"Varchar(3) null", "Amount" => Array('type'=>'decimal', 'parts'=>Array('datatype'=>'decimal', 'precision'=>"14,2"), 'default' => '0'), ); function __construct($name = null) { $this->currencyLib = new Zend_Currency(null, i18n::default_locale()); parent::__construct($name); } public function composite_db(){ return self::$composite_db; } function requireField() { $composite_db = $this->composite_db(); foreach($composite_db as $name => $type){ DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name.$name, $type); } } function writeToManipulation(&$manipulation) { $manipulation['fields'][$this->name.'Currency'] = $this->prepValueForDB($this->getCurrency()); $manipulation['fields'][$this->name.'Amount'] = $this->getAmount(); } function setValue($value,$record=null) { if($record && isset($record[$this->name . 'Currency']) && isset($record[$this->name . 'Amount'])) { if($record[$this->name . 'Currency'] && $record[$this->name . 'Amount']) { $this->setCurrency($record[$this->name . 'Currency']); $this->setAmount($record[$this->name . 'Amount']); } else { $this->value = $this->nullValue(); } } elseif ($value instanceof Money) { $this->setCurrency($value->getCurrency()); $this->setAmount($value->getAmount()); } else if (is_array($value)) { if (array_key_exists('Currency', $value)) { $this->setCurrency($value['Currency']); $this->isChanged = true; } if (array_key_exists('Amount', $value)) { $this->setAmount($value['Amount']); $this->isChanged = true; } } else { user_error('Invalid value in Money->setValue()', E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * @return string */ function Nice($options = array()) { return $this->currencyLib->toCurrency($this->getAmount(), $options); } /** * @return string */ function NiceWithShortname($options = array()){ $shortName = $this->getShortName(); $symbol = $this->getSymbol(); return $shortName."(".$symbol.")"." ".$this->getAmount(); } /** * @return string */ function getCurrency() { return $this->currency; } /** * @param string */ function setCurrency($currency) { $this->currency = $currency; } /** * @todo Return casted Float DBField? * * @return float */ function getAmount() { return $this->amount; } /** * @param float $amount */ function setAmount($amount) { $this->amount = (float)$amount; } /** * @return boolean */ function hasValue() { return ($this->getCurrency() && is_numeric($this->getAmount())); } function isChanged() { return $this->isChanged; } /** * @param string $locale */ function setLocale($locale) { $this->locale = $locale; $this->currencyLib->setLocale($locale); } /** * @return string */ function getLocale() { return ($this->locale) ? $this->locale : i18n::get_locale(); } /** * @return string */ function getSymbol($currency = null, $locale = null) { if($locale === null) $locale = $this->getLocale(); if($currency === null) $currency = $this->getCurrency(); return $this->currencyLib->getSymbol($currency, $locale); } /** * @return string */ function getShortName($currency = null, $locale = null) { if($locale === null) $locale = $this->getLocale(); if($currency === null) $currency = $this->getCurrency(); return $this->currencyLib->getShortName($currency, $locale); } /** * @return string */ function getName($currency = null, $locale = null) { if($locale === null) $locale = $this->getLocale(); if($currency === null) $currency = $this->getCurrency(); return $this->currencyLib->getName($currency, $locale); } /** * @param array $arr */ function setAllowedCurrencies($arr) { $this->allowedCurrencies = $arr; } /** * @return array */ function getAllowedCurrencies() { return $this->allowedCurrencies; } /** * @todo Implement this */ function toString() { } /** * Returns a CompositeField instance used as a default * for form scaffolding. * * Used by {@link SearchContext}, {@link ModelAdmin}, {@link DataObject::scaffoldFormFields()} * * @param string $title Optional. Localized title of the generated instance * @return FormField */ public function scaffoldFormField($title = null) { $fieldAmount = new NumericField($this->name."Amount", 'Amount'); $allowedCurrencies = $this->getAllowedCurrencies(); if($allowedCurrencies) { $fieldCurrency = new DropdownField( $this->name."Currency", 'Currency', array_combine($allowedCurrencies,$allowedCurrencies) ); } else { $fieldCurrency = new TextField($this->name."Currency", 'Currency'); } $field = new FieldGroup( $fieldAmount, $fieldCurrency ); $field->setID ($this->name); return $field; } } ?>