
 * @package sapphire
 * @subpackage core

 * This class represents a set of database objects, such as the results of a query
class DataObjectSet extends ViewableData implements Iterator {
	 * The DataObjects in this set.
	 * @var array
	protected $items = array();
	protected $odd = 0;
	 * True if the current DataObject is the first in this set.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $first = true;
	 * True if the current DataObject is the last in this set.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $last = false;
	 * The current DataObject in this set.
	 * @var DataObject
	protected $current = null;

	 * The number object the current page starts at.
	 * @var int
	protected $pageStart;
	 * The number of objects per page.
	 * @var int
	protected $pageLength;
	 * Total number of DataObjects in this set.
	 * @var int
	protected $totalSize;
	 * The pagination GET variable that controls the start of this set.
	 * @var string
	protected $paginationGetVar = "start";
	 * Create a new DataObjectSet.
	 * @param array|DataObject,... $items The DataObjects to use in this set, either as an array or as multiple variables
	public function __construct($items = null, $otherArg = null) {
		if($items) {
			if (is_array($items)) {
				// We now have support for using the key of a data object set
				$this->items = $items;
			} else if($allArgs = func_get_args()) {
				$this->items = $allArgs;
			$this->current = $this->prepareItem(current($this->items));
	 * Consolidate the DataObjectSet into an array of arrays
	 * The array will contain the field values of the specified fields
	 * @param array|string $args,... The field names, either as an array, or as multiple strings.
	 * @return array
	public function consolidate($args) {
		$fieldList = is_array($args) ? $args : func_get_args();
		foreach($this as $record) {
			$outputRow = null;
			foreach($fieldList as $field) {
				$outputRow[] = $record->$field;
			$output[] = $outputRow;
		return $output;		

	 * Consolidate the DataObjectSet into XHTML
	 * The string will contain the field values of the specified fields.
	 * @return string
	public function consolidateString() {
		$fieldList = func_get_args();
		$data = $this->consolidate($fieldList);
		$result = "<p>array (<br >";
		foreach($data as $record) {
			$result .= " &nbsp; &nbsp; array( ";
			foreach($record as $field) $result .= " '" . htmlentities(addslashes($field)) . "',";
			$result .= "), <br />";
		$result .= ")</p>";
		return $result;
	 * Destory all of the DataObjects in this set.
	public function destroy() {
		foreach($this->items as $item) {
	 * Convert this DataObjectSet to an array of DataObjects.
	 * @param string $index Index the array by this field.
	 * @return array
	public function toArray($index = null) {
		if(!$index) {
			return $this->items;
		$map = array();
		foreach($this->items as $item) {
			$map[$item->$index] = $item;
		return $map;
	* Convert this DataObjectSet to an array of maps.
	* @param string $index Index the array by this field.
	* @return array
	public function toNestedArray($index = null){
		if(!$index) {
			$index = "ID";
		$map = array();
		foreach( $this->items as $item ) {
			$map[$item->$index] = $item->getAllFields();
		return $map;
	* Returns an array of ID => $titleField
	* @param string $index The field you wish to use as a key for the array
	* @param string $titleField The field or method you wish to use to get values for the map
	* @param string $emptyString String for no option selected
	* @return array
	public function toDropDownMap($index = "ID",$titleField = "Title",$emptyString = null){
		$map = array();
		foreach($this->items as $item) {
			$map[$item->$index] = $item->$titleField;
		if($emptyString) {
			$map = array("0"=>"$emptyString") + $map;
		return $map;
	 * Set number of objects on each page.
	 * @param int $length Number of objects per page
	public function setPageLength($length) {
		$this->pageLength = $length;
	 * Set the page limits.
	 * @param int $pageStart The start of this page.
	 * @param int $pageLength Number of objects per page
	 * @param int $totalSize Total number of objects.
	public function setPageLimits($pageStart, $pageLength, $totalSize) {
		$this->pageStart = $pageStart;
		$this->pageLength = $pageLength;
		$this->totalSize = $totalSize;
	 * Use the limit from the given query to add prev/next buttons to this DataObjectSet.
	 * @param SQLQuery $query The query used to generate this DataObjectSet
	public function parseQueryLimit(SQLQuery $query) {
		if($query->limit) {
			if(stripos($query->limit, 'OFFSET')) {
				list($length, $start) = split(" +OFFSET +", trim($query->limit));
			} else {
				$result = split(" *, *", trim($query->limit));
				$start = $result[0];
				$length = isset($result[1]) ? $result[1] : null;
			if(!$length) { 
				$length = $start;
				$start = 0;
			$this->setPageLimits($start, $length, $query->unlimitedRowCount());
	 * Returns the number of the current page.
	 * @return int
	public function CurrentPage() {
			return floor($this->pageStart / $this->pageLength) + 1;
	 * Returns the total number of pages.
	 * @return int
	public function TotalPages() {
		if($this->totalSize == 0) {
			$this->totalSize = $this->Count();
		if($this->pageLength == 0) {
			$this->pageLength = 10;
		return ceil($this->totalSize / $this->pageLength);
	 * Return a datafeed of page-links, good for use in search results, etc.
	 * $maxPages will put an upper limit on the number of pages to return.  It will
	 * show the pages surrounding the current page, so you can still get to the deeper pages.
	 * @param int $maxPages The maximum number of pages to return
	 * @return DataObjectSet
	public function Pages($maxPages = 0){
		$ret = new DataObjectSet();
		if($maxPages) {
			$startPage = ($this->CurrentPage() - floor($maxPages / 2)) - 1;
			$endPage = $this->CurrentPage() + floor($maxPages / 2);
			if($startPage < 0) {
				$startPage = 0;
				$endPage = $maxPages;
			if($endPage > $this->TotalPages()) {
				$endPage = $this->TotalPages();
				$startPage = max(0, $endPage - $maxPages);
		} else {
			$startPage = 0;
			$endPage = $this->TotalPages();

		for($i=$startPage; $i < $endPage; $i++){
			$link = HTTP::setGetVar($this->paginationGetVar, $i*$this->pageLength);
			$thePage = new ArrayData(array(
					"PageNum" => $i+1,
					"Link" => $link,
					"CurrentBool" => ($this->CurrentPage() == $i+1)?true:false,
		return $ret;
	 * Returns true if the current page is not the first page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function NotFirstPage(){
		return $this->CurrentPage() != 1;
	 * Returns true if the current page is not the last page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function NotLastPage(){
		return $this->CurrentPage() != $this->TotalPages();
	 * Returns true if there is more than one page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function MoreThanOnePage(){
		return $this->TotalPages() > 1;
	 * Returns the URL of the previous page.
	 * @return string
	public function PrevLink() {
		if($this->pageStart - $this->pageLength >= 0) {
			return HTTP::setGetVar($this->paginationGetVar, $this->pageStart - $this->pageLength);
	 * Returns the URL of the next page.
	 * @return string
	public function NextLink() {
		if($this->pageStart + $this->pageLength < $this->totalSize) {
			return HTTP::setGetVar($this->paginationGetVar, $this->pageStart + $this->pageLength);
	 * Allows us to use multiple pagination GET variables on the same page (eg. if you have search results and page comments on a single page)
	 * Example: @see PageCommentInterface::Comments()
	 * @param string $var The variable to go in the GET string (Defaults to 'start')
	public function setPaginationGetVar($var) {
			$this->paginationGetVar = $var;
	 * Add an item to the DataObject Set.
	 * @param DataObject $item Item to add.
	 * @param string $key Key to index this DataObject by.
	public function push($item, $key = null) {
		if($key != null) {
			$this->items[$key] = $item;
		} else {
			$this->items[] = $item;
	* @deprecated Use merge()
	public function append(DataObjectSet $doset){
		foreach($doset as $item){
	 * Insert a DataObject at the beginning of this set.
	 * @param DataObject $item Item to insert.
	public function shift($item) {
		array_unshift($this->items, $item);
	 * Remove a DataObject from this set.
	 * @param DataObject $itemObject Item to remove.
	public function remove($itemObject) {
		foreach($this->items as $key=>$item){
			if($item === $itemObject){
	 * Merge another set onto the end of this set.
	 * @param DataObjectSet $anotherSet Set to mege onto this set.
	public function merge($anotherSet){
		foreach($anotherSet->items as $item){
	 * Rewind the iterator to the beginning of the set.
	 * @return DataObject The first item in the set.
	public function rewind() {
		$this->current = $this->prepareItem(reset($this->items));
		return $this->current;
	 * Return the current object of the iterator.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function current() {
		return $this->current;
	 * Return the key of the current object of the iterator.
	 * @return mixed
	public function key() {
		return key($this->items);
	 * Return the next item in this set.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function next() {
		$this->current = $this->prepareItem(next($this->items));
		return $this->current;
	 * Return the next item in this set without progressing the iterator.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function peekNext() {
		return $this->getOffset(1);
	 * Return the prvious item in this set, without affecting the iterator.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function peekPrev() {
		return $this->getOffset(-1);
	 * Return the object in this set offset by $offset from the iterator pointer.
	 * @param int $offset The offset.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function getOffset($offset) {
		$keys = array_keys($this->items);
		foreach($keys as $i => $key) {
			if($key == key($this->items)) break;	
		$requiredKey = $keys[$i + $offset];
		return $this->items [$requiredKey];
	 * Gets a specific slice of an existing set.
	 * @param int $offset
	 * @param int $length
	 * @return DataObjectSet
	public function getRange($offset, $length) {
		$set = new DataObjectSet();
		$offset = (int)$offset;
		$length = (int)$length;
		for($i=$offset; $i<($offset+$length); $i++) {
			if(isset($this->items[$i])) $set->push($this->items[$i]);
		return $set;
	 * Prepare an item taken from the internal array for 
	 * output by this iterator.  Ensures that it is an object.
	 * @param DataObject $item Item to prepare
	 * @return DataObject
	protected function prepareItem($item) {
		if(is_object($item)) {
			$item->iteratorProperties(key($this->items), sizeof($this->items));
		// This gives some reliablity but it patches over the root cause of the bug...
		// else if(key($this->items) !== null) $item = new ViewableData();
		return $item;
	 * Check the iterator is pointing to a valid item in the set.
	 * @return boolean
	public function valid() {
	 	return $this->current !== false;
	 * Returns false if the set is empty.
	 * @return boolean
	public function exists() {
		return sizeof($this->items) > 0;
	 * Return the first item in the set.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function First() {
		$keys = array_keys($this->items);
		return sizeof($keys) > 0 ? $this->items[$keys[0]] : null;
	 * Return the last item in the set.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function Last() {
		$keys = array_keys($this->items);
		return $this->items[$keys[sizeof($keys)-1]];

	 * Return the total number of items in this dataset.
	 * @return int
	public function TotalItems() {
		return $this->totalSize ? $this->totalSize : sizeof($this->items);
	 * Returns the actual number of items in this dataset.
	 * @return int
	public function Count() {
		return sizeof($this->items);
	 * Returns this set as a XHTML unordered list.
	 * @return string
	public function UL() {
		if($this->items) {
			$result = "<ul id=\"Menu1\">\n";
			foreach($this->items as $item) {
				$result .= "<li onclick=\"location.href = this.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href\"><a href=\"$item->Link\">$item->Title</a></li>\n";
			$result .= "</ul>\n";
			return $result;
	 * Returns this set as a XHTML unordered list.
	 * @return string
	public function forTemplate() {
		return $this->UL();
	 * Returns the dataset as an array of ID => "FirstName Surname"
	 * @param string $key Field name to index the array.
	 * @param array $values An array of fieldnames to insert in array
	 * @param boolean $withdash Add dashes inbetween values
	 * @return array
	public function map_multiple($key = "ID", $values = array("FirstName", "Surname"), $withdash = false){
		foreach($this->items as $item) {
			$mapValues = array();
			foreach($values as $value) {
				$mapValues[] = $item->$value;
			if($withdash) {
				$map[$item->$key] = implode(" - ", $mapValues);
			} else {
				$map[$item->$key] = implode(" ", $mapValues);
		return $map;		

	 * Returns the dataset as an array of ID => Title.
	 * TODO Duplication from toDropdownMap()
	* @param string $key The field you wish to use as a key for the array
	* @param string $value The field or method you wish to use to get values for the map
	* @param string $includeBlank String for no option selected
	* @return array
	public function map($key = "ID", $value = "Title", $includeBlank=null) {
		/* Don't do this, add this locally.
		 * Reasons: 1: In some case this blank value don't/mustn't present.
		 						2: In some case, this balnk value should be customised, such as (Select from below)
		 						3: In some case, the key need to be explicitly "0", cos "" and "0" need to be treated differently
		//$map[''] = "(Select)";
		/* Instead do this as an option */
		if($includeBlank) $map[''] = $includeBlank;
		foreach($this->items as $item ){
				foreach($value as $individul){
					if($map[$item->$key]) $map[$item->$key] .=" - ";
					$map[$item->$key] .= $item->$individul;
				$map[$item->$key] = $item->$value;
		return $map;		
	 * Return a column of the given field
	 * @param string $value The field name
	 * @return array
	public function column($value = "ID") {
		$list = array();
		foreach($this->items as $item ){
			$list[] = $item->$value;
		return $list;
	 * Returns an array of DataObjectSets.  The array is keyed by index.
	 * @param string $index The field name to index the array by.
	 * @return array
	public function groupBy($index){
		foreach($this->items as $item ){
			if(!isset($result[$item->$index])) {
				$result[$item->$index] = new DataObjectSet();
		return $result;
	 * Groups the items by a given field.
	 * Returns a DataObjectSet suitable for use in a nested template.
	 * @param string $index The field to group by
	 * @param string $childControl The name of the nested page control
	 * @return DataObjectSet
	public function GroupedBy($index, $childControl = "Children") {
		$grouped = $this->groupBy($index);
		$groupedAsSet = new DataObjectSet();
		foreach($grouped as $group) {
				$childControl => $group
		return $groupedAsSet;
	 * Returns a nested unordered list out of a "chain" of DataObject-relations,
	 * using the automagic ComponentSet-relation-methods to find subsequent DataObjectSets.
	 * The formatting of the list can be different for each level, and is evaluated as an SS-template
	 * with access to the current DataObjects attributes and methods.
	 * Example: Groups (Level 0, the "calling" DataObjectSet, needs to be queried externally)
	 * and their Members (Level 1, determined by the Group->Members()-relation).
	 * @param array $nestingLevels
	 * Defines relation-methods on DataObjects as a string, plus custom
	 * SS-template-code for the list-output. Use "Root" for the current DataObjectSet (is will not evaluate into
	 * a function).
	 * Caution: Don't close the list-elements (determined programatically).
	 * You need to escape dollar-signs that need to be evaluated as SS-template-code.
	 * Use $EvenOdd to get appropriate classes for CSS-styling.
	 * Format:
	 * array(
	 * 	array(
	 * 		"dataclass" => "Root", 
	 * 		"template" => "<li class=\"\$EvenOdd\"><a href=\"admin/crm/show/\$ID\">\$AccountName</a>"
	 * 	),
	 * 	array(
	 * 		"dataclass" => "GrantObjects", 
	 * 		"template" => "<li class=\"\$EvenOdd\"><a href=\"admin/crm/showgrant/\$ID\">#\$GrantNumber: \$TotalAmount.Nice, \$ApplicationDate.ShortMonth \$ApplicationDate.Year</a>"
	 * 	)
	 * );
	 * @param string $ulExtraAttributes Extra attributes
	 * @return string Unordered List (HTML)
	public function buildNestedUL($nestingLevels, $ulExtraAttributes = "") {
		return $this->getChildrenAsUL($nestingLevels, 0, "", $ulExtraAttributes);
	 * Gets called recursively on the child-objects of the chain.
	 * @param array $nestingLevels see {@buildNestedUL}
	 * @param int $level Current nesting level
	 * @param string $template Template for list item
	 * @param string $ulExtraAttributes Extra attributes
	 * @return string
	protected function getChildrenAsUL($nestingLevels, $level = 0, $template = "<li id=\"record-\$ID\" class=\"\$EvenOdd\">\$Title", $ulExtraAttributes = null, &$itemCount = 0) {
		$output = "";
		$hasNextLevel = false;
		$ulExtraAttributes = " $ulExtraAttributes";
		$output = "<ul" . eval($ulExtraAttributes) . ">\n";
		$currentNestingLevel = $nestingLevels[$level];
		// either current or default template
		$currentTemplate = (!empty($currentNestingLevel)) ? $currentNestingLevel['template'] : $template;
		$myViewer = SSViewer::fromString($currentTemplate);
		$childrenMethod = $nestingLevels[$level+1]['dataclass'];

		// sql-parts
		$filter = ($nestingLevels[$level+1]['filter']) ? $nestingLevels[$level+1]['filter'] : null;
		$sort = ($nestingLevels[$level+1]['sort']) ? $nestingLevels[$level+1]['sort'] : null;
		$join = ($nestingLevels[$level+1]['join']) ? $nestingLevels[$level+1]['join'] : null;
		$limit = ($nestingLevels[$level+1]['limit']) ? $nestingLevels[$level+1]['limit'] : null;
		$having = ($nestingLevels[$level+1]['having']) ? $nestingLevels[$level+1]['having'] : null;

		foreach($this as $parent) {
			$evenOdd = ($itemCount % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; 
			$parent->setField('EvenOdd', $evenOdd);
			$template = $myViewer->process($parent);
			// if no output is selected, fall back to the id to keep the item "clickable"
			$output .= $template . "\n"; 
			if($childrenMethod) {
				// workaround for missing groupby/having-parameters in instance_get
				// get the dataobjects for the next level
				$children = $parent->$childrenMethod($filter, $sort, $join, $limit, $having);
				if($children) {
					$output .= $children->getChildrenAsUL($nestingLevels, $level+1, $currentTemplate, $ulExtraAttributes); 
			$output .= "</li>\n";
		$output .= "</ul>\n";
		return $output;
	* Returns a new DataObjectSet of the sorted array
	* @param string $fieldname the name of the field on the dataobject that you wish to sort the set by
	* @param string $direction the direction of the sort e.g. Ascending  = ASC ( LIKE SQL )
	public function sort($fieldname, $direction = "ASC") {
		if($this->items) {
			column_sort($this->items, $fieldname, $direction, false);
	* Remove duplicates from this set based on the dataobjects ID.
	* Assumes all items contained in the set all have IDs.
	public function removeDuplicates() {
		$exists = array();
		foreach($this->items as $key => $item) {
			if(isset($exists[$item->ID])) {
			$exists[$item->ID] = true;
	 * Returns information about this set in HTML format for debugging.
	 * @return string
	public function debug() {
		$val = "<h2>dataobject set</h2><ul>";
		foreach($this as $item) {
			$val .= "<li style=\"list-style-type: disc; margin-left: 20px\">" . Debug::text($item) . "</li>";
		$val .= "</ul>";
		return $val;
	 * Groups the set by $groupField and returns the parent of each group whose class
	 * is $groupClassName. If $collapse is true, the group will be collapsed up until an ancestor with the
	 * given class is found.
	 * @param string $groupField The field to group by.
	 * @param string $groupClassName Classname.
	 * @param string $sortParents SORT clause to insert into the parents SQL.
	 * @param string $parentField Parent field.
	 * @param boolean $collapse Collapse up until an ancestor with the given class is found.
	 * @param string $requiredParents Required parents
	 * @return DataObjectSet
	public function groupWithParents($groupField, $groupClassName, $sortParents = null, $parentField = 'ID', $collapse = false, $requiredParents = null) {
		// Each item in this DataObjectSet is grouped into a multidimensional array
		// indexed by it's parent. The parent IDs are later used to find the parents
		// that make up the returned set.
		$groupedSet = array();
		// Array to store the subgroups matching the requirements
		$resultsArray = array();
		// Put this item into the array indexed by $groupField.
		// the keys are later used to retrieve the top-level records
		foreach( $this->items as $item ) {
			$groupedSet[$item->$groupField][] = $item;
		$parentSet = null;
		// retrieve parents for this set
		// TODO How will we collapse the hierarchy to bridge the gap?
		// if collapse is specified, then find the most direct ancestor of type
		// $groupClassName
		if($collapse) {
			// The most direct ancestors with the type $groupClassName
			$parentSet = array();
			// get direct parents
			$parents = DataObject::get( 'SiteTree', "`SiteTree`.`$parentField` IN( " . implode( ",", array_keys( $groupedSet ) ) . ")", $sortParents );	
			// for each of these parents...
			foreach($parents as $parent) {
				// store the old parent ID. This is required to change the grouped items
				// in the $groupSet array
				$oldParentID = $parent->ID;
				// get the parental stack
				$parentObjects= $parent->parentStack();
				$parentStack = array();
				foreach( $parentObjects as $parentObj )
					$parentStack[] = $parentObj->ID;
				// is some particular IDs are required, then get the intersection
				if($requiredParents && count($requiredParents)) {
					$parentStack = array_intersect($requiredParents, $parentStack);
				$newParent = null;
				// If there are no parents, the group can be omitted
				if(empty($parentStack)) {
					$newParent = new DataObjectSet();
				} else {
				 	$newParent = DataObject::get_one( $groupClassName, "`SiteTree`.`$parentField` IN( " . implode( ",", $parentStack ) . ")" );		
				// change each of the descendant's association from the old parent to
				// the new parent. This effectively collapses the hierarchy
				foreach( $groupedSet[$oldParentID] as $descendant ) {
					$groupedSet[$newParent->ID][] = $descendant;
				// Add the most direct ancestor of type $groupClassName
				$parentSet[] = $newParent;
		// otherwise get the parents of these items
		} else {
			$requiredIDs = array_keys( $groupedSet );
			if( $requiredParents && cont($requiredParents)) {
				$requiredIDs = array_intersect($requiredParents, $requiredIDs);
			if(empty($requiredIDs)) {
				$parentSet = new DataObjectSet();
			} else {
				$parentSet = DataObject::get( $groupClassName, "`$groupClassName`.`$parentField` IN( " . implode( ",", $requiredIDs ) . ")", $sortParents );	
			$parentSet = $parentSet->toArray();
		foreach($parentSet as $parent) {
			$resultsArray[] = $parent->customise(array(
				"GroupItems" => new DataObjectSet($groupedSet[$parent->$parentField])
		return new DataObjectSet($resultsArray);
	 * Add a field to this set without writing it to the database
	 * @param DataObject $field Field to add
    function addWithoutWrite($field) {
        $this->items[] = $field;

 * Sort a 2D array by particular comma separated list of columns.
 * Prefix column names with - for a descending search.
 * @param array $data The array to sort
 * @param string $column Comma separated list of columns
 * @param string $direction Direction to sort by, either "ASC" or "DESC"
 * @param boolean $preserveIndexes Preserve indexes
function column_sort(&$data, $column, $direction = "ASC", $preserveIndexes = true) {
	global $column_sort_field, $column_sort_multiplier;

	// We have to keep numeric diretions for legacy
	if(is_numeric($direction)) {
		$column_sort_multiplier = $direction;
	} elseif($direction == "ASC") {
		$column_sort_multiplier = 1;
	} elseif($direction == "DESC") {
		$column_sort_multiplier = -1;
	} else {
		$column_sort_multiplier = 0;
	$column_sort_field = $column;
	if($preserveIndexes) {
		uasort($data, "column_sort_callback_basic");
	} else {
		usort($data, "column_sort_callback_basic");

 * Callback used by column_sort
function column_sort_callback_basic($a, $b) {
	global $column_sort_field, $column_sort_multiplier;

	if($a->$column_sort_field == $b->$column_sort_field) {
		$result  = 0;
	} else {
		$result = ($a->$column_sort_field < $b->$column_sort_field) ? -1 * $column_sort_multiplier : 1 * $column_sort_multiplier;
	return $result;
