# Forms ## Introduction Form is the base class of all forms in a SilverStripe application. Forms in your application can be created either by instantiating the Form class itself, or by subclassing it. ## Instantiating a form Creating a form is a matter of defining a method to represent that form. This method should return a form object. The constructor takes the following arguments: * `$controller`: This must be the controller that contains the form. * `$name`: This must be the name of the method on that controller that is called to return the form. The first two fields allow the form object to be re-created after submission. **It's vital that they are properly set - if you ever have problems with form action handler not working, check that these values are correct.** * `$fields`: A `[api:FieldList]` containing `[api:FormField]` instances make up fields in the form. * `$actions`: A `[api:FieldList]` containing the `[api:FormAction]` objects - the buttons at the bottom. * `$validator`: An optional `[api:Validator]` for more information. Example: :::php public function MyCustomForm() { $fields = new FieldList( new EmailField("Email"), new EncryptField("Password") ); $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction("login", "Log in")); return new Form($this, "MyCustomForm", $fields, $actions); } ## Subclassing a form It's the responsibility of your subclass' constructor to call :::php parent::__construct() with the right parameters. You may choose to take $fields and $actions as arguments if you wish, but $controller and $name must be passed - their values depend on where the form is instantiated. :::php class MyForm extends Form { public function __construct($controller, $name) { $fields = new FieldList( new EmailField("Email"), new EncryptedField("Password") ); $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction("login", "Log in")); parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions); } } The real difference, however, is that you can then define your controller methods within the form class itself. ## Form Field Types There are many classes extending `[api:FormField]`. Some examples: * `[api:TextField]` * `[api:EmailField]` * `[api:NumericField]` * `[api:DateField]` * `[api:CheckboxField]` * `[api:DropdownField]` * `[api:OptionsetField]` * `[api:CheckboxSetField]` Full overview at [form-field-types](/reference/form-field-types) ### Using Form Fields To get these fields automatically rendered into a form element, all you need to do is create a new instance of the class, and add it to the fieldlist of the form. :::php $form = new Form( $controller = $this, $name = "SignupForm", $fields = new FieldList( new TextField( $name = "FirstName", $title = "First name" ), new TextField("Surname"), new EmailField("Email", "Email address"), ), $actions = new FieldList( // List the action buttons here new FormAction("signup", "Sign up") ), $requiredFields = new RequiredFields( // List the required fields here: "Email", "FirstName" ) ); You'll note some of the fields are optional. Implementing the more complex fields requires extra arguments. :::php $form = new Form( $controller = $this, $name = "SignupForm", $fields = new FieldList( // List the your fields here new TextField( $name = "FirstName", $title = "First name" ), new TextField("Surname"), new EmailField("Email", "Email address") new DropdownField( $name = "Country", $title = "Country (if outside nz)", $source = Geoip::getCountryDropDown(), $value = Geoip::visitor_country() ) ), new FieldList( // List the action buttons here new FormAction("signup", "Sign up") ), new RequiredFields( // List the required fields here: "Email", "FirstName" ) ); ## Readonly Readonly on a Form :::php $myForm->makeReadonly(); Readonly on a FieldList :::php $myFieldSet->makeReadonly(); Readonly on a FormField :::php $myReadonlyField = $myField->transform(new ReadonlyTransformation()); // shortcut $myReadonlyField = $myField->performReadonlyTransformation(); ## Custom form templates You can use a custom form template to render with, instead of *Form.ss* It's recommended you only do this if you've got a lot of presentation text, graphics that surround the form fields. This is better than defining those as *LiteralField* objects, as it doesn't clutter the data layer with presentation junk. First of all, you need to create your form on it's own class, that way you can define a custom template using a `forTemplate()` method on your Form class. :::php class MyForm extends Form { public function __construct($controller, $name) { $fields = new FieldList( new TextField('FirstName', 'First name'), new EmailField('Email', 'Email address') ); $actions = new FieldList( new FormAction('submit', 'Submit') ); parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions); } public function forTemplate() { return $this->renderWith(array( $this->class, 'Form' )); } public function submit($data, $form) { // do stuff here } } `forTemplate()` tells the `[api:Form]` class to render with a template of return value of `$this->class`, which in this case is *MyForm*, the name of the class. If the template doesn't exist, then it falls back to using Form.ss. *MyForm.ss* should then be placed into your *templates/Includes* directory for your project. Here is an example of basic customisation: :::ss
<% if Message %>


<% else %> <% end_if %>
<% if Actions %>
<% control Actions %>$Field<% end_control %>
<% end_if %>
`$dataFieldByName(FirstName)` will return the form control contents of `Field()` for the particular field object, in this case `TextField->Field()` or `EmailField->Field()` which returns an `` element with specific markup for the type of field. Pass in the name of the field as the first parameter, as done above, to render it into the template. To find more methods, have a look at the `[api:Form]` class, as there is a lot of different methods of customising the form templates, for example, you could use `<% control Fields %>` instead of specifying each field manually, as we've done above. ### Custom form field templates The easiest way to customize form fields is adding CSS classes and additional attributes. :::php $field = new TextField('MyText'); $field->addExtraClass('largeText'); $field->setAttribute('data-validation-regex', '[\d]*'); // Field() renders as: // Each form field is rendered into a form via the `[FieldHolder()](api:FormField->FieldHolder())` method, which includes a container `
` as well as a `