ToolbarForm = Class.create(); ToolbarForm.prototype = { toggle: function(ed) { if( == 'block') this.close(ed); else; }, close: function(ed) { if( == 'block') { = 'none'; } }, open: function(ed) { if( != 'block') { = 'block'; } }, onsubmit: function() { return false; } } LinkForm = Class.extend('ToolbarForm'); LinkForm.prototype = { initialize: function() { var i,item; for(i=0;item=this.elements.LinkType[i];i++) { item.parentForm = this; item.onclick = this.linkTypeChanged.bind(this); } }, destroy: function() { this.ToolbarForm = null; this.onsubmit = null; var i,item; for(i=0;item=this.elements.LinkType[i];i++) { item.parentForm = null; item.onclick = null; } }, linkTypeChanged: function(setDefaults) { var linkType = Form.Element.getValue(this.elements.LinkType); var list = ['internal', 'external', 'file', 'email']; var i,item; for(i=0;item=list[i];i++) { $(item).style.display = (item == linkType) ? '' : 'none'; } $('Anchor').style.display = (linkType == 'internal' || linkType == 'anchor') ? '' : 'none'; if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank')) { $('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank').disabled = (linkType == 'email'); if(typeof setDefaults == 'undefined' || setDefaults) { $('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank').checked = (linkType == 'file'); } } if (jQuery('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorSelector')) { if ( linkType=='anchor' ) { jQuery('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorSelector').show(); jQuery('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorRefresh').show(); } else { jQuery('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorSelector').hide(); jQuery('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorRefresh').hide(); } } }, addAnchorSelector: function() { (function($) { if (!$('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorSelector').length) { // this function collects the anchors in the currently active editor and regenerates the dropdown var refreshAnchors = function(selector) { var anchors = new Array(); // name attribute is defined as CDATA, should accept all characters and entities // var raw = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent().match(/name="([^"]+?)"|name='([^']+?)'/gim); if (raw && raw.length) { for(var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { anchors.push(raw[i].substr(6).replace(/"$/, '')); } } selector.empty(); selector.append($('')); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { selector.append($('')); } } // refresh the anchor selector on click, or in case of IE - button click if( !tinymce.isIE ) { var anchorSelector = $(''); $('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_Anchor').parent().append(anchorSelector); anchorSelector.focus(function(e) { refreshAnchors($(this)); }); } else { var buttonRefresh = $(''); var anchorSelector = $(''); $('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_Anchor').parent().append(buttonRefresh).append(anchorSelector); // :hover class does not work on IE6 on dynamically created elements, have to simulate buttonRefresh.mouseover(function(e) { buttonRefresh.addClass('buttonRefreshHover'); }); buttonRefresh.mouseout(function(e) { buttonRefresh.removeClass('buttonRefreshHover'); }); { var anchorSelector = $('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_AnchorSelector'); refreshAnchors(anchorSelector); }); } // initialization refreshAnchors(anchorSelector); // copy the value from dropdown to the text field anchorSelector.change(function(e) { $('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_Anchor').val($(this).val()); }); } })(jQuery); }, toggle: function(ed) { this.addAnchorSelector(); this.ToolbarForm.toggle(ed); this.respondToNodeChange(ed); }, open: function(ed) {; this.originalSelection = null; var mceInst = tinyMCE.activeEditor; }, updateSelection: function(ed) { if(ed.selection.getRng()) { this.originalSelection = ed.selection.getRng(); } }, respondToNodeChange: function(ed) { if(ed == null) ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor; if( == 'block') { var i,data = this.getCurrentLink(ed); if(data) { for(i in data) { if(this.elements[i]) { // console.log('setting ' + i + ' to ' + this.elements[i] ); Form.Element.setValue(this.elements[i], data[i]); } } // If we haven't selected an existing link, then just make sure we default to "internal" for the link // type. } else { if(!Form.Element.getValue(this.elements.LinkType)) Form.Element.setValue(this.elements.LinkType, 'internal'); } this.linkTypeChanged(data ? false : true); } }, handleaction_insert: function() { var href; var target = null; switch(Form.Element.getValue(this.elements.LinkType)) { case 'internal': href = '[sitetree_link id=' + this.elements.internal.value + ']'; if(this.elements.Anchor.value) href += '#' + this.elements.Anchor.value; if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank')) { if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank').checked) target = '_blank'; } break; case 'anchor': href = '#' + this.elements.Anchor.value; if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank')) { if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank').checked) target = '_blank'; } break; case 'file': href = this.elements.file.value; target = '_blank'; break; case 'email': href = 'mailto:' +; break; case 'external': default: href = this.elements.external.value; if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank')) { if($('Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank').checked) target = '_blank'; } break; } if(this.originalSelection) { tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setRng(this.originalSelection); } var attributes = { href : href, target : target, title : this.elements.Description.value, innerHTML : this.elements.LinkText.value ? this.elements.LinkText.value : "Your Link" }; // Add the new link this.ssInsertLink(tinyMCE.activeEditor, attributes, this); }, /** * Insert a link into the given editor. * Replaces mceInsertLink in that innerHTML can also be set */ ssInsertLink: function(ed, attributes, linkFormObj) { var v = attributes; var s = ed.selection, e = ed.dom.getParent(s.getNode(), 'A'); if (, 'string')) attributes = {href : attributes}; function set(e) { tinymce.each(attributes, function(v, k) { if(k == 'innerHTML') e.innerHTML = v; else ed.dom.setAttrib(e, k, v); }); try {; if(linkFormObj) linkFormObj.updateSelection(ed); } catch(er) {} }; function replace() { tinymce.each('a'), function(e) { if (e.href == 'javascript:mctmp(0);') set(e); }); } if(attributes.innerHTML && !ed.selection.getContent()) { if(tinymce.isIE) var rng = ed.selection.getRng(); e = ed.getDoc().createElement('a'); e.href = 'javascript:mctmp(0);'; s.setNode(e); if(tinymce.isIE) tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setRng(rng); replace(); } if (!e) { ed.execCommand('CreateLink', false, 'javascript:mctmp(0);'); replace(); } else { if (attributes.href) set(e); else ed.dom.remove(e, 1); } this.respondToNodeChange(ed); }, handleaction_remove: function() { tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('unlink', false); }, /** * Return information about the currently selected link, suitable for population of the link * form. */ getCurrentLink: function(ed) { if(ed == null) ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor; var selectedText = ""; selectedText = ed.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}); var selectedElement = ed.selection.getNode(); /* if ((selectedElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "img") && (selectedText.length <= 0)) { return {}; } */ var href = "", target = "", title = "", onclick = "", action = "insert", style_class = ""; // We use a separate field for linkDataSource from tinyMCE.linkElement. // If we have selected beyond the range of an element, then use use that element to get the link data source, // but we don't use it as the destination for the link insertion var linkDataSource = null; if(selectedElement && (selectedElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a")) { linkDataSource = selectedElement;; } else if(selectedElement && (selectedElement.getElementsByTagName('a').length > 0)) { if(selectedElement.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]) { linkDataSource = selectedElement.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; } } else { var sel = selectedElement; if(sel) { while((sel = sel.parentNode) && sel.tagName && sel.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body') { if(sel.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') { linkDataSource = selectedElement = sel;; break; } } } } // Is anchor not a link if (linkDataSource != null && tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'href') == "") linkDataSource = null; if (linkDataSource) { href = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'href'); target = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'target'); title = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'title'); onclick = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'onclick'); style_class = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'class'); // Try old onclick to if copy/pasted content if (onclick == "") onclick = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'onclick'); /* onclick = tinyMCE.cleanupEventStr(onclick); */ /* // Fix for drag-drop/copy paste bug in Mozilla mceRealHref = tinymce.DOM.getAttrib(linkDataSource, 'mce_real_href'); if (mceRealHref != "") href = mceRealHref; */ href = eval(tinyMCE.settings['urlconverter_callback'] + "(href, linkDataSource, true);"); action = "update"; } // Turn into relative if(href.match(new RegExp('^' + tinyMCE.settings['document_base_url'] + '(.*)$'))) { href = RegExp.$1; } var linkText = ed.selection.getContent({format : 'html'}).replace(/<\/?a[^>]*>/ig,''); if(href.match(/^mailto:(.*)$/)) { return { LinkType: 'email', email: RegExp.$1, LinkText: linkText, Description: title } } else if(href.match(/^(assets\/.*)$/)) { return { LinkType: 'file', file: RegExp.$1, LinkText: linkText, Description: title } } else if(href.match(/^#(.*)$/)) { return { LinkType: 'anchor', Anchor: RegExp.$1, LinkText: linkText, Description: title, TargetBlank: target ? true : false } } else if(href.match(/^\[sitetree_link id=([0-9]+)\]?(#.*)?$/)) { return { LinkType: 'internal', internal: RegExp.$1, Anchor: RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2.substr(1) : '', LinkText: linkText, Description: title, TargetBlank: target ? true : false } } else if(href) { return { LinkType: 'external', external: href, LinkText: linkText, Description: title, TargetBlank: target ? true : false } } else { return { LinkType: 'internal', LinkText: linkText } } } } SideFormAction = Class.create(); SideFormAction.prototype = { initialize: function() { this.parentForm = this.parentNode; while(this.parentForm && this.parentForm.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'form') { this.parentForm = this.parentForm.parentNode; } }, destroy: function() { this.parentForm = null; this.onclick = null; }, onclick: function() { if(this.parentForm['handle' +]) { try { this.parentForm['handle' +](); } catch(er) { alert("An error occurred. Please try again, or reload the CMS if the problem persists.\n\nError details: " + er.message); } } else { alert("Couldn't find form method handle" +; } return false; } } ImageForm = Class.extend('ToolbarForm'); ImageForm.prototype = { initialize: function() { var __form = this; this.elements.AltText.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('AltText'); }; this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('ImageTitle'); }; this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('ImageTitle'); }; this.elements.Width.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('Width'); }; this.elements.Height.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('Height'); }; }, destroy: function() { this.ToolbarForm = null; this.onsubmit = null; this.elements.AltText.onkeyup = null; this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = null; this.elements.CSSClass.onkeyup = null; this.elements.CSSClass.onclick = null; this.elements.Width.onchange = null; this.elements.Height.onchange = null; }, update_params: function(updatedFieldName) { if(tinyMCE.imgElement) { tinyMCE.imgElement.alt = this.elements.AltText.value; tinyMCE.imgElement.title = this.elements.ImageTitle.value; tinyMCE.imgElement.className = this.elements.CSSClass.value; // Proportionate updating of heights if(updatedFieldName == 'Width') { tinyMCE.imgElement.width = this.elements.Width.value; tinyMCE.imgElement.removeAttribute('height'); this.elements.Height.value = tinyMCE.imgElement.height; } else if(updatedFieldName == 'Height') { tinyMCE.imgElement.height = this.elements.Height.value; tinyMCE.imgElement.removeAttribute('width'); this.elements.Width.value = tinyMCE.imgElement.width; } } }, respondToNodeChange: function() { if(tinyMCE.imgElement) { this.elements.AltText.value = tinyMCE.imgElement.alt; this.elements.ImageTitle.value = tinyMCE.imgElement.title; this.elements.CSSClass.value = tinyMCE.imgElement.className; this.elements.Width.value = ? parseInt( : tinyMCE.imgElement.width; this.elements.Height.value = ? parseInt( : tinyMCE.imgElement.height; } else { this.elements.AltText.value = ''; this.elements.ImageTitle.value = ''; this.elements.CSSClass.value = 'left'; } }, selectImage: function(image) { if(this.selectedImage) { this.selectedImage.setAttribute("class", ""); this.selectedImage.className = ""; } this.selectedImage = image; this.selectedImage.setAttribute("class", "selectedImage"); this.selectedImage.className = "selectedImage"; try { var imgTag = image.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Width').value = imgTag.className.match(/destwidth=([0-9.\-]+)([, ]|$)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null; $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Height').value = imgTag.className.match(/destheight=([0-9.\-]+)([, ]|$)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null; } catch(er) { } }, handleaction_insertimage: function() { if(this.selectedImage) { this.selectedImage.insert(); } }, handleaction_editimage: function() { if(this.selectedImage) { this.selectedImage.edit(); } } } ImageThumbnail = Class.create(); ImageThumbnail.prototype = { destroy: function() { this.onclick = null; }, onclick: function(e) { $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm').selectImage(this); return false; }, edit: function() { var windowWidth = Element.getDimensions(; var windowHeight = Element.getDimensions(; var iframe ='imageEditorIframe'); if(iframe != null) { iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } iframe ='iframe'); var fileToEdit = this.href; iframe.setAttribute("src","admin/ImageEditor?fileToEdit=" + fileToEdit); = 'imageEditorIframe'; = windowWidth - 6 + 'px'; = windowHeight + 10 + 'px'; = "1000"; = "absolute"; = "8px"; = "8px";; var divLeft ='div'); var divRight ='div'); = "8px"; = "300%"; = "1000"; = "0"; = "absolute"; = "10px"; = "300%"; = "1000"; = "0"; = "absolute"; = Element.getDimensions(divLeft).width + Element.getDimensions(iframe).width - 4 + 'px';;; return; }, insert: function() { var formObj = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm'); var altText = formObj.elements.AltText.value; var titleText = formObj.elements.ImageTitle.value; var cssClass = formObj.elements.CSSClass.value; var baseURL = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href; var relativeHref = this.href.substr(baseURL.length); var captionText = formObj.elements.CaptionText.value; if(!tinyMCE.selectedInstance) tinyMCE.selectedInstance = tinyMCE.activeEditor; if(tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus) tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus(); this.ssInsertImage(tinyMCE.activeEditor, { 'src' : relativeHref, 'alt' : altText, 'width' : $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Width').value, 'height' : $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Height').value, 'title' : titleText, 'class' : cssClass }, captionText); return false; }, /** * Insert an image with the given attributes */ ssInsertImage: function(ed, attributes, captionText) { el = ed.selection.getNode(); var html; if(captionText) { html = '
'; html += ''; html += '

' + captionText + '

'; html += '
'; } else { html = ''; } if(el && el.nodeName == 'IMG') { ed.dom.setAttribs(el, attributes); } else { ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html, { skip_undo : 1 }); ed.dom.setAttribs('__mce_tmp', attributes); ed.dom.setAttrib('__mce_tmp', 'id', ''); ed.undoManager.add(); } } } var selectedimage = false; function reselectImage(transport) { if(selectedimage) { links = $('Image').getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i =0; link = links[i]; i++) { var quesmark = link.href.lastIndexOf('?'); image = link.href.substring(0, quesmark); if(image == selectedimage) { link.className = 'selectedImage'; $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm').selectedImage = link; break; } } } $('Image').reapplyBehaviour(); this.addToTinyMCE = this.addToTinyMCE.bind(this); } function imageEditorClosed() { if(self.refreshAsset) { refreshAsset(); } if($('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm')) { if($('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm').style.display != "none") { // FInd the selected image links = $('Image').getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i =0; link = links[i]; i++) { if(link.className == 'selectedImage') { var quesmark = link.href.lastIndexOf('?'); selectedimage = link.href.substring(0, quesmark); break; } } // Trick the folder dropdown into registering a change, so the image thumbnails are reloaded folderID = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_FolderID').value; $('Image').ajaxGetFiles(folderID, null, reselectImage); } } } FlashForm = Class.extend('ToolbarForm'); FlashForm.prototype = { initialize: function() { }, destroy: function() { this.ToolbarForm = null; this.onsubmit = null; }, update_params: function(event) { if(tinyMCE.imgElement) { } }, respondToNodeChange: function() { if(tinyMCE.imgElement) { } else { } }, selectFlash: function(flash) { if(this.selectedFlash) { this.selectedFlash.setAttribute("class", ""); } this.selectedFlash = flash; this.selectedFlash.setAttribute("class", "selectedFlash"); }, handleaction_insertflash: function() { if(this.selectedFlash) { this.selectedFlash.insert(); } } } FlashThumbnail = Class.create(); FlashThumbnail.prototype = { destroy: function() { this.onclick = null; }, onclick: function(e) { $('Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm').selectFlash(this); return false; }, insert: function() { var formObj = $('Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm'); var html = ''; var baseURL = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href; var relativeHref = this.href.substr(baseURL.length) var width = formObj.elements.Width.value; var height = formObj.elements.Height.value; if(!tinyMCE.selectedInstance) tinyMCE.selectedInstance = tinyMCE.activeEditor; if(tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus) tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus(); if (width == "") width = 100; if (height == "") height = 100; html = ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; tinyMCE.selectedInstance.execCommand("mceInsertContent", false, html); tinyMCE.selectedInstance.execCommand('mceRepaint'); // ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html, {skip_undo : 1}); return false; } } LinkForm.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm'); SideFormAction.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm .Actions input'); ImageForm.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm'); ImageThumbnail.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm div.thumbnailstrip a'); SideFormAction.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm .Actions input'); FlashForm.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm'); FlashThumbnail.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm div.thumbnailstrip a'); SideFormAction.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm .Actions input'); /** * Image resizing */ MCEImageResizer = Class.create(); MCEImageResizer.prototype = { initialize: function() { //TinyMCE.prototype.addEvent(this, 'click', this._onclick); }, _onclick: function() { var form = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm'); if(form) { form.elements.AltText.value = this.alt; form.elements.ImageTitle.value = this.title; form.elements.CSSClass.value = this.className; } }, onresizestart: function() { this.prepareForResize(); this.heightDiff = 0; }, onresizeend: function() { this.resizeTo(,; }, onmouseup: function() { if(this.parentNode.parentNode.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) { this.ownerDoc().setActive(); this.parentNode.parentNode.setActive(); } }, prepareForResize: function() { if(this.aspectRatio == null) { this.aspectRatio = this.height / this.width; } this.originalWidth = this.width; this.originalHeight = this.height; }, ownerDoc: function() { var f =this.parentNode; while(f && f.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body') f = f.parentNode; return f; }, resizeTo: function(width, height) { var newWidth = parseInt(height); var newHeight = parseInt(height) - this.heightDiff; if(isNaN(newWidth)) newWidth = this.width; if(isNaN(newHeight)) newHeight = this.height; // Constrain to width of the window if((this.offsetLeft + this.offsetWidth + 20) > this.ownerDoc().offsetWidth) newWidth += (this.ownerDoc().offsetWidth - this.offsetLeft - this.offsetWidth - 20); if(this.aspectRatio) { // Figure out which dimension we have altered more var heightChange = this.originalHeight / this.height; if(heightChange < 1) heightChange = 1/heightChange; var widthChange = this.originalWidth / this.width; if(widthChange < 1) widthChange = 1/widthChange; // Scale by the more constant dimension (so if you edit the height, change width to suit) if(widthChange > heightChange) newHeight = newWidth * this.aspectRatio; else newWidth = newHeight / this.aspectRatio; } = newWidth + 'px'; = newHeight + 'px'; this.width = newWidth; this.height = newHeight; // Auto-size special image holders if(this.parentNode.parentNode.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) { = newWidth + 'px'; } } } MCEDLResizer = Class.extend('MCEImageResize'); MCEDLResizer.prototype = { onresizestart: function() { var img = this.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; img.prepareForResize(); img.heightDiff = this.offsetHeight - img.height; }, onresizeend: function() { this.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].resizeTo(,; } } /** * These callback hook it into tinymce. They need to be referenced in the TinyMCE config. */ function sapphiremce_setupcontent(editor_id, body, doc) { var allImages = body.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i,img; for(i=0;img=allImages[i];i++) { behaveAs(img, MCEImageResizer); } var allDLs = body.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(i=0;img=allDLs[i];i++) { if(img.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) { behaveAs(img, MCEDLResizer); } } } function sapphiremce_cleanup(type, value) { if(type == 'get_from_editor') { // replace indented text with a
value = value.replace(/



"); // replace VML pixel image references with image tags - experimental value = value.replace(/<[a-z0-9]+:imagedata[^>]+src="?([^> "]+)"?[^>]*>/ig,""); // Word comments value = value.replace(new RegExp('<(!--)([^>]*)(--)>', 'g'), ""); // kill class=mso??? and on mouse* tags value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])class=mso[a-z0-9]+[^ >]+/ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"]class=")mso[a-z0-9]+[^ ">]+ /ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])class="mso[a-z0-9]+[^">]+"/ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])on[a-z]+=[^ >]+/ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/ >/ig, ">"); // remove everything that's in a closing tag value = value.replace(/<(\/[A-Za-z0-9]+)[ \f\r\t\n]+[^>]*>/ig,"<$1>"); } if(type == 'get_from_editor_dom') { var allImages =value.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i,img; for(i=0;img=allImages[i];i++) { img.onresizestart = null; img.onresizeend = null; img.removeAttribute('onresizestart'); img.removeAttribute('onresizeend'); } var allDLs =value.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(i=0;img=allDLs[i];i++) { if(img.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) { img.onresizestart = null; img.onresizeend = null; img.removeAttribute('onresizestart'); img.removeAttribute('onresizeend'); } } } return value; } contentPanelCloseButton = Class.create(); contentPanelCloseButton.prototype = { onclick: function() { tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('ssclosesidepanel'); } } contentPanelCloseButton.applyTo('#contentPanel h2 img');