"Date->Nice") */ protected $fieldCasting = array(); /** * Construct a OrderReport. * * @param name Name of the data report * @param title Title of the data report as displayed in the CMS. * @param value The value of the data report as a form field, usually could be a empty string * @param form The form that the containing the date report, usually dose matter if set null * @param baseClass the base object that this report works oon * @param fieldMap A mapthat works out Header cell of report table and which content will be for the colums, using array of "$k=>$v"s * @param headFields If keys in fieldMap is numerical, header of the report table can be worked out here * @param filter The filter on the object for the report, usually this filter is "=" type filter for the database table field. * @param dateFilter The dateFitler on the object for the report, usually this filter is for time and works on Created using "Between ... And ..." * @param join The joined database table is put in this parameter * @param sort The sort clause will be made from this parameter */ function __construct($name, $title, $value, $form, $baseClass, $fieldMap=null, $headFields=null, $filter=null, $dateFilter=null, $sort=null, $join=null) { $this->baseClass = $baseClass; //Work out $filters, $sort, $join, $filters need to be further processed in getRecords(); if($filter) $this->filter = $filter; if($dateFilter) $this->dateFilter=$dateFilter; if($sort) $this->sort = $sort; if($join) $this->join = $join; //Work out $headFields, $dataFields if($fieldMap){ if(is_array($fieldMap)){ foreach($fieldMap as $k => $v){ $fields[] = $v; if(!$headFields) $heads[] = $k; } } } if($fields) $this->dataFields = $fields; if(!$headFields) $this->headFields = $heads; else $this->headFields = $headFields; parent::__construct($name, $title, $value, $form); } /*protected function expandWildcards($fieldMap){ $records = $this->getRecords(); if($records){ foreach($records as $record){ Debug::show($record); die('here'); } } }*/ /** * Todo: to set export flag to be $export */ public function setExport($export){ $this->export = $export; } /** * Todo: to export the reported table as a CSV */ function exportToCSV( $fileName ) { $fileData = $this->columnheaders( 'csvRow', 'csvHeadCell' ) . $this->datacells('csvRow', 'csvDataCell' ); HTTP::sendFileToBrowser($fileData, $fileName); } /** * Todo: to overwrite its parent's FieldHolder, the returned HTML
section contains the reported Table and a export button. */ function FieldHolder() { //Requirements::javascript( "sapphire/javascript/DataReport.js" ); $reportList = $this->htmlReportList(); $exportButton = $this->htmlExportButton(); return << $reportList $exportButton
HTML ; } /** * Todo: to return a export button in HTML Style if $this->export flag is true (it defaults as true) */ protected function htmlExportButton(){ $idexport = $this->id() . '_exportToCSV'; $idtype = $this->id() . '_Type'; $class = $this->class; if($this->export){ $value = _t('EXPORTCSV', 'Export to CSV'); $exportButton =<< HTML ; }else{ $exportButton = ""; } return $exportButton; } /** *Todo: to return block of HTML code, containing a table wrapped with a
section for Ajax Updator loading the table inside. */ protected function htmlReportList(){ $table = $this->htmlReportTable(); // display the table of results $html = << $table
HTML; return $html; } /** *Todo: return the reported table in HTML format */ protected function htmlReportTable(){ $headerHTML = $this->columnheaders(); $dataCellHTML = $this->datacells(); return << $headerHTML $dataCellHTML HTML ; } /** * Todo: Returns the HTML for the headers of the columns. */ protected function columnheaders( $rowCallBack = 'htmlTableRow', $cellCallBack = 'htmlTableHeadCell' ) { $html = ""; foreach( $this->headFields as $field ) { $html .= $this->$cellCallBack($field); } foreach( $this->extraFields as $fieldHeader => $fieldContent ) { $html .= $this->$cellCallBack($fieldHeader); } return $this->$rowCallBack($html); } /** *Todo: Returns the HTML for the body of the reported table, excluding table header * @param rowCallBack: the function name for how the rows are formated * @param cellCallBack: the function name for how the cells are formated */ protected function datacells($rowCallBack = 'htmlTableRow', $cellCallBack = 'htmlTableDataCell' ) { $records = $this->getRecords(); $body = ""; if($records){ foreach($records as $record){ $html = ""; $fieldInd = 0; foreach( $this->dataFields as $field ) { $html .= $this->$cellCallBack($record, $field, $fieldInd); $fieldInd++; } foreach( $this->extraFields as $fieldHeader => $fieldContent ) { $html .= $this->htmlTableExtraDataCell($record, $fieldContent, $fieldInd); } $row = $this->$rowCallBack($html); $body .= $row; } } return $body; } /** * Todo: Return the HTML for one cell of the table header */ function htmlTableHeadCell($value) { return "" . htmlentities( $value ) . ""; } /** * Todo: Return one cell of the table header in csv format */ function csvHeadCell($value) { return $this->csvCell( $value ); } /** * Todo: Return the HTML for one cell of one row of the table */ function htmlTableDataCell($record, $field, $fieldIndex=null){ $value = $this->getRecordFieldValue($record, $field); return "".Convert::raw2xml($value).""; } function htmlTableExtraDataCell($record, $fieldContent, $fieldIndex=null){ eval("\$content = \"$fieldContent\";"); return "$content"; } /** *Todo: return the value of one filed of a record */ function getRecordFieldValue($record, $field){ // $field can be array: eg: array("FirstName", "Surname"), in which case two fields in database table should // concate to one cell for report table if(is_array($field)){ $i=0; foreach($field as $each){ $value .= $i==0?"":" "; $value .= $record->$each; $i++; } }else{ //The field could be "Total->Nice" or "Order.Created->Date", intending to show its specific format. //Caster then is "Nice" "Date" etc. list($field, $caster) = explode("->", $field); if(preg_match('/^(.+)\.(.+)$/', $field, $matches)){ $field = $matches[2]; } if(is_a($record, 'DataObject')) { // Simple field, no casting // choose existing field on a DataObject, or custom record-column $value = ($record->val($field)) ? $record->val($field) : $record->$field; } elseif(is_array($record)) { $value = $record[$field]; } else { $value = $record; } // casting by combined string if($caster){ // When the intending value is Created.Date, the obj need to be casted as Datetime explicitely. if($field == "Created" || $field == "LastEdited"){ $created = Object::create('Datetime', "Created"); $created->setVal($record->Created); $value = $created->val($caster); } else{ // Dealing with other field like "Total->Nice", etc. // Also makes sure the field is present if($record && $record->obj($field)){ $value = $record->obj($field)->val($caster); } } // casting by separate array } else if(array_key_exists($field, $this->fieldCasting)) { $fieldType = $this->fieldCasting[$field]; if(strpos($fieldType,'->') === false) { $castingFieldType = $fieldType; $castingField = new $castingFieldType($field); $castingField->setValue($value); $value = $castingField->XML(); } else { $fieldTypeParts = explode('->', $fieldType); $castingFieldType = $fieldTypeParts[0]; $castingMethod = $fieldTypeParts[1]; $castingField = new $castingFieldType($field); $castingField->setValue($value); $value = $castingField->$castingMethod(); } } } return $value; } /** *Todo:: return a date cell in CSV format */ function csvDataCell($record, $field){ $value=$this->csvCell( $this->getRecordFieldValue($record, $field) ); //return str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\n", "", str_replace(",", "", $value))).","; return $value; } function csvCell( $value, $table = null, $column = null ) { return '"' . str_replace( '"', '""', $value ) . '",'; } function csvRow( $value ) { return substr( $value, 0, strlen( $value ) - 1 )."\n"; } /** *Todo: wrap a row of data by tag */ function htmlTableRow( $value) { return "" . $value . ""; } /** *Todo: to add newline feed to a row of data for csv export */ /*function csvRow($value){ return str_replace("\n", "", $value)."\n"; }*/ /** *Todo: get all records of base table that meet the $this->filter, $this->join, $this->datefilter, sort by $this->sort */ function getRecords(){ if($this->filter){ $i=0; //$this->filter should be an array, such as array("MemberID"=>array("1", "2), "OrderType"=>"normal") foreach($this->filter as $k => $v){ if($v !== "All" && $v !== 'all'){ $join .= ($i==0) ? "" :" "; //if $v is array, then treat it as an "OR" statement in where claues, //eg. $this->filter = array("MemberID"=>array("1", "2), "OrderType"=>"normal"), then MemberID need to be either 1 or 2. if(is_array($v)){ $j = 0; foreach($v as $orvalue){ $orclause .=($j==0) ? "($k = '$orvalue'" : " OR $k = '$orvalue'"; $j++; } $orclause .=")"; $filter .= ($i==0) ? "$orclause" : " AND $orclause"; $i++; } else if(is_numeric($k)) { // accept a simple string... $filter .= $v; $filter .= ($i==0) ? "$orclause" : " AND $orclause"; } else { //$v is not an array, concat it to where clause as an "AND" statement. //eg. $this->filter = array("MemberID"=>array("1", "2), "OrderType"=>"normal"), then concat "OrderType"="normal". $filter .= ($i==0) ? "$k = '$v'" : " AND $k = '$v'"; } $i++; } } } // Concat DateRange to Where clause using "Between ... And ..." on Created field. if($this->dateFilter){ $from = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-90-9]{2,4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $this->dateFilter['From']); $to = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-90-9]{2,4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $this->dateFilter['To']); $filter .= $filter?"AND ":""; $filter .="`{$this->baseClass}`.Created BETWEEN '$from' AND ('$to' + INTERVAL 1 DAY)"; } // Work out Ordered By clause. if($this->sort){ $i=0; foreach($this->sort as $k => $v){ $sort .= ($i==0)?"$k $v":", $k $v"; $i++; } } // Work out Join Clause. if($this->join){ $i=0; //$k is the key of base table, $v is an array with joined table and join key, such as // $v = array("ID"=>array("table"=>"Payment", "field"=>"OrderID", "joinclass" => "Order")). // otherwise it treats it as a SQL-string ("LEFT JOIN x ON x=y") foreach($this->join as $k => $v){ $join .= ( $i==0 ) ? "" :" "; if(is_string($v)) { $join .= $v; } else { // This means we join multiple tables on the same column name if(!$k || !is_string($k)) $k = $v['joinColumn']; if(!$v['howtojoin']) $v['howtojoin'] = "LEFT JOIN"; $this->joinedTables[] = $v['table']; // FIX Stupid arbitrary array-structure makes this neccessary $joinClass = ($v['joinclass']) ? $v['joinclass'] : $this->baseClass; $join .="$v[howtojoin] `$v[table]` on `{$joinClass}`.`{$k}` = `$v[table]`.`$v[field]`"; } $i++; } } $instance = singleton($this->baseClass); $query = $instance->buildSQL($filter, $sort, null, $join); $selected = array(); $this->buildSelected($this->dataFields, $selected); $query->select = $selected; $query->select[] = "`$this->baseClass`.ClassName"; $query->select[] = "`$this->baseClass`.ClassName AS RecordClassName"; $records = $query->execute(); $dataobject = new DataObject(); $ret = $dataobject->buildDataObjectSet($records, 'DataObjectSet'); return $ret; } protected function buildSelected($fields, &$ret, $includeAllFields = true){ if($includeAllFields){ $ret1 = array(); foreach(ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->baseClass) as $subClass){ if(ClassInfo::hastable($subClass)){ if($columns = $this->getColumnsInTable($subClass)){ foreach ($columns as $column){ if(!in_array($column, $ret1)){ $ret[] = "`{$subClass}`.`$column`"; $ret1[] = $column; } } } } } if($this->joinedTables){ foreach($this->joinedTables as $table){ $columns = $this->getColumnsInTable($table); if($columns) foreach($columns as $column){ if(!in_array($column, $ret1)){ $ret[] = "`{$table}`.`{$column}`"; $ret1[] = $column; } } } } } else { foreach($fields as $field) { if(is_array($field)) { $this->buildSelected($field, $ret); } else { if($count=preg_match('/^(.+)->(.+)$/', $field, $matches)) { $field =$matches[1]; } if(!preg_match('/^(.+)\.(.+)$/', $field, $matches)) { if($this->is_inTables($field)) { $ret[] = $field; } } else { $ret[] = $field; } } } } foreach($this->customSelect as $filter) { $ret[] = $filter; } } protected function is_inTables($field){ if(in_array($field, $this->getColumnsInTable($this->baseClass))){ return 1; }else{ if($this->joinedTables){ foreach($this->joinedTables as $table){ if(in_array($field, $this->getColumnsInTable($table))) return 1; } } } return 0; } protected function getColumnsInTable( $table ) { $result = DB::query( "SELECT * FROM `$table` LIMIT 1" ); if($nextResult = $result->next()){ return array_keys($nextResult); } } protected function getReportType() { if(class_exists($this->name)) return $this->name; else return $this->class; } /** * @param array */ function setExtraFields($fields) { $this->extraFields = $fields; } /** * @param array */ function setCustomSelect($filters) { $this->customSelect = $filters; } /** * @param array */ function setFieldCasting($fieldCasting) { $this->fieldCasting = $fieldCasting; } } /** * A controller class work for exporting reported table to CSV format. * @package forms * @subpackage fields-reports * @deprecated This should be considered alpha code; reporting needs a clean-up. */ class DataReport_Controller extends Controller{ /**The function is an action for making $Controller/$action/$ID works when click on Exporting button. *Todo: Declear a new OrderReport Object with null filter, then set its filter using $_GET global, then call its export function. */ function exporttocsv() { $id = $this->urlParams['ID']; $now = strftime("%d/%m/%Y", time()); $orderReport = new $id("FindOrderReport",null,"",null,"Order", $filedMap = array("Order Number"=>"Order.ID", "Order Date"=>"Order.Created->Date", "Order Type"=>"ParentsOrder.OrderType", "Customer Name"=>array("FirstName", "Surname"), "Order Total"=>"Total->Nice", ), $headField = null, $filter = null, $dateFilter = array("From"=>"20/07/2006", "To"=>$now), $sord = array("Order.ID"=>"DESC"), $join = array("MemberID"=>array("table"=>"Member", "field"=>"ID")) ); if($orderReport->hasMethod('getReportField')) $orderReport = $orderReport->getReportField(); if($orderReport->hasMethod('filter_onchange')) $orderReport->filter_onchange(); $orderReport->exportToCSV("report.csv"); } } ?>