--- title: Forms summary: Capture user information through Forms. This guide will work through how to create Silverstripe CMS forms, adding and modifying fields and how to handle form submissions. introduction: This guide will work through how to create Silverstripe CMS forms, adding and modifying fields and how to handle form submissions. iconBrand: wpforms --- The [Form](api:SilverStripe\Forms\Form) class provides a way to create interactive forms in your web application with very little effort. Silverstripe CMS handles generating the correct semantic HTML markup for the form and each of the fields, as well as the framework for dealing with submissions and validation. [CHILDREN Exclude="How_Tos,Fields"] ## FormField Documentation [CHILDREN Folder="Field_types"] ## How to's [CHILDREN Folder="How_Tos"] ## API Documentation * [Form](api:SilverStripe\Forms\Form) * [FormField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\FormField)