db(); // Assert fields are included $this->assertArrayHasKey('Name', $dbFields); // Assert the base fields are excluded $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('Created', $dbFields); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('LastEdited', $dbFields); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('ClassName', $dbFields); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('ID', $dbFields); // Assert that the correct field type is returned when passing a field $this->assertEquals('Varchar', $obj->db('Name')); $this->assertEquals('Text', $obj->db('Comment')); $obj = new DataObjectTest_ExtendedTeamComment(); $dbFields = $obj->db(); // Assert overloaded fields have correct data type $this->assertEquals('HTMLText', $obj->db('Comment')); $this->assertEquals('HTMLText', $dbFields['Comment'], 'Calls to DataObject::db without a field specified return correct data types'); // assertEquals doesn't verify the order of array elements, so access keys manually to check order: // expected: array('Name' => 'Varchar', 'Comment' => 'HTMLText') reset($dbFields); $this->assertEquals('Name', key($dbFields), 'DataObject::db returns fields in correct order'); next($dbFields); $this->assertEquals('Comment', key($dbFields), 'DataObject::db returns fields in correct order'); } public function testValidObjectsForBaseFields() { $obj = new DataObjectTest_ValidatedObject(); foreach (array('Created', 'LastEdited', 'ClassName', 'ID') as $field) { $helper = $obj->dbObject($field); $this->assertTrue( ($helper instanceof DBField), "for {$field} expected helper to be DBField, but was " . (is_object($helper) ? get_class($helper) : "null") ); } } public function testDataIntegrityWhenTwoSubclassesHaveSameField() { // Save data into DataObjectTest_SubTeam.SubclassDatabaseField $obj = new DataObjectTest_SubTeam(); $obj->SubclassDatabaseField = "obj-SubTeam"; $obj->write(); // Change the class $obj->ClassName = 'OtherSubclassWithSameField'; $obj->write(); $obj->flushCache(); // Re-fetch from the database and confirm that the data is sourced from // OtherSubclassWithSameField.SubclassDatabaseField $obj = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Team', $obj->ID); $this->assertNull($obj->SubclassDatabaseField); // Confirm that save the object in the other direction. $obj->SubclassDatabaseField = 'obj-Other'; $obj->write(); $obj->ClassName = 'DataObjectTest_SubTeam'; $obj->write(); $obj->flushCache(); // If we restore the class, the old value has been lying dormant and will be available again. // NOTE: This behaviour is volatile; we may change this in the future to clear fields that // are no longer relevant when changing ClassName $obj = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Team', $obj->ID); $this->assertEquals('obj-SubTeam', $obj->SubclassDatabaseField); } /** * Test deletion of DataObjects * - Deleting using delete() on the DataObject * - Deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id() */ public function testDelete() { // Test deleting using delete() on the DataObject // Get the first page $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $objID = $obj->ID; // Check the page exists before deleting $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj) && $obj->exists()); // Delete the page $obj->delete(); // Check that page does not exist after deleting $obj = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Player', $objID); $this->assertTrue(!$obj || !$obj->exists()); // Test deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id() // Get the second page $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain2'); $objID = $obj->ID; // Check the page exists before deleting $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj) && $obj->exists()); // Delete the page DataObject::delete_by_id('DataObjectTest_Player', $obj->ID); // Check that page does not exist after deleting $obj = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Player', $objID); $this->assertTrue(!$obj || !$obj->exists()); } /** * Test methods that get DataObjects * - DataObject::get() * - All records of a DataObject * - Filtering * - Sorting * - Joins * - Limit * - Container class * - DataObject::get_by_id() * - DataObject::get_one() * - With and without caching * - With and without ordering */ public function testGet() { // Test getting all records of a DataObject $comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectTest_TeamComment'); $this->assertEquals(3, $comments->Count()); // Test WHERE clause $comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', "\"Name\"='Bob'"); $this->assertEquals(1, $comments->Count()); foreach($comments as $comment) { $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name); } // Test sorting $comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', "\"Name\" ASC"); $this->assertEquals(3, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comments->First()->Name); $comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', "\"Name\" DESC"); $this->assertEquals(3, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comments->First()->Name); // Test limit $comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', "\"Name\" ASC", '', '1,2'); $this->assertEquals(2, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $comments->First()->Name); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comments->Last()->Name); // Test get_by_id() $captain1ID = $this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $captain1 = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Player', $captain1ID); $this->assertEquals('Captain', $captain1->FirstName); // Test get_one() without caching $comment1 = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', "\"Name\" = 'Joe'", false); $comment1->Comment = "Something Else"; $comment2 = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', "\"Name\" = 'Joe'", false); $this->assertNotEquals($comment1->Comment, $comment2->Comment); // Test get_one() with caching $comment1 = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', "\"Name\" = 'Bob'", true); $comment1->Comment = "Something Else"; $comment2 = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', "\"Name\" = 'Bob'", true); $this->assertEquals((string)$comment1->Comment, (string)$comment2->Comment); // Test get_one() with order by without caching $comment = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', false, "\"Name\" ASC"); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name); $comment = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', false, "\"Name\" DESC"); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comment->Name); // Test get_one() with order by with caching $comment = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', true, '"Name" ASC'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name); $comment = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', '', true, '"Name" DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comment->Name); // Test get_one() with bad case on the classname $subteam1 = DataObject::get_one('dataobjecttest_subteam', "\"Title\" = 'Subteam 1'", true); $this->assertEquals($subteam1->Title, "Subteam 1"); } public function testGetSubclassFields() { /* Test that fields / has_one relations from the parent table and the subclass tables are extracted */ $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture("DataObjectTest_Player", "captain1"); // Base field $this->assertEquals('Captain', $captain1->FirstName); // Subclass field $this->assertEquals('007', $captain1->ShirtNumber); // Subclass has_one relation $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'), $captain1->FavouriteTeamID); } public function testGetRelationClass() { $obj = new DataObjectTest_Player(); $this->assertEquals(singleton('DataObjectTest_Player')->getRelationClass('FavouriteTeam'), 'DataObjectTest_Team', 'has_one is properly inspected'); $this->assertEquals(singleton('DataObjectTest_Company')->getRelationClass('CurrentStaff'), 'DataObjectTest_Staff', 'has_many is properly inspected'); $this->assertEquals(singleton('DataObjectTest_Team')->getRelationClass('Players'), 'DataObjectTest_Player', 'many_many is properly inspected'); $this->assertEquals(singleton('DataObjectTest_Player')->getRelationClass('Teams'), 'DataObjectTest_Team', 'belongs_many_many is properly inspected'); $this->assertEquals(singleton('DataObjectTest_CEO')->getRelationClass('Company'), 'DataObjectTest_Company', 'belongs_to is properly inspected'); } public function testGetHasOneRelations() { $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture("DataObjectTest_Player", "captain1"); /* There will be a field called (relname)ID that contains the ID of the object linked to via the * has_one relation */ $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'), $captain1->FavouriteTeamID); /* There will be a method called $obj->relname() that returns the object itself */ $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'), $captain1->FavouriteTeam()->ID); } public function testLimitAndCount() { $players = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_Player"); // There's 4 records in total $this->assertEquals(4, $players->count()); // Testing "##, ##" syntax $this->assertEquals(4, $players->limit(20)->count()); $this->assertEquals(4, $players->limit(20, 0)->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, $players->limit(20, 20)->count()); $this->assertEquals(2, $players->limit(2, 0)->count()); $this->assertEquals(1, $players->limit(5, 3)->count()); } /** * Test writing of database columns which don't correlate to a DBField, * e.g. all relation fields on has_one/has_many like "ParentID". * */ public function testWritePropertyWithoutDBField() { $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $obj->FavouriteTeamID = 99; $obj->write(); // reload the page from the database $savedObj = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Player', $obj->ID); $this->assertTrue($savedObj->FavouriteTeamID == 99); } /** * Test has many relationships * - Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation * - Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly */ public function testHasManyRelationships() { $team1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); // Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation $this->assertTrue($team1->Comments()->Count() == 2); // Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly foreach($team1->Comments() as $comment) { $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $comment->TeamID); } // Test that we can add and remove items that already exist in the database $newComment = new DataObjectTest_TeamComment(); $newComment->Name = "Automated commenter"; $newComment->Comment = "This is a new comment"; $newComment->write(); $team1->Comments()->add($newComment); $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $newComment->TeamID); $comment1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', 'comment1'); $comment2 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', 'comment2'); $team1->Comments()->remove($comment2); $team1CommentIDs = $team1->Comments()->sort('ID')->column('ID'); $this->assertEquals(array($comment1->ID, $newComment->ID), $team1CommentIDs); // Test that removing an item from a list doesn't remove it from the same // relation belonging to a different object $team1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $team2 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team2'); $team2->Comments()->remove($comment1); $team1CommentIDs = $team1->Comments()->sort('ID')->column('ID'); $this->assertEquals(array($comment1->ID, $newComment->ID), $team1CommentIDs); } public function testHasOneRelationship() { $team1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $player1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player1'); // Add a captain to team 1 $team1->setField('CaptainID', $player1->ID); $team1->write(); $this->assertEquals($player1->ID, $team1->Captain()->ID, 'The captain exists for team 1'); $this->assertEquals($player1->ID, $team1->getComponent('Captain')->ID, 'The captain exists through the component getter'); $this->assertEquals($team1->Captain()->FirstName, 'Player 1', 'Player 1 is the captain'); $this->assertEquals($team1->getComponent('Captain')->FirstName, 'Player 1', 'Player 1 is the captain'); } /** * @todo Extend type change tests (e.g. '0'==NULL) */ public function testChangedFields() { $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed'; $obj->IsRetired = true; $this->assertEquals( $obj->getChangedFields(false, 1), array( 'FirstName' => array( 'before' => 'Captain', 'after' => 'Captain-changed', 'level' => 2 ), 'IsRetired' => array( 'before' => 1, 'after' => true, 'level' => 1 ) ), 'Changed fields are correctly detected with strict type changes (level=1)' ); $this->assertEquals( $obj->getChangedFields(false, 2), array( 'FirstName' => array( 'before'=>'Captain', 'after'=>'Captain-changed', 'level' => 2 ) ), 'Changed fields are correctly detected while ignoring type changes (level=2)' ); $newObj = new DataObjectTest_Player(); $newObj->FirstName = "New Player"; $this->assertEquals( $newObj->getChangedFields(false, 2), array( 'FirstName' => array( 'before' => null, 'after' => 'New Player', 'level' => 2 ) ), 'Initialised fields are correctly detected as full changes' ); } public function testIsChanged() { $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed'; $obj->IsRetired = true; // type change only, database stores "1" $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', 1)); $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', 2)); $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('IsRetired', 1)); $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('IsRetired', 2)); $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('Email', 1), 'Doesnt change mark unchanged property'); $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('Email', 2), 'Doesnt change mark unchanged property'); $newObj = new DataObjectTest_Player(); $newObj->FirstName = "New Player"; $this->assertTrue($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', 1)); $this->assertTrue($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', 2)); $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', 1)); $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', 2)); $newObj->write(); $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', 1)); $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', 2)); $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', 1)); $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', 2)); $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $obj->FirstName = null; $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', 1)); $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', 2)); /* Test when there's not field provided */ $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $obj->FirstName = "New Player"; $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged()); $obj->write(); $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged()); } public function testRandomSort() { /* If we perform the same regularly sorted query twice, it should return the same results */ $itemsA = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_TeamComment", "", "ID"); foreach($itemsA as $item) $keysA[] = $item->ID; $itemsB = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_TeamComment", "", "ID"); foreach($itemsB as $item) $keysB[] = $item->ID; /* Test when there's not field provided */ $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $obj->FirstName = "New Player"; $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged()); $obj->write(); $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged()); /* If we perform the same random query twice, it shouldn't return the same results */ $itemsA = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_TeamComment", "", DB::getConn()->random()); $itemsB = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_TeamComment", "", DB::getConn()->random()); $itemsC = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_TeamComment", "", DB::getConn()->random()); $itemsD = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_TeamComment", "", DB::getConn()->random()); foreach($itemsA as $item) $keysA[] = $item->ID; foreach($itemsB as $item) $keysB[] = $item->ID; foreach($itemsC as $item) $keysC[] = $item->ID; foreach($itemsD as $item) $keysD[] = $item->ID; // These shouldn't all be the same (run it 4 times to minimise chance of an accidental collision) // There's about a 1 in a billion chance of an accidental collision $this->assertTrue($keysA != $keysB || $keysB != $keysC || $keysC != $keysD); } public function testWriteSavesToHasOneRelations() { /* DataObject::write() should save to a has_one relationship if you set a field called (relname)ID */ $team = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $captainID = $this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player1'); $team->CaptainID = $captainID; $team->write(); $this->assertEquals($captainID, DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $team->ID")->value()); /* After giving it a value, you should also be able to set it back to null */ $team->CaptainID = ''; $team->write(); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $team->ID")->value()); /* You should also be able to save a blank to it when it's first created */ $team = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $team->CaptainID = ''; $team->write(); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $team->ID")->value()); /* Ditto for existing records without a value */ $existingTeam = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $existingTeam->CaptainID = ''; $existingTeam->write(); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $existingTeam->ID")->value()); } public function testCanAccessHasOneObjectsAsMethods() { /* If you have a has_one relation 'Captain' on $obj, and you set the $obj->CaptainID = (ID), then the * object itself should be accessible as $obj->Captain() */ $team = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $captainID = $this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $team->CaptainID = $captainID; $this->assertNotNull($team->Captain()); $this->assertEquals($captainID, $team->Captain()->ID); } public function testFieldNamesThatMatchMethodNamesWork() { /* Check that a field name that corresponds to a method on DataObject will still work */ $obj = new DataObjectTest_Fixture(); $obj->Data = "value1"; $obj->DbObject = "value2"; $obj->Duplicate = "value3"; $obj->write(); $this->assertNotNull($obj->ID); $this->assertEquals('value1', DB::query("SELECT \"Data\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Fixture\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()); $this->assertEquals('value2', DB::query("SELECT \"DbObject\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Fixture\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()); $this->assertEquals('value3', DB::query("SELECT \"Duplicate\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Fixture\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()); } /** * @todo Re-enable all test cases for field existence after behaviour has been fixed */ public function testFieldExistence() { $teamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $teamSingleton = singleton('DataObjectTest_Team'); $subteamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1'); $subteamSingleton = singleton('DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); /* hasField() singleton checks */ $this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasField('ID'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in singletons'); $this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasField('Title'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in singletons'); /* hasField() instance checks */ $this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasField('NonExistingField'), 'hasField() doesnt find non-existing fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('ID'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('Created'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in instances'); //$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasField('SubclassDatabaseField'), //'hasField() doesnt find subclass fields in parentclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DynamicField'), 'hasField() finds dynamic getters in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('HasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds foreign keys in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('ExtendedDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds extended fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds extended foreign keys in instances'); //$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('ExtendedDynamicField'), //'hasField() includes extended dynamic getters in instances'); /* hasField() subclass checks */ $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('ID'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('Created'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DynamicField'), 'hasField() finds dynamic getters in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('HasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds foreign keys in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('ExtendedDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds extended fields in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds extended foreign keys in subclass instances'); /* hasDatabaseField() singleton checks */ //$this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasDatabaseField('ID'), //'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in singletons'); $this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasDatabaseField('Title'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds custom fields in singletons'); /* hasDatabaseField() instance checks */ $this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('NonExistingField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt find non-existing fields in instances'); //$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('ID'), //'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('Created'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DatabaseField'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds custom fields in instances'); $this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt find subclass fields in parentclass instances'); //$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DynamicField'), //'hasDatabaseField() doesnt dynamic getters in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('HasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds foreign keys in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('ExtendedDatabaseField'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds extended fields in instances'); $this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds extended foreign keys in instances'); $this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('ExtendedDynamicField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt include extended dynamic getters in instances'); /* hasDatabaseField() subclass checks */ $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'); $this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'); } /** * @todo Re-enable all test cases for field inheritance aggregation after behaviour has been fixed */ public function testFieldInheritance() { $teamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $subteamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1'); $this->assertEquals( array_keys($teamInstance->inheritedDatabaseFields()), array( //'ID', //'ClassName', //'Created', //'LastEdited', 'Title', 'DatabaseField', 'ExtendedDatabaseField', 'CaptainID', 'HasOneRelationshipID', 'ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID' ), 'inheritedDatabaseFields() contains all fields defined on instance: base, extended and foreign keys' ); $this->assertEquals( array_keys(DataObject::database_fields('DataObjectTest_Team')), array( //'ID', 'ClassName', 'Created', 'LastEdited', 'Title', 'DatabaseField', 'ExtendedDatabaseField', 'CaptainID', 'HasOneRelationshipID', 'ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID' ), 'databaseFields() contains only fields defined on instance, including base, extended and foreign keys' ); $this->assertEquals( array_keys($subteamInstance->inheritedDatabaseFields()), array( //'ID', //'ClassName', //'Created', //'LastEdited', 'SubclassDatabaseField', 'ParentTeamID', 'Title', 'DatabaseField', 'ExtendedDatabaseField', 'CaptainID', 'HasOneRelationshipID', 'ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID', ), 'inheritedDatabaseFields() on subclass contains all fields, including base, extended and foreign keys' ); $this->assertEquals( array_keys(DataObject::database_fields('DataObjectTest_SubTeam')), array( 'SubclassDatabaseField', 'ParentTeamID', ), 'databaseFields() on subclass contains only fields defined on instance' ); } public function testSearchableFields() { $player = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $fields = $player->searchableFields(); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'IsRetired', $fields, 'Fields defined by $searchable_fields static are correctly detected' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'ShirtNumber', $fields, 'Fields defined by $searchable_fields static are correctly detected' ); $team = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $fields = $team->searchableFields(); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'Title', $fields, 'Fields can be inherited from the $summary_fields static, including methods called on fields' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'Captain.ShirtNumber', $fields, 'Fields on related objects can be inherited from the $summary_fields static' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title', $fields, 'Fields on related objects can be inherited from the $summary_fields static' ); $testObj = new DataObjectTest_Fixture(); $fields = $testObj->searchableFields(); $this->assertEmpty($fields); } public function testSummaryFieldsCustomLabels() { $team = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $summaryFields = $team->summaryFields(); $this->assertEquals( 'Custom Title', $summaryFields['Title'], 'Custom title is preserved' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Captain\'s shirt number', $summaryFields['Captain.ShirtNumber'], 'Custom title on relation is preserved' ); } public function testDataObjectUpdate() { /* update() calls can use the dot syntax to reference has_one relations and other methods that return * objects */ $team1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $team1->CaptainID = $this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $team1->update(array( 'DatabaseField' => 'Something', 'Captain.FirstName' => 'Jim', 'Captain.Email' => 'jim@example.com', 'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title' => 'New and improved team 1', )); /* Test the simple case of updating fields on the object itself */ $this->assertEquals('Something', $team1->DatabaseField); /* Setting Captain.Email and Captain.FirstName will have updated DataObjectTest_Captain.captain1 in * the database. Although update() doesn't usually write, it does write related records automatically. */ $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); $this->assertEquals('Jim', $captain1->FirstName); $this->assertEquals('jim@example.com', $captain1->Email); /* Jim's favourite team is team 1; we need to reload the object to the the change that setting Captain. * FavouriteTeam.Title made */ $reloadedTeam1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $this->assertEquals('New and improved team 1', $reloadedTeam1->Title); } public function testDataObjectUpdateNew() { /* update() calls can use the dot syntax to reference has_one relations and other methods that return * objects */ $team1 = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $team1->CaptainID = 0; $team1->update(array( 'Captain.FirstName' => 'Jim', 'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title' => 'New and improved team 1', )); /* Test that the captain ID has been updated */ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $team1->CaptainID); /* Fetch the newly created captain */ $captain1 = DataObjectTest_Player::get()->byID($team1->CaptainID); $this->assertEquals('Jim', $captain1->FirstName); /* Grab the favourite team and make sure it has the correct values */ $reloadedTeam1 = $captain1->FavouriteTeam(); $this->assertEquals($reloadedTeam1->ID, $captain1->FavouriteTeamID); $this->assertEquals('New and improved team 1', $reloadedTeam1->Title); } public function testWritingInvalidDataObjectThrowsException() { $validatedObject = new DataObjectTest_ValidatedObject(); $this->setExpectedException('ValidationException'); $validatedObject->write(); } public function testWritingValidDataObjectDoesntThrowException() { $validatedObject = new DataObjectTest_ValidatedObject(); $validatedObject->Name = "Mr. Jones"; $validatedObject->write(); $this->assertTrue($validatedObject->isInDB(), "Validated object was not saved to database"); } public function testSubclassCreation() { /* Creating a new object of a subclass should set the ClassName field correctly */ $obj = new DataObjectTest_SubTeam(); $obj->write(); $this->assertEquals("DataObjectTest_SubTeam", DB::query("SELECT \"ClassName\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()); } public function testForceInsert() { /* If you set an ID on an object and pass forceInsert = true, then the object should be correctly created */ $conn = DB::getConn(); if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing('DataObjectTest_Team', true); $obj = new DataObjectTest_SubTeam(); $obj->ID = 1001; $obj->Title = 'asdfasdf'; $obj->SubclassDatabaseField = 'asdfasdf'; $obj->write(false, true); if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing('DataObjectTest_Team', false); $this->assertEquals("DataObjectTest_SubTeam", DB::query("SELECT \"ClassName\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()); /* Check that it actually saves to the database with the correct ID */ $this->assertEquals("1001", DB::query( "SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_SubTeam\" WHERE \"SubclassDatabaseField\" = 'asdfasdf'")->value()); $this->assertEquals("1001", DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"Title\" = 'asdfasdf'")->value()); } public function TestHasOwnTable() { /* Test DataObject::has_own_table() returns true if the object has $has_one or $db values */ $this->assertTrue(DataObject::has_own_table("DataObjectTest_Player")); $this->assertTrue(DataObject::has_own_table("DataObjectTest_Team")); $this->assertTrue(DataObject::has_own_table("DataObjectTest_Fixture")); /* Root DataObject that always have a table, even if they lack both $db and $has_one */ $this->assertTrue(DataObject::has_own_table("DataObjectTest_FieldlessTable")); /* Subclasses without $db or $has_one don't have a table */ $this->assertFalse(DataObject::has_own_table("DataObjectTest_FieldlessSubTable")); /* Return false if you don't pass it a subclass of DataObject */ $this->assertFalse(DataObject::has_own_table("DataObject")); $this->assertFalse(DataObject::has_own_table("ViewableData")); $this->assertFalse(DataObject::has_own_table("ThisIsntADataObject")); } public function testMerge() { // test right merge of subclasses $left = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1'); $right = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam2_with_player_relation'); $leftOrigID = $left->ID; $left->merge($right, 'right', false, false); $this->assertEquals( $left->Title, 'Subteam 2', 'merge() with "right" priority overwrites fields with existing values on subclasses' ); $this->assertEquals( $left->ID, $leftOrigID, 'merge() with "right" priority doesnt overwrite database ID' ); // test overwriteWithEmpty flag on existing left values $left = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam2_with_player_relation'); $right = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam3_with_empty_fields'); $left->merge($right, 'right', false, true); $this->assertEquals( $left->Title, 'Subteam 3', 'merge() with $overwriteWithEmpty overwrites non-empty fields on left object' ); // test overwriteWithEmpty flag on empty left values $left = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1'); // $SubclassDatabaseField is empty on here $right = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam2_with_player_relation'); $left->merge($right, 'right', false, true); $this->assertEquals( $left->SubclassDatabaseField, NULL, 'merge() with $overwriteWithEmpty overwrites empty fields on left object' ); // @todo test "left" priority flag // @todo test includeRelations flag // @todo test includeRelations in combination with overwriteWithEmpty // @todo test has_one relations // @todo test has_many and many_many relations } public function testPopulateDefaults() { $obj = new DataObjectTest_Fixture(); $this->assertEquals( $obj->MyFieldWithDefault, 'Default Value', 'Defaults are populated for in-memory object from $defaults array' ); $this->assertEquals( $obj->MyFieldWithAltDefault, 'Default Value', 'Defaults are populated from overloaded populateDefaults() method' ); } public function testNewClassInstance() { $dataObject = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $changedDO = $dataObject->newClassInstance('DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); $changedFields = $changedDO->getChangedFields(); // Don't write the record, it will reset changed fields $this->assertInstanceOf('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', $changedDO); $this->assertEquals($changedDO->ClassName, 'DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); $this->assertContains('ClassName', array_keys($changedFields)); $this->assertEquals($changedFields['ClassName']['before'], 'DataObjectTest_Team'); $this->assertEquals($changedFields['ClassName']['after'], 'DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); $changedDO->write(); $this->assertInstanceOf('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', $changedDO); $this->assertEquals($changedDO->ClassName, 'DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); } public function testManyManyExtraFields() { $player = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player1'); $team = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); // Get all extra fields $teamExtraFields = $team->many_many_extraFields(); $this->assertEquals(array( 'Players' => array('Position' => 'Varchar(100)') ), $teamExtraFields); // Ensure fields from parent classes are included $subTeam = singleton('DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); $teamExtraFields = $subTeam->many_many_extraFields(); $this->assertEquals(array( 'Players' => array('Position' => 'Varchar(100)'), 'FormerPlayers' => array('Position' => 'Varchar(100)') ), $teamExtraFields); // Extra fields are immediately available on the Team class (defined in $many_many_extraFields) $teamExtraFields = $team->many_many_extraFields('Players'); $this->assertEquals($teamExtraFields, array( 'Position' => 'Varchar(100)' )); // We'll have to go through the relation to get the extra fields on Player $playerExtraFields = $player->many_many_extraFields('Teams'); $this->assertEquals($playerExtraFields, array( 'Position' => 'Varchar(100)' )); // Iterate through a many-many relationship and confirm that extra fields are included $newTeam = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $newTeam->Title = "New team"; $newTeam->write(); $newTeamID = $newTeam->ID; $newPlayer = new DataObjectTest_Player(); $newPlayer->FirstName = "Sam"; $newPlayer->Surname = "Minnee"; $newPlayer->write(); // The idea of Sam as a prop is essentially humourous. $newTeam->Players()->add($newPlayer, array("Position" => "Prop")); // Requery and uncache everything $newTeam->flushCache(); $newTeam = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Team', $newTeamID); // Check that the Position many_many_extraField is extracted. $player = $newTeam->Players()->First(); $this->assertEquals('Sam', $player->FirstName); $this->assertEquals("Prop", $player->Position); // Check that ordering a many-many relation by an aggregate column doesn't fail $player = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player2'); $player->Teams("", "count(DISTINCT \"DataObjectTest_Team_Players\".\"DataObjectTest_PlayerID\") DESC"); } /** * Check that the queries generated for many-many relation queries can have unlimitedRowCount * called on them. */ public function testManyManyUnlimitedRowCount() { $player = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player2'); // TODO: What's going on here? $this->assertEquals(2, $player->Teams()->dataQuery()->query()->unlimitedRowCount()); } /** * Tests that singular_name() generates sensible defaults. */ public function testSingularName() { $assertions = array( 'DataObjectTest_Player' => 'Data Object Test Player', 'DataObjectTest_Team' => 'Data Object Test Team', 'DataObjectTest_Fixture' => 'Data Object Test Fixture' ); foreach($assertions as $class => $expectedSingularName) { $this->assertEquals( $expectedSingularName, singleton($class)->singular_name(), "Assert that the singular_name for '$class' is correct." ); } } /** * Tests that plural_name() generates sensible defaults. */ public function testPluralName() { $assertions = array( 'DataObjectTest_Player' => 'Data Object Test Players', 'DataObjectTest_Team' => 'Data Object Test Teams', 'DataObjectTest_Fixture' => 'Data Object Test Fixtures' ); foreach($assertions as $class => $expectedPluralName) { $this->assertEquals( $expectedPluralName, singleton($class)->plural_name(), "Assert that the plural_name for '$class' is correct." ); } } public function testHasDatabaseField() { $team = singleton('DataObjectTest_Team'); $subteam = singleton('DataObjectTest_SubTeam'); $this->assertTrue( $team->hasDatabaseField('Title'), "hasOwnDatabaseField() works with \$db fields" ); $this->assertTrue( $team->hasDatabaseField('CaptainID'), "hasOwnDatabaseField() works with \$has_one fields" ); $this->assertFalse( $team->hasDatabaseField('NonExistentField'), "hasOwnDatabaseField() doesn't detect non-existend fields" ); $this->assertTrue( $team->hasDatabaseField('ExtendedDatabaseField'), "hasOwnDatabaseField() works with extended fields" ); $this->assertFalse( $team->hasDatabaseField('SubclassDatabaseField'), "hasOwnDatabaseField() doesn't pick up fields in subclasses on parent class" ); $this->assertTrue( $subteam->hasDatabaseField('SubclassDatabaseField'), "hasOwnDatabaseField() picks up fields in subclasses" ); } public function testFieldTypes() { $obj = new DataObjectTest_Fixture(); $obj->DateField = '1988-01-02'; $obj->DatetimeField = '1988-03-04 06:30'; $obj->write(); $obj->flushCache(); $obj = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_Fixture', $obj->ID); $this->assertEquals('1988-01-02', $obj->DateField); $this->assertEquals('1988-03-04 06:30:00', $obj->DatetimeField); } public function testTwoSubclassesWithTheSameFieldNameWork() { // Create two objects of different subclasses, setting the values of fields that are // defined separately in each subclass $obj1 = new DataObjectTest_SubTeam(); $obj1->SubclassDatabaseField = "obj1"; $obj2 = new OtherSubclassWithSameField(); $obj2->SubclassDatabaseField = "obj2"; // Write them to the database $obj1->write(); $obj2->write(); // Check that the values of those fields are properly read from the database $values = DataObject::get("DataObjectTest_Team", "\"DataObjectTest_Team\".\"ID\" IN ($obj1->ID, $obj2->ID)")->column("SubclassDatabaseField"); $this->assertEquals(array_intersect($values, array('obj1', 'obj2')), $values); } public function testClassNameSetForNewObjects() { $d = new DataObjectTest_Player(); $this->assertEquals('DataObjectTest_Player', $d->ClassName); } public function testHasValue() { $team = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $this->assertFalse($team->hasValue('Title', null, false)); $this->assertFalse($team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false)); $team->Title = 'hasValue'; $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('Title', null, false)); $this->assertFalse($team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false)); $team->DatabaseField = '

'; $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('Title', null, false)); $this->assertFalse ( $team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false), 'Test that a blank paragraph on a HTML field is not a valid value.' ); $team->Title = '

'; $this->assertTrue ( $team->hasValue('Title', null, false), 'Test that an empty paragraph is a value for non-HTML fields.' ); $team->DatabaseField = 'hasValue'; $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('Title', null, false)); $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false)); } public function testHasMany() { $company = new DataObjectTest_Company(); $this->assertEquals ( array ( 'CurrentStaff' => 'DataObjectTest_Staff', 'PreviousStaff' => 'DataObjectTest_Staff' ), $company->has_many(), 'has_many strips field name data by default.' ); $this->assertEquals ( 'DataObjectTest_Staff', $company->has_many('CurrentStaff'), 'has_many strips field name data by default on single relationships.' ); $this->assertEquals ( array ( 'CurrentStaff' => 'DataObjectTest_Staff.CurrentCompany', 'PreviousStaff' => 'DataObjectTest_Staff.PreviousCompany' ), $company->has_many(null, false), 'has_many returns field name data when $classOnly is false.' ); $this->assertEquals ( 'DataObjectTest_Staff.CurrentCompany', $company->has_many('CurrentStaff', false), 'has_many returns field name data on single records when $classOnly is false.' ); } public function testGetRemoteJoinField() { $company = new DataObjectTest_Company(); $this->assertEquals('CurrentCompanyID', $company->getRemoteJoinField('CurrentStaff')); $this->assertEquals('PreviousCompanyID', $company->getRemoteJoinField('PreviousStaff')); $ceo = new DataObjectTest_CEO(); $this->assertEquals('CEOID', $ceo->getRemoteJoinField('Company', 'belongs_to')); $this->assertEquals('PreviousCEOID', $ceo->getRemoteJoinField('PreviousCompany', 'belongs_to')); } public function testBelongsTo() { $company = new DataObjectTest_Company(); $ceo = new DataObjectTest_CEO(); $company->write(); $ceo->write(); $company->CEOID = $ceo->ID; $company->write(); $this->assertEquals($company->ID, $ceo->Company()->ID, 'belongs_to returns the right results.'); $ceo = new DataObjectTest_CEO(); $ceo->write(); $this->assertTrue ( $ceo->Company() instanceof DataObjectTest_Company, 'DataObjects across belongs_to relations are automatically created.' ); $this->assertEquals($ceo->ID, $ceo->Company()->CEOID, 'Remote IDs are automatically set.'); $ceo->write(false, false, false, true); $this->assertTrue($ceo->Company()->isInDB(), 'write() writes belongs_to components to the database.'); $newCEO = DataObject::get_by_id('DataObjectTest_CEO', $ceo->ID); $this->assertEquals ( $ceo->Company()->ID, $newCEO->Company()->ID, 'belongs_to can be retrieved from the database.' ); } /** * @expectedException LogicException */ public function testInvalidate() { $do = new DataObjectTest_Fixture(); $do->write(); $do->delete(); $do->delete(); // Prohibit invalid object manipulation $do->write(); $do->duplicate(); } public function testToMap() { $obj = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1'); $map = $obj->toMap(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('ID', $map, 'Contains base fields'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Title', $map, 'Contains fields from parent class'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('SubclassDatabaseField', $map, 'Contains fields from concrete class'); $this->assertEquals($obj->ID, $map['ID'], 'Contains values from base fields'); $this->assertEquals($obj->Title, $map['Title'], 'Contains values from parent class fields'); $this->assertEquals($obj->SubclassDatabaseField, $map['SubclassDatabaseField'], 'Contains values from concrete class fields'); $newObj = new DataObjectTest_SubTeam(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Title', $map, 'Contains null fields'); } public function testIsEmpty() { $objEmpty = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $this->assertTrue($objEmpty->isEmpty(), 'New instance without populated defaults is empty'); $objEmpty->Title = '0'; // $this->assertFalse($objEmpty->isEmpty(), 'Zero value in attribute considered non-empty'); } public function testRelField() { $captain = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); // Test traversal of a single has_one $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $captain->relField('FavouriteTeam.Title')); // Test direct field access $this->assertEquals("Captain", $captain->relField('FirstName')); $player = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player2'); // Test that we can traverse more than once, and that arbitrary methods are okay $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $player->relField('Teams.First.Title')); $newPlayer = new DataObjectTest_Player(); $this->assertNull($newPlayer->relField('Teams.First.Title')); // Test that relField works on db field manipulations $comment = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_TeamComment', 'comment3'); $this->assertEquals("PHIL IS A UNIQUE GUY, AND COMMENTS ON TEAM2" , $comment->relField('Comment.UpperCase')); } public function testRelObject() { $captain = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'captain1'); // Test traversal of a single has_one $this->assertInstanceOf("Varchar", $captain->relObject('FavouriteTeam.Title')); $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $captain->relObject('FavouriteTeam.Title')->getValue()); // Test direct field access $this->assertInstanceOf("Boolean", $captain->relObject('IsRetired')); $this->assertEquals(1, $captain->relObject('IsRetired')->getValue()); $player = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player2'); // Test that we can traverse more than once, and that arbitrary methods are okay $this->assertInstanceOf("Varchar", $player->relObject('Teams.First.Title')); $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $player->relObject('Teams.First.Title')->getValue()); } public function testLateStaticBindingStyle() { // Confirm that DataObjectTest_Player::get() operates as excepted $this->assertEquals(4, DataObjectTest_Player::get()->Count()); $this->assertInstanceOf('DataObjectTest_Player', DataObjectTest_Player::get()->First()); // You can't pass arguments to LSB syntax - use the DataList methods instead. $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); DataObjectTest_Player::get(null, "\"ID\" = 1"); } public function testBrokenLateStaticBindingStyle() { // If you call DataObject::get() you have to pass a first argument $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); DataObject::get(); } } class DataObjectTest_Player extends Member implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'IsRetired' => 'Boolean', 'ShirtNumber' => 'Varchar', ); private static $has_one = array( 'FavouriteTeam' => 'DataObjectTest_Team', ); private static $belongs_many_many = array( 'Teams' => 'DataObjectTest_Team' ); private static $searchable_fields = array( 'IsRetired', 'ShirtNumber' ); } class DataObjectTest_Team extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'Title' => 'Varchar', 'DatabaseField' => 'HTMLVarchar' ); private static $has_one = array( "Captain" => 'DataObjectTest_Player', 'HasOneRelationship' => 'DataObjectTest_Player', ); private static $has_many = array( 'SubTeams' => 'DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'Comments' => 'DataObjectTest_TeamComment' ); private static $many_many = array( 'Players' => 'DataObjectTest_Player' ); private static $many_many_extraFields = array( 'Players' => array( 'Position' => 'Varchar(100)' ) ); private static $summary_fields = array( 'Title' => 'Custom Title', 'Title.UpperCase' => 'Title', 'Captain.ShirtNumber' => 'Captain\'s shirt number', 'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title' => 'Captain\'s favourite team' ); private static $default_sort = '"Title"'; public function MyTitle() { return 'Team ' . $this->Title; } public function getDynamicField() { return 'dynamicfield'; } } class DataObjectTest_Fixture extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( // Funny field names 'Data' => 'Varchar', 'Duplicate' => 'Varchar', 'DbObject' => 'Varchar', // Field types 'DateField' => 'Date', 'DatetimeField' => 'Datetime', 'MyFieldWithDefault' => 'Varchar', 'MyFieldWithAltDefault' => 'Varchar' ); private static $defaults = array( 'MyFieldWithDefault' => 'Default Value', ); private static $summary_fields = array( 'Data' => 'Data', 'DateField.Nice' => 'Date' ); private static $searchable_fields = array(); public function populateDefaults() { parent::populateDefaults(); $this->MyFieldWithAltDefault = 'Default Value'; } } class DataObjectTest_SubTeam extends DataObjectTest_Team implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'Varchar' ); private static $has_one = array( "ParentTeam" => 'DataObjectTest_Team', ); private static $many_many = array( 'FormerPlayers' => 'DataObjectTest_Player' ); private static $many_many_extraFields = array( 'FormerPlayers' => array( 'Position' => 'Varchar(100)' ) ); } class OtherSubclassWithSameField extends DataObjectTest_Team implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'Varchar', ); } class DataObjectTest_FieldlessTable extends DataObject implements TestOnly { } class DataObjectTest_FieldlessSubTable extends DataObjectTest_Team implements TestOnly { } class DataObjectTest_Team_Extension extends DataExtension implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'ExtendedDatabaseField' => 'Varchar' ); private static $has_one = array( 'ExtendedHasOneRelationship' => 'DataObjectTest_Player' ); public function getExtendedDynamicField() { return "extended dynamic field"; } } class DataObjectTest_ValidatedObject extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar(50)' ); protected function validate() { if(!empty($this->Name)) { return new ValidationResult(); } else { return new ValidationResult(false, "This object needs a name. Otherwise it will have an identity crisis!"); } } } class DataObjectTest_Company extends DataObject { private static $has_one = array ( 'CEO' => 'DataObjectTest_CEO', 'PreviousCEO' => 'DataObjectTest_CEO' ); private static $has_many = array ( 'CurrentStaff' => 'DataObjectTest_Staff.CurrentCompany', 'PreviousStaff' => 'DataObjectTest_Staff.PreviousCompany' ); } class DataObjectTest_Staff extends DataObject { private static $has_one = array ( 'CurrentCompany' => 'DataObjectTest_Company', 'PreviousCompany' => 'DataObjectTest_Company' ); } class DataObjectTest_CEO extends DataObjectTest_Staff { private static $belongs_to = array ( 'Company' => 'DataObjectTest_Company.CEO', 'PreviousCompany' => 'DataObjectTest_Company.PreviousCEO' ); } class DataObjectTest_TeamComment extends DataObject { private static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar', 'Comment' => 'Text' ); private static $has_one = array( 'Team' => 'DataObjectTest_Team' ); } class DataObjectTest_ExtendedTeamComment extends DataObjectTest_TeamComment { private static $db = array( 'Comment' => 'HTMLText' ); } DataObjectTest_Team::add_extension('DataObjectTest_Team_Extension');