<?php /** * GridFieldSortableHeader adds column headers to a gridfield that can also sort the columns * * @see GridField * * @package framework * @subpackage fields-relational */ class GridFieldSortableHeader implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_DataManipulator, GridField_ActionProvider { /** * See {@link setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()} */ protected $throwExceptionOnBadDataType = true; /** @var array */ public $fieldSorting = array(); /** * Determine what happens when this component is used with a list that isn't {@link SS_Filterable}. * * - true: An exception is thrown * - false: This component will be ignored - it won't make any changes to the GridField. * * By default, this is set to true so that it's clearer what's happening, but the predefined * {@link GridFieldConfig} subclasses set this to false for flexibility. */ public function setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType($throwExceptionOnBadDataType) { $this->throwExceptionOnBadDataType = $throwExceptionOnBadDataType; } /** * See {@link setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()} */ public function getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() { return $this->throwExceptionOnBadDataType; } /** * Check that this dataList is of the right data type. * Returns false if it's a bad data type, and if appropriate, throws an exception. */ protected function checkDataType($dataList) { if($dataList instanceof SS_Sortable) { return true; } else { if($this->throwExceptionOnBadDataType) { throw new LogicException( get_class($this) . " expects an SS_Sortable list to be passed to the GridField."); } return false; } } /** * Specify sortings with fieldname as the key, and actual fieldname to sort as value. * Example: array("MyCustomTitle"=>"Title", "MyCustomBooleanField" => "ActualBooleanField") * * @param array $casting */ public function setFieldSorting($sorting) { $this->fieldSorting = $sorting; return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getFieldSorting() { return $this->fieldSorting; } /** * Returns the header row providing titles with sort buttons */ public function getHTMLFragments($gridField) { if(!$this->checkDataType($gridField->getList())) return; $forTemplate = new ArrayData(array()); $forTemplate->Fields = new ArrayList; $state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableHeader; $columns = $gridField->getColumns(); $currentColumn = 0; foreach($columns as $columnField) { $currentColumn++; $metadata = $gridField->getColumnMetadata($columnField); $title = $metadata['title']; if(isset($this->fieldSorting[$columnField]) && $this->fieldSorting[$columnField]) { $columnField = $this->fieldSorting[$columnField]; } if($title && $gridField->getList()->canSortBy($columnField)) { $dir = 'asc'; if($state->SortColumn == $columnField && $state->SortDirection == 'asc') { $dir = 'desc'; } $field = Object::create( 'GridField_FormAction', $gridField, 'SetOrder'.$columnField, $title, "sort$dir", array('SortColumn' => $columnField) )->addExtraClass('ss-gridfield-sort'); if($state->SortColumn == $columnField){ $field->addExtraClass('ss-gridfield-sorted'); if($state->SortDirection == 'asc') $field->addExtraClass('ss-gridfield-sorted-asc'); else $field->addExtraClass('ss-gridfield-sorted-desc'); } } else { if($currentColumn == count($columns) && $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldFilterHeader')){ $field = new LiteralField($columnField, '<button name="showFilter" class="ss-gridfield-button-filter trigger"></button>'); } else { $field = new LiteralField($columnField, '<span class="non-sortable">' . $title . '</span>'); } } $forTemplate->Fields->push($field); } return array( 'header' => $forTemplate->renderWith('GridFieldSortableHeader_Row'), ); } /** * * @param GridField $gridField * @return array */ public function getActions($gridField) { if(!$this->checkDataType($gridField->getList())) return; return array('sortasc', 'sortdesc'); } public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data) { if(!$this->checkDataType($gridField->getList())) return; $state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableHeader; switch($actionName) { case 'sortasc': $state->SortColumn = $arguments['SortColumn']; $state->SortDirection = 'asc'; break; case 'sortdesc': $state->SortColumn = $arguments['SortColumn']; $state->SortDirection = 'desc'; break; } } public function getManipulatedData(GridField $gridField, SS_List $dataList) { if(!$this->checkDataType($dataList)) return $dataList; $state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableHeader; if ($state->SortColumn == "") { return $dataList; } return $dataList->sort($state->SortColumn, $state->SortDirection); } }