are valid in the local part if the local part is in double quotes * - "." is valid in the local part as long as its not first or last char * @return void */ public function testEmailAddressSyntax() { $this->internalCheck("", "Valid, simple", true); $this->internalCheck("mr.o'", "Valid, special chars", true); $this->internalCheck("", "Empty email", true); $this->internalCheck("invalid", "Invalid, simple", false); $this->internalCheck("", "Invalid, two @'s", false); $this->internalCheck("invalid@domain", "Invalid, domain too simple", false); $this->internalCheck("", "Invalid, no user part", false); } public function internalCheck($email, $checkText, $expectSuccess) { $field = new EmailField("MyEmail"); $field->setValue($email); $val = new EmailFieldTest_Validator(); try { $field->validate($val); if (!$expectSuccess) $this->assertTrue(false, $checkText . " (/$email/ passed validation, but not expected to)"); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError) throw $e; // re-throw assertion failure else if ($expectSuccess) $this->assertTrue(false, $checkText . ": " . $e->GetMessage() . " (/$email/ did not pass validation, but was expected to)"); } } } class EmailFieldTest_Validator extends Validator { public function validationError($fieldName, $message, $messageType='') { throw new Exception($message); } public function javascript() { } public function php($data) { } }