first(); preg_match_all("/'[^,]+'/", $classnameinfo["Type"], $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $value) { $classes[] = trim($value, "'"); } return $classes; } /** * Return the database tables linked to this class. * Gets an array of the current class, it subclasses and its ancestors. It then filters that list * to those with DB tables */ static function dataClassesFor($class) { global $_ALL_CLASSES; if(!$_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class]) user_error("ClassInfo::dataClassesFor() no parents for $class", E_USER_WARNING); foreach($_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class] as $subclass) { if(isset($_ALL_CLASSES['hastable'][$subclass])){ $dataClasses[] = $subclass; } } if(isset($_ALL_CLASSES['hastable'][$class])) $dataClasses[] = $class; if(isset($_ALL_CLASSES['children'][$class])) foreach($_ALL_CLASSES['children'][$class] as $subclass) { if(isset($_ALL_CLASSES['hastable'][$subclass])) { $dataClasses[] = $subclass; } } return $dataClasses; } /** * Return the root data class for that class. * This root table has a lot of special use in the DataObject system. */ static function baseDataClass($class) { global $_ALL_CLASSES; reset($_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class]); while($val = next($_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class])) { if($val == 'DataObject') break; } $baseDataClass = next($_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class]); return $baseDataClass ? $baseDataClass : $class; } static function subclassesFor($class){ global $_ALL_CLASSES; $subclasses = isset($_ALL_CLASSES['children'][$class]) ? $_ALL_CLASSES['children'][$class] : null; if(isset($subclasses)) array_unshift($subclasses, $class); else $subclasses[$class] = $class; return $subclasses; } static function ancestry($class, $onlyWithTables = false) { global $_ALL_CLASSES; if(!is_string($class)) $class = $class->class; $items = $_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class]; $items[$class] = $class; if($onlyWithTables) foreach($items as $item) { if(!$_ALL_CLASSES['hastable'][$item]) unset($items[$item]); } return $items; } /** * @return array A self-keyed array of class names. Note that this is only available with Silverstripe * classes and not built-in PHP classes. */ static function implementorsOf($interfaceName) { global $_ALL_CLASSES; return (isset($_ALL_CLASSES['implementors'][$interfaceName])) ? $_ALL_CLASSES['implementors'][$interfaceName] : false; } } ?>