title: Redirection summary: Move users around your site using automatic redirection. # Redirection Controllers can facilitate redirecting users from one place to another using `HTTP` redirection using the `Location` HTTP header. **app/code/Page.php** ```php $this->redirect('goherenow'); // redirect to Page::goherenow(), i.e on the contact-us page this will redirect to /contact-us/goherenow/ $this->redirect('goherenow/'); // redirect to the URL on yoursite.com/goherenow/. (note the trailing slash) $this->redirect('http://google.com'); // redirect to http://google.com $this->redirectBack(); // go back to the previous page. ``` ## Status Codes The `redirect()` method takes an optional HTTP status code, either `301` for permanent redirects, or `302` for temporary redirects (default). ```php $this->redirect('/', 302); // go back to the homepage, don't cache that this page has moved ``` ## Redirection in URL Handling Controllers can specify redirections in the `$url_handlers` property rather than defining a method by using the '~' operator. ```php private static $url_handlers = [ 'players/john' => '~>coach' ]; ``` For more information on `$url_handlers` see the [Routing](routing) documenation. ## API Documentation * [Controller](api:SilverStripe\Control\Controller)