = 0, &$result = null, $suppress = null) { // Have we got a cached value? Use it if so $key = $class.$name.$sourceOptions; if (($result = $this->cache->get($key)) === false) { $tags = array(); $result = null; $this->getUncached($class, $name, $sourceOptions, $result, $suppress, $tags); $this->cache->set($key, $result, $tags); } return $result; } /** * Update a configuration value * * Configuration is modify only. The value passed is merged into the existing configuration. If you want to * replace the current value, you'll need to call remove first. * * @param $class string - The class to update a configuration value for * @param $name string - The configuration property name to update * @param $value any - The value to update with * * Arrays are recursively merged into current configuration as "latest" - for associative arrays the passed value * replaces any item with the same key, for sequential arrays the items are placed at the end of the array, for * non-array values, this value replaces any existing value * * You will get an error if you try and override array values with non-array values or vice-versa */ public function update($class, $name, $val) { if (!isset($this->overrides[0][$class])) $this->overrides[0][$class] = array(); if (!isset($this->overrides[0][$class][$name])) $this->overrides[0][$class][$name] = $val; else self::merge_high_into_low($this->overrides[0][$class][$name], $val); $this->cache->clean("__{$class}__{$name}"); } /** * Remove a configuration value * * You can specify a key, a key and a value, or neither. Either argument can be Config::anything(), which is * what is defaulted to if you don't specify something * * This removes any current configuration value that matches the key and/or value specified * * Works like this: * - Check the current override array, and remove any values that match the arguments provided * - Keeps track of the arguments passed to this method, and in get filters everything _except_ the current * override array to exclude any match * * This way we can re-set anything removed by a call to this function by calling set. Because the current override * array is only filtered immediately on calling this remove method, that value will then be exposed. However, * every other source is filtered on request, so no amount of changes to parent's configuration etc can override a * remove call. * * @param $class string - The class to remove a configuration value from * @param $name string - The configuration name * @param $key any - An optional key to filter against. * If referenced config value is an array, only members of that array that match this key will be removed * Must also match value if provided to be removed * @param $value any - And optional value to filter against. * If referenced config value is an array, only members of that array that match this value will be removed * If referenced config value is not an array, value will be removed only if it matches this argument * Must also match key if provided and referenced config value is an array to be removed * * Matching is always by "==", not by "===" */ public function remove($class, $name) { $argc = func_num_args(); $key = $argc > 2 ? func_get_arg(2) : self::anything(); $value = $argc > 3 ? func_get_arg(3) : self::anything(); $suppress = array($key, $value); if (isset($this->overrides[0][$class][$name])) { $value = $this->overrides[0][$class][$name]; if (is_array($value)) { $this->overrides[0][$class][$name] = self::filter_array_by_suppress_array($value, array($suppress)); } else { if (self::check_value_contained_in_suppress_array($value, array($suppress))) { unset($this->overrides[0][$class][$name]); } } } if (!isset($this->suppresses[0][$class])) $this->suppresses[0][$class] = array(); if (!isset($this->suppresses[0][$class][$name])) $this->suppresses[0][$class][$name] = array(); $this->suppresses[0][$class][$name][] = $suppress; } } class Config_LRU { const SIZE = 1000; protected $cache; protected $indexing; protected $i = 0; protected $c = 0; public function __construct() { $this->cache = new SplFixedArray(self::SIZE); // Pre-fill with stdClass instances. By reusing we avoid object-thrashing for ($i = 0; $i < self::SIZE; $i++) { $this->cache[$i] = new stdClass(); $this->cache[$i]->key = null; } $this->indexing = array(); } public function set($key, $val, $tags = array()) { // Find an index to set at $replacing = null; // Target count - not always the lowest, but guaranteed to exist (or hit an empty item) $target = $this->c - self::SIZE + 1; $i = $stop = $this->i; do { if (!($i--)) $i = self::SIZE-1; $item = $this->cache[$i]; if ($item->key === null) { $replacing = null; break; } else if ($item->c <= $target) { $replacing = $item; break; } } while ($i != $stop); if ($replacing) unset($this->indexing[$replacing->key]); $this->indexing[$key] = $this->i = $i; $obj = $this->cache[$i]; $obj->key = $key; $obj->value = $val; $obj->tags = $tags; $obj->c = ++$this->c; } private $hit = 0; private $miss = 0; public function stats() { return $this->miss ? ($this->hit / $this->miss) : 0; } public function get($key) { if (isset($this->indexing[$key])) { $this->hit++; $res = $this->cache[$this->indexing[$key]]; $res->c = ++$this->c; return $res->value; } $this->miss++; return false; } public function clean($tag = null) { if ($tag) { foreach ($this->cache as $i => $v) { if ($v->key !== null && in_array($tag, $v->tags)) { unset($this->indexing[$v->key]); $this->cache[$i]->key = null; } } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < self::SIZE; $i++) $this->cache[$i]->key = null; $this->indexing = array(); } } } class Config_ForClass { protected $class; public function __construct($class) { $this->class = $class; } public function __get($name) { return Config::inst()->get($this->class, $name); } public function __set($name, $val) { return Config::inst()->update($this->class, $name, $val); } public function get($name, $sourceOptions = 0) { return Config::inst()->get($this->class, $name, $sourceOptions); } public function forClass($class) { return Config::inst()->forClass($class); } }