Theme; $config->Theme = ''; $config->write(); SSViewer::set_theme('mytheme'); $this->assertEquals('mytheme', SSViewer::current_theme(), 'Current theme is the default - user has not defined one'); $config->Theme = 'myusertheme'; $config->write(); // Pretent to load the page $c = new ContentController(); $c->init(); $this->assertEquals('myusertheme', SSViewer::current_theme(), 'Current theme is a user defined one'); // Set the theme back to the original $config->Theme = $oldTheme; $config->write(); } /** * Test that a template without a tag still renders. */ function testTemplateWithoutHeadRenders() { $data = new ArrayData(array( 'Var' => 'var value' )); $result = $data->renderWith("SSViewerTestPartialTemplate"); $this->assertEquals('Test partial template: var value', trim(preg_replace("//U",'',$result))); } /** * Small helper to render templates from strings */ function render($templateString, $data = null) { $t = SSViewer::fromString($templateString); if(!$data) $data = new SSViewerTestFixture(); return $t->process($data); } function testRequirements() { $requirements = $this->getMock("Requirements_Backend", array("javascript", "css")); $jsFile = 'sapphire/tests/forms/a.js'; $cssFile = 'sapphire/tests/forms/a.js'; $requirements->expects($this->once())->method('javascript')->with($jsFile); $requirements->expects($this->once())->method('css')->with($cssFile); Requirements::set_backend($requirements); $template = $this->render("<% require javascript($jsFile) %> <% require css($cssFile) %>"); $this->assertFalse((bool)trim($template), "Should be no content in this return."); } function testComments() { $output = $this->render(<<This is some content<%-- this is another comment --%>This is the final content SS ); $this->assertEquals("This is my templateThis is some contentThis is the final content", preg_replace("/\n?\n?/U",'',$output)); } function testObjectDotArguments() { $this->assertEquals( '[out:TestObject.methodWithOneArgument(one)] [out:TestObject.methodWithTwoArguments(one,two)] [out:TestMethod(Arg1,Arg2).Bar.Val] [out:TestMethod(Arg1,Arg2).Bar] [out:TestMethod(Arg1,Arg2)] [out:TestMethod(Arg1).Bar.Val] [out:TestMethod(Arg1).Bar] [out:TestMethod(Arg1)]', $this->render('$TestObject.methodWithOneArgument(one) $TestObject.methodWithTwoArguments(one,two) $TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2).Bar.Val $TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2).Bar $TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2) $TestMethod(Arg1).Bar.Val $TestMethod(Arg1).Bar $TestMethod(Arg1)') ); } function testEscapedArguments() { $this->assertEquals( '[out:Foo(Arg1,Arg2).Bar.Val].Suffix [out:Foo(Arg1,Arg2).Val]_Suffix [out:Foo(Arg1,Arg2)]/Suffix [out:Foo(Arg1).Bar.Val]textSuffix [out:Foo(Arg1).Bar].Suffix [out:Foo(Arg1)].Suffix [out:Foo.Bar.Val].Suffix [out:Foo.Bar].Suffix [out:Foo].Suffix', $this->render('{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2).Bar.Val}.Suffix {$Foo(Arg1, Arg2).Val}_Suffix {$Foo(Arg1, Arg2)}/Suffix {$Foo(Arg1).Bar.Val}textSuffix {$Foo(Arg1).Bar}.Suffix {$Foo(Arg1)}.Suffix {$Foo.Bar.Val}.Suffix {$Foo.Bar}.Suffix {$Foo}.Suffix') ); } function testControlWhitespace() { $this->assertEquals( 'before[out:SingleItem.Test]after beforeTestafter', $this->render('before<% control SingleItem %>$Test<% end_control %>after before<% control SingleItem %>Test<% end_control %>after') ); // The control tags are removed from the output, but no whitespace // This is a quirk that could be changed, but included in the test to make the current // behaviour explicit $this->assertEquals( 'before [out:SingleItem.ItemOnItsOwnLine] after', $this->render('before <% control SingleItem %> $ItemOnItsOwnLine <% end_control %> after') ); // The whitespace within the control tags is preserve in a loop // This is a quirk that could be changed, but included in the test to make the current // behaviour explicit $this->assertEquals( 'before [out:Loop3.ItemOnItsOwnLine] [out:Loop3.ItemOnItsOwnLine] [out:Loop3.ItemOnItsOwnLine] after', $this->render('before <% control Loop3 %> $ItemOnItsOwnLine <% end_control %> after') ); } function testControls() { // Single item controls $this->assertEquals( 'a[out:Foo.Bar.Item]b [out:Foo.Bar(Arg1).Item] [out:Foo(Arg1).Item] [out:Foo(Arg1,Arg2).Item] [out:Foo(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3).Item]', $this->render('<% control Foo.Bar %>a{$Item}b<% end_control %> <% control Foo.Bar(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %> <% control Foo(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %> <% control Foo(Arg1, Arg2) %>$Item<% end_control %> <% control Foo(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) %>$Item<% end_control %>') ); // Loop controls $this->assertEquals('a[out:Foo.Loop2.Item]ba[out:Foo.Loop2.Item]b', $this->render('<% control Foo.Loop2 %>a{$Item}b<% end_control %>')); $this->assertEquals('[out:Foo.Loop2(Arg1).Item][out:Foo.Loop2(Arg1).Item]', $this->render('<% control Foo.Loop2(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %>')); $this->assertEquals('[out:Loop2(Arg1).Item][out:Loop2(Arg1).Item]', $this->render('<% control Loop2(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %>')); $this->assertEquals('[out:Loop2(Arg1,Arg2).Item][out:Loop2(Arg1,Arg2).Item]', $this->render('<% control Loop2(Arg1, Arg2) %>$Item<% end_control %>')); $this->assertEquals('[out:Loop2(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3).Item][out:Loop2(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3).Item]', $this->render('<% control Loop2(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) %>$Item<% end_control %>')); } function testIfBlocks() { // Basic test $this->assertEquals('AC', $this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B$NotSet<% end_if %>C')); // else_if $this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('AD', $this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('ADE', $this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% else_if IsSet %>D<% end_if %>E')); $this->assertEquals('ADE', $this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% else_if IsSet %>D<% end_if %>E')); // Dot syntax $this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if Foo.NotSet %>B<% else_if Foo.IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Broken currently //$this->assertEquals('ACD', // $this->render('A<% if Foo.Bar.NotSet %>B<% else_if Foo.Bar.IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Params $this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if NotSet(Param) %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if IsSet(Param) %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Or $this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if IsSet || NotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('AD', $this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Broken currently //$this->assertEquals('ACD', // $this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet || NotSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); //$this->assertEquals('AD', // $this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if NotSet2 || NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D')); // And $this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if IsSet && AlsoSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if IsSet && NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('AD', $this->render('A<% if NotSet && NotSet2 %>B<% else_if NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Broken currently //$this->assertEquals('ACD', // $this->render('A<% if IsSet && NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet && AlsoSet %>C<% end_if %>D')); //$this->assertEquals('AD', // $this->render('A<% if NotSet && NotSet2 %>B<% else_if IsSet && NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Equality $this->assertEquals('ABC', $this->render('A<% if RawVal == RawVal %>B<% end_if %>C')); $this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal == RawVal %>C<% end_if %>D')); $this->assertEquals('ABC', $this->render('A<% if Right != Wrong %>B<% end_if %>C')); $this->assertEquals('AD', $this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal != RawVal %>C<% end_if %>D')); // Else $this->assertEquals('ADE', $this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal != RawVal %>C<% else %>D<% end_if %>E')); } function testBaseTagGeneration() { // XHTML wil have a closed base tag $tmpl1 = ' <% base_tag %>


'; $this->assertRegExp('/<\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl1)); // HTML4 and 5 will only have it for IE $tmpl2 = ' <% base_tag %>


'; $this->assertRegExp('/<\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl2)); $tmpl3 = ' <% base_tag %>


'; $this->assertRegExp('/<\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl3)); // Check that the content negotiator converts to the equally legal formats $negotiator = new ContentNegotiator(); $response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1)); $negotiator->html($response); $this->assertRegExp('/<\/head>/', $response->getBody()); $response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1)); $negotiator->xhtml($response); $this->assertRegExp('/<\/head>/', $response->getBody()); } function testRecursiveInclude() { $view = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestRecursiveInclude')); $data = new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A', 'Children' => new DataObjectSet(array( new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1', 'Children' => new DataObjectSet(array( new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 i', )), new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 ii', )), )), )), new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A2', )), new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A3', )), )), )); $result = $view->process($data); // We don't care about whitespace $rationalisedResult = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $result)); $this->assertEquals('A A1 A1 i A1 ii A2 A3', $rationalisedResult); } } /** * A test fixture that will echo back the template item */ class SSViewerTestFixture extends ViewableData { protected $name; function __construct($name = null) { $this->name = $name; } private function argedName($fieldName, $arguments) { $childName = $this->name ? "$this->name.$fieldName" : $fieldName; if($arguments) return $childName . '(' . implode(',', $arguments) . ')'; else return $childName; } function obj($fieldName, $arguments=null, $forceReturnedObject=true, $cache=false, $cacheName=null) { $childName = $this->argedName($fieldName, $arguments); // Special field name Loop### to create a list if(preg_match('/^Loop([0-9]+)$/', $fieldName, $matches)) { $output = new DataObjectSet(); for($i=0;$i<$matches[1];$i++) $output->push(new SSViewerTestFixture($childName)); return $output; } else if(preg_match('/NotSet/i', $fieldName)) { return new ViewableData(); } else { return new SSViewerTestFixture($childName); } } function XML_val($fieldName, $arguments = null) { if(preg_match('/NotSet/i', $fieldName)) { return ''; } else if(preg_match('/Raw/i', $fieldName)) { return $fieldName; } else { return '[out:' . $this->argedName($fieldName, $arguments) . ']'; } } function hasValue($fieldName, $arguments = null) { return (bool)$this->XML_val($fieldName, $arguments); } } class SSViewerTest_ViewableData extends ViewableData implements TestOnly { function methodWithOneArgument($arg1) { return "arg1:{$arg1}"; } function methodWithTwoArguments($arg1, $arg2) { return "arg1:{$arg1},arg2:{$arg2}"; } }