getExtraMethodConfig($method); if (empty($config)) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "Object->__call(): the method '$method' does not exist on '$class'" ); } switch (true) { case isset($config['callback']): { return $config['callback']($this, $arguments); } case isset($config['property']) : { $property = $config['property']; $index = $config['index']; $obj = $index !== null ? $this->{$property}[$index] : $this->{$property}; if (!$obj) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "Object->__call(): {$class} cannot pass control to {$property}({$index})." . ' Perhaps this object was mistakenly destroyed?' ); } // Call without setOwner if (empty($config['callSetOwnerFirst'])) { return $obj->$method(...$arguments); } /** @var Extension $obj */ try { $obj->setOwner($this); return $obj->$method(...$arguments); } finally { $obj->clearOwner(); } } case isset($config['wrap']): { array_unshift($arguments, $config['method']); $wrapped = $config['wrap']; return $this->$wrapped(...$arguments); } case isset($config['function']): { return $config['function']($this, $arguments); } default: { throw new BadMethodCallException( "Object->__call(): extra method $method is invalid on $class:" . var_export($config, true) ); } } } /** * Adds any methods from {@link Extension} instances attached to this object. * All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently * mapped through {@link __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend()}. * * @uses addMethodsFrom() */ protected function defineMethods() { // Define from all registered callbacks foreach ($this->extra_method_registers as $callback) { call_user_func($callback); } } /** * Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods * * @param string $name * @param callable $callback */ protected function registerExtraMethodCallback($name, $callback) { if (!isset($this->extra_method_registers[$name])) { $this->extra_method_registers[$name] = $callback; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return TRUE if a method exists on this object * * This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via * extensions * * @param string $method * @return bool */ public function hasMethod($method) { return method_exists($this, $method ?? '') || $this->getExtraMethodConfig($method); } /** * Get meta-data details on a named method * * @param string $method * @return array List of custom method details, if defined for this method */ protected function getExtraMethodConfig($method) { if (empty($method)) { return null; } // Lazy define methods if (!isset(self::$extra_methods[static::class])) { $this->defineMethods(); } if (isset(self::$extra_methods[static::class][strtolower($method)])) { return self::$extra_methods[static::class][strtolower($method)]; } return null; } /** * Return the names of all the methods available on this object * * @param bool $custom include methods added dynamically at runtime * @return array */ public function allMethodNames($custom = false) { $class = static::class; if (!isset(self::$built_in_methods[$class])) { self::$built_in_methods[$class] = array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($this ?? '')); } if ($custom && isset(self::$extra_methods[$class])) { return array_merge(self::$built_in_methods[$class], array_keys(self::$extra_methods[$class] ?? [])); } else { return self::$built_in_methods[$class]; } } /** * @param object $extension * @return array */ protected function findMethodsFromExtension($extension) { if (method_exists($extension, 'allMethodNames')) { if ($extension instanceof Extension) { try { $extension->setOwner($this); $methods = $extension->allMethodNames(true); } finally { $extension->clearOwner(); } } else { $methods = $extension->allMethodNames(true); } } else { $class = get_class($extension); if (!isset(self::$built_in_methods[$class])) { self::$built_in_methods[$class] = array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($extension ?? '')); } $methods = self::$built_in_methods[$class]; } return $methods; } /** * Add all the methods from an object property (which is an {@link Extension}) to this object. * * @param string $property the property name * @param string|int $index an index to use if the property is an array * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected function addMethodsFrom($property, $index = null) { $class = static::class; $extension = ($index !== null) ? $this->{$property}[$index] : $this->$property; if (!$extension) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Object->addMethodsFrom(): could not add methods from {$class}->{$property}[$index]" ); } $methods = $this->findMethodsFromExtension($extension); if ($methods) { if ($extension instanceof Extension) { Deprecation::notice( '5.0', 'Register custom methods from extensions with addCallbackMethod.' . ' callSetOwnerFirst will be removed in 5.0' ); } $methodInfo = [ 'property' => $property, 'index' => $index, 'callSetOwnerFirst' => $extension instanceof Extension, ]; $newMethods = array_fill_keys($methods ?? [], $methodInfo); if (isset(self::$extra_methods[$class])) { self::$extra_methods[$class] = array_merge(self::$extra_methods[$class], $newMethods); } else { self::$extra_methods[$class] = $newMethods; } } } /** * Add all the methods from an object property (which is an {@link Extension}) to this object. * * @param string $property the property name * @param string|int $index an index to use if the property is an array */ protected function removeMethodsFrom($property, $index = null) { $extension = ($index !== null) ? $this->{$property}[$index] : $this->$property; $class = static::class; if (!$extension) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Object->removeMethodsFrom(): could not remove methods from {$class}->{$property}[$index]" ); } $methods = $this->findMethodsFromExtension($extension); if ($methods) { foreach ($methods as $method) { if (!isset(self::$extra_methods[$class][$method])) { continue; } $methodInfo = self::$extra_methods[$class][$method]; // always check for property, AND // check for index only if provided if ((isset($methodInfo['property']) && $methodInfo['property'] === $property) && (!$index || ($index && isset($methodInfo['index']) && $methodInfo['index'] === $index))) { unset(self::$extra_methods[$class][$method]); } } if (empty(self::$extra_methods[$class])) { unset(self::$extra_methods[$class]); } } } /** * Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) * can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x) * * @param string $method the method name to wrap * @param string $wrap the method name to wrap to */ protected function addWrapperMethod($method, $wrap) { self::$extra_methods[static::class][strtolower($method)] = [ 'wrap' => $wrap, 'method' => $method ]; } /** * Add callback as a method. * * @param string $method Name of method * @param callable $callback Callback to invoke. * Note: $this is passed as first parameter to this callback and then $args as array */ protected function addCallbackMethod($method, $callback) { self::$extra_methods[static::class][strtolower($method)] = [ 'callback' => $callback, ]; } }