* static $has_one = array(
* 'RightContent' => 'SiteTree'
* );
* function getCMSFields() {
* ...
* $treedropdownfield = new TreeDropdownField("RightContentID", "Choose a page to show on the right:", "SiteTree");
* ..
* }
* This will generate a tree allowing the user to expand and contract subsections
* to find the appropriate page to save to the field.
* Caution: The form field does not include any JavaScript or CSS when used outside of the CMS context,
* since the required frontend dependencies are included through CMS bundling.
* @see TreeMultiselectField for the same implementation allowing multiple selections
* @see DropdownField for a simple dropdown field.
* @see CheckboxSetField for multiple selections through checkboxes.
* @see OptionsetField for single selections via radiobuttons.
class TreeDropdownField extends FormField
private static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action!/$ID' => '$Action'
private static $allowed_actions = array(
* @ignore
protected $sourceObject, $keyField, $labelField, $filterCallback,
$disableCallback, $searchCallback, $baseID = 0;
* @var string default child method in Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL
protected $childrenMethod = 'AllChildrenIncludingDeleted';
* @var string default child counting method in Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL
protected $numChildrenMethod = 'numChildren';
* Used by field search to leave only the relevant entries
protected $searchIds = null, $showSearch, $searchExpanded = array();
* CAVEAT: for search to work properly $labelField must be a database field,
* or you need to setSearchFunction.
* @param string $name the field name
* @param string $title the field label
* @param string|array $sourceObject The object-type to list in the tree. This could
* be one of the following:
* - A DataObject class name with the {@link Hierarchy} extension.
* - An array of key/value pairs, like a {@link DropdownField} source. In
* this case, the field will act like show a flat list of tree items,
* without any hierarchy. This is most useful in conjunction with
* {@link TreeMultiselectField}, for presenting a set of checkboxes in
* a compact view. Note, that all value strings must be XML encoded
* safely prior to being passed in.
* @param string $keyField to field on the source class to save as the
* field value (default ID).
* @param string $labelField the field name to show as the human-readable
* value on the tree (default Title).
* @param bool $showSearch enable the ability to search the tree by
* entering the text in the input field.
public function __construct(
$title = null,
$sourceObject = 'SilverStripe\\Security\\Group',
$keyField = 'ID',
$labelField = 'TreeTitle',
$showSearch = true
) {
$this->sourceObject = $sourceObject;
$this->keyField = $keyField;
$this->labelField = $labelField;
$this->showSearch = $showSearch;
//Extra settings for Folders
if ($sourceObject == 'SilverStripe\\Assets\\Folder') {
$this->childrenMethod = 'ChildFolders';
$this->numChildrenMethod = 'numChildFolders';
parent::__construct($name, $title);
* Set the ID of the root node of the tree. This defaults to 0 - i.e.
* displays the whole tree.
* @param int $ID
* @return $this
public function setTreeBaseID($ID)
$this->baseID = (int) $ID;
return $this;
* Set a callback used to filter the values of the tree before
* displaying to the user.
* @param callback $callback
* @return $this
public function setFilterFunction($callback)
if (!is_callable($callback, true)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('TreeDropdownField->setFilterCallback(): not passed a valid callback');
$this->filterCallback = $callback;
return $this;
* Set a callback used to disable checkboxes for some items in the tree
* @param callback $callback
* @return $this
public function setDisableFunction($callback)
if (!is_callable($callback, true)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('TreeDropdownField->setDisableFunction(): not passed a valid callback');
$this->disableCallback = $callback;
return $this;
* Set a callback used to search the hierarchy globally, even before
* applying the filter.
* @param callback $callback
* @return $this
public function setSearchFunction($callback)
if (!is_callable($callback, true)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('TreeDropdownField->setSearchFunction(): not passed a valid callback');
$this->searchCallback = $callback;
return $this;
public function getShowSearch()
return $this->showSearch;
* @param bool $bool
* @return $this
public function setShowSearch($bool)
$this->showSearch = $bool;
return $this;
* @param string $method The parameter to ChildrenMethod to use when calling Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL in
* {@link Hierarchy}. The method specified determines the structure of the returned list. Use "ChildFolders"
* in place of the default to get a drop-down listing with only folders, i.e. not including the child elements in
* the currently selected folder. setNumChildrenMethod() should be used as well for proper functioning.
* See {@link Hierarchy} for a complete list of possible methods.
* @return $this
public function setChildrenMethod($method)
$this->childrenMethod = $method;
return $this;
* @param string $method The parameter to numChildrenMethod to use when calling Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL in
* {@link Hierarchy}. Should be used in conjunction with setChildrenMethod().
* @return $this
public function setNumChildrenMethod($method)
$this->numChildrenMethod = $method;
return $this;
* @param array $properties
* @return string
public function Field($properties = array())
$item = DataObject::singleton($this->sourceObject);
$emptyTitle = _t(
'(Choose {name})',
['name' => $item->i18n_singular_name()]
$record = $this->Value() ? $this->objectForKey($this->Value()) : null;
if ($record instanceof ViewableData) {
$title = $record->obj($this->labelField)->forTemplate();
} elseif ($record) {
$title = Convert::raw2xml($record->{$this->labelField});
} else {
$title = $emptyTitle;
// TODO Implement for TreeMultiSelectField
$metadata = array(
'id' => $record ? $record->ID : null,
'ClassName' => $record ? $record->ClassName : $this->sourceObject
$properties = array_merge(
'Title' => $title,
'EmptyTitle' => $emptyTitle,
'Metadata' => ($metadata) ? Convert::raw2json($metadata) : null,
return parent::Field($properties);
public function extraClass()
return implode(' ', array(parent::extraClass(), ($this->showSearch ? "searchable" : null)));
* Get the whole tree of a part of the tree via an AJAX request.
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return string
* @throws Exception
public function tree(HTTPRequest $request)
// Array sourceObject is an explicit list of values - construct a "flat tree"
if (is_array($this->sourceObject)) {
$output = "