var Class = { create: function() { return function() { if(this.destroy) Class.registerForDestruction(this); if(this.initialize) this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } }, extend: function(baseClassName) { constructor = function() { var i; /* var tmp = this.initialize; this.initialize = window[baseClassName].initialize; window[baseClassName].apply(this, arguments); this.initialize = tmp; */ this[baseClassName] = {} for(i in window[baseClassName].prototype) { if(!this[i]) this[i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i]; if(typeof window[baseClassName].prototype[i] == 'function') { this[baseClassName][i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i].bind(this); } } if(window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff) { window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff.apply(this); } if(this.destroy) Class.registerForDestruction(this); if(this.initialize) this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } constructor.getInheritedStuff = function() { var i; this[baseClassName] = {} for(i in window[baseClassName].prototype) { if(!this[i]) this[i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i]; if(typeof window[baseClassName].prototype[i] == 'function') { this[baseClassName][i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i].bind(this); } } if(window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff) { window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff.apply(this); } } return constructor; }, objectsToDestroy : [], registerForDestruction: function(obj) { if(!Class.addedDestructionLoader) { Event.observe(window, 'unload', Class.destroyAllObjects); Class.addedDestructionLoader = true; } Class.objectsToDestroy.push(obj); }, destroyAllObjects: function() { var i,item; for(i=0;item=Class.objectsToDestroy[i];i++) { if(item.destroy) item.destroy(); } Class.objectsToDestroy = null; } } /** * Extend function used in multiple inheritance */ Function.prototype.extend = function(baseClassName) { var parentFunc = this; var constructor = function() { this[baseClassName] = {} for(var i in window[baseClassName].prototype) { if(!this[i]) this[i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i]; this[baseClassName][i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i].bind(this); } if(window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff) { window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff.apply(this); } if(parentFunc.getInheritedStuff) { parentFunc.getInheritedStuff.apply(this); } parentFunc.apply(this, arguments); } constructor.getInheritedStuff = function() { this[baseClassName] = {} var i; for(i in window[baseClassName].prototype) { if(!this[i]) this[i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i]; this[baseClassName][i] = window[baseClassName].prototype[i].bind(this); } if(window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff) { window[baseClassName].getInheritedStuff.apply(this); } if(parentFunc.getInheritedStuff) { parentFunc.getInheritedStuff.apply(this); } } return constructor; } Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) { var __method = this; return function(event) { return, event || window.event); } } Function.prototype.applyTo = function(cssSelector, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { if(typeof cssSelector == 'string') { var registration = {} var targetClass = this; registration[cssSelector] = { initialise: function() { behaveAs(this, targetClass, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } } Behaviour.register(registration); } else { behaveAs(cssSelector, this); } } var _APPLYTOCHILDREN_GENERATED_IDS = 0; Function.prototype.applyToChildren = function(parentNode, cssSelector, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { if(! { _APPLYTOCHILDREN_GENERATED_IDS++; = 'atc-gen-id-' + _APPLYTOCHILDREN_GENERATED_IDS; } this.applyTo('#' + + ' ' + cssSelector); } if(typeof Behaviour == 'undefined') { var Behaviour = { isEventHandler : { onclick : true, onfocus : true, onblur : true, onmousedown : true, onmouseup : true, onmouseover: true, onmouseout: true, onclick : true }, list : new Array, namedList : {}, isDebugging : false, register : function(name, sheet){ if(typeof name == 'object') { Behaviour.list.push(name); if(Behaviour.alreadyApplied) Behaviour.process(name); } else { Behaviour.list.push(sheet); Behaviour.namedList[name] = sheet; if(Behaviour.alreadyApplied) Behaviour.process(sheet); } }, start : function(){ Behaviour.addLoader(function() {Behaviour.apply();}); }, debug : function() { Behaviour.isDebugging = true; }, apply : function(parentNode, applyToParent){ // reapply livequery listeners if present if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined' && typeof(jQuery.livequery) != 'undefined'); if(Behaviour.isDebugging) console.time('Behaviour: apply took'); if(typeof parentNode == 'string') parentNode = document.getElementById(parentNode); var h; for (h=0;sheet=Behaviour.list[h];h++){ Behaviour.process(sheet, parentNode, applyToParent); } if(Behaviour.isDebugging) console.timeEnd('Behaviour: apply took'); Behaviour.alreadyApplied = true; }, reapply : function(name) { // reapply livequery listeners if present if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined' && typeof(jQuery.livequery) != 'undefined'); if(Behaviour.namedList[name]) Behaviour.process(Behaviour.namedList[name]); }, process : function(sheet, parentNode, applyToParent) { var i; var selector; var list; var element; var debugText = ""; for (selector in sheet){ if(!sheet[selector]) continue; if(Behaviour.isDebugging) console.time('Behaviour: ' + selector); list = document.getElementsBySelector(selector, parentNode); if (list && list.length > 0) { if(Behaviour.isDebugging) console.log("Behaviour: %s: %d items, %o", selector, list.length, list); for (i=0;element=list[i];i++){ if(parentNode == element && applyToParent != true) continue; // lastSelectorApplied is a duplicate checker. getElementsBySelector sometimes returns duplicates if(element.lastSelectorApplied != sheet[selector]) { element.lastSelectorApplied = sheet[selector]; if(sheet[selector].prototype) { behaveAs(element, sheet[selector]); } else { var x; for(x in sheet[selector]) { if(element[x] && !element['old_' + x]) element['old_' + x] = element[x]; if(sheet[selector][x]) { if(Behaviour.isEventHandler[x]) { element[x] = sheet[selector][x].bindAsEventListener(element); // Event.observe(element, x.substr(2), sheet[selector][x]); } else { element[x] = sheet[selector][x]; } } } // Two diferent ways of spelling initialize depending on your version of the English language if(sheet[selector].initialise) { element.initialise(); } else if(sheet[selector].initialize) { element.initialize(); } // Sometimes applyToChildren classes cause sheet[selector] to die in initialise(). Why? if(typeof sheet[selector] == 'undefined') break; if(sheet[selector].destroy) Class.registerForDestruction(element); } } } } if(Behaviour.isDebugging) console.timeEnd('Behaviour: ' + selector); } }, /** * Add a window.onload function. */ addLoader : function(func){ Behaviour.addEvent(window,'load', func); }, /** * Attach an event listener to the given object */ addEvent: function(obj, evType, fn, useCapture){ if (obj.addEventListener){ obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent){ var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r; } else { alert("Handler could not be attached"); } } } Behaviour.start(); } /* * Force elemnt to "behave like" the given class * The constructor will be called an all of the methods attached * Think of it as dynamic multiple inheritance... welcome to the messed up * yet delightful world of JavaScript */ function behaveAs(element, behaviourClass, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { if(!element) return; // You can get into icky situations if behaveAs is called twice - the first class passed *has* initialize, // and the 2nd class passed *doesn't have it*. The first initialize is called twice, without this delete. element.initialize = null; var x; for(x in behaviourClass.prototype) { element[x] = behaviourClass.prototype[x]; if(x == 'onclick' && element[x]) { element[x] = element[x].bindAsEventListener(element); } } behaviourClass.apply(element, [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6]); return element; } /* The following code is Copyright (C) Simon Willison 2004. document.getElementsBySelector(selector) - returns an array of element objects from the current document matching the CSS selector. Selectors can contain element names, class names and ids and can be nested. For example: elements = document.getElementsBySelect('div#main p a.external') Will return an array of all 'a' elements with 'external' in their class attribute that are contained inside 'p' elements that are contained inside the 'div' element which has id="main" New in version 0.4: Support for CSS2 and CSS3 attribute selectors: See Version 0.4 - Simon Willison, March 25th 2003 -- Works in Phoenix 0.5, Mozilla 1.3, Opera 7, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 5 on Windows -- Opera 7 fails ***NOTE***: This function will sometimes return duplicates. Sam decided that rather than slow down the code with uniqueness checks, it was up to the code that uses this to do so. */ function getAllChildren(e) { // Returns all children of element. Workaround required for IE5/Windows. Ugh. return e.all ? e.all : e.getElementsByTagName('*'); } document.getElementsBySelector = function(selector, parentNode) { // Attempt to fail gracefully in lesser browsers if (!document.getElementsByTagName) { return new Array(); } // Split selector in to tokens var tokens = selector.split(' '); var currentContext = new Array(document); for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { token = tokens[i].replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');; if (token.indexOf('#') > -1) { // Token is an ID selector var bits = token.split('#'); var tagName = bits[0]; var id = bits[1]; var element = document.getElementById(id); if (!element || (tagName && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != tagName)) { // tag with that ID not found, return false return new Array(); } // Parent node limitation if(parentNode && !hasAncestor(element, parentNode) && !hasAncestor(parentNode, element)) { return new Array(); } // Set currentContext to contain just this element currentContext = new Array(element); continue; // Skip to next token } if (token.indexOf('.') > -1) { // Token contains a class selector var bits = token.split('.'); var tagName = bits[0]; var className = bits[1]; if (!tagName) { tagName = '*'; } // Get elements matching tag, filter them for class selector var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements; if(currentContext[h]) { if (tagName == '*') { elements = getAllChildren(currentContext[h]); } else { elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); } for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; // Single class if(bits.length == 2) { for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { if (found[k].className && found[k].className.match(new RegExp('\\b'+className+'\\b'))) { // Parent node limitation if(!parentNode || hasAncestor(found[k], parentNode) || hasAncestor(parentNode, found[k])) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } } // Multiple classes } else { var classNameMatcher = function(el) { var i; if(!el.className) return false; for(i=1;i<bits.length;i++) if(!el.className.match(new RegExp('\\b'+bits[i]+'\\b'))) return false; return true; } for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { if (classNameMatcher(found[k])) { // Parent node limitation if(!parentNode || hasAncestor(found[k], parentNode) || hasAncestor(parentNode, found[k])) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } } } continue; // Skip to next token } // Code to deal with attribute selectors if (token.match(/^(\w*)\[(\w+)([=~\|\^\$\*]?)=?"?([^\]"]*)"?\]$/)) { var tagName = RegExp.$1; var attrName = RegExp.$2; var attrOperator = RegExp.$3; var attrValue = RegExp.$4; if (!tagName) { tagName = '*'; } // Grab all of the tagName elements within current context var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { if(currentContext[h]){ var elements; if (tagName == '*') { elements = getAllChildren(currentContext[h]); } else { elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); } for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { // Parent node limitation if(!parentNode || hasAncestor(elements[j], parentNode) || hasAncestor(parentNode, elements[j])) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } } } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; var checkFunction; // This function will be used to filter the elements switch (attrOperator) { case '=': // Equality checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return (candAttrValue == attrValue); }; break; case '~': // Match one of space seperated words checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return (candAttrValue.match(new RegExp('\\b'+attrValue+'\\b'))); }; break; case '|': // Match start with value followed by optional hyphen checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return (candAttrValue.match(new RegExp('^'+attrValue+'-?'))); }; break; case '^': // Match starts with value checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return (candAttrValue.indexOf(attrValue) == 0); }; break; case '$': // Match ends with value - fails with "Warning" in Opera 7 checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return (candAttrValue.lastIndexOf(attrValue) == candAttrValue.length - attrValue.length); }; break; case '*': // Match ends with value checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return (candAttrValue.indexOf(attrValue) > -1); }; break; default : // Just test for existence of attribute checkFunction = function(candAttrValue) { return candAttrValue; }; } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { // Class needs special handling var candAttrValue = attrName == 'class' ? found[k].className : found[k].getAttribute(attrName); if (checkFunction(candAttrValue)) { if(!parentNode || hasAncestor(found[k], parentNode) || hasAncestor(parentNode, found[k])) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } } // alert('Attribute Selector: '+tagName+' '+attrName+' '+attrOperator+' '+attrValue); continue; // Skip to next token } if (!currentContext[0]){ return; } // If we get here, token is JUST an element (not a class or ID selector) tagName = token; var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { // Parent node limitation if(!parentNode || hasAncestor(elements[j], parentNode) || hasAncestor(parentNode, elements[j])) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } } currentContext = found; } if(parentNode) { var i; for(i=0;i<currentContext.length;i++) { if(!hasAncestor(currentContext[i], parentNode)) currentContext.splice( i, 1 ); } } return currentContext; } function hasAncestor(child, ancestor) { if(ancestor) { if(ancestor.contains) return ancestor == child || ancestor.contains(child); var p = child; while(p) { if(p == ancestor) return true; p = p.parentNode; } } return false; } /* That revolting regular expression explained /^(\w+)\[(\w+)([=~\|\^\$\*]?)=?"?([^\]"]*)"?\]$/ \---/ \---/\-------------/ \-------/ | | | | | | | The value | | ~,|,^,$,* or = | Attribute Tag */ /** * Simple observer pattern * * Call $('sitetree').observe('SelectionChanged', this) * -> this.onSelectionChanged(newNode) will be called whenever the selection changes * Call $('sitetree').observeMethod('SelectionChanged', this.updateDropdown.bind(this)) * -> this.updateDropdown(newNode) will be called whenever the selection changes * Call $('sitetree').notify('SelectionChanged', newNode) * -> The SelectionChanged event will be sent to all observers */ Observable = Class.create(); Observable.prototype = { observe : function(event, observer) { return this.observeMethod(event, observer['on' + Event].bind(observer)); }, observeMethod : function(event, method) { if(!this.observers) this.observers = {}; if(!this.observers[event]) this.observers[event] = []; var nextIdx = this.observers[event].length; this.observers[event][nextIdx] = method; return event + '|' + nextIdx; }, stopObserving : function(observerCode) { var parts = observerCode.split('|'); if(this.observers && this.observers[parts[0]] && this.observers[parts[0]][parts[1]]) this.observers[parts[0]][parts[1]] = null; else throw("Observeable.stopObserving: couldn't find '" + observerCode + "'"); }, notify : function(event, arg) { if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined' && typeof(jQuery.livequery) != 'undefined') jQuery(this).trigger(event, arg); var i, returnVal = true; if(this.observers && this.observers[event]) { for(i=0;i<this.observers[event].length;i++) { if(this.observers[event][i]) { if(this.observers[event][i](arg) == false) returnVal = false; } } } return returnVal; } }; if(window.location.href.indexOf('debug_behaviour=') > -1) Behaviour.debug();