testDataObject = $this->objFromFixture(DecimalTest\TestObject::class, 'test-dataobject'); $x=1; } public function testDefaultValue() { $this->assertSame( 0, $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal1, 'Database default for Decimal type is 0' ); } public function testSpecifiedDefaultValue() { $this->assertSame( 2.5, $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal2, 'Default value for Decimal type is set to 2.5' ); } public function testInvalidSpecifiedDefaultValue() { $this->expectException(TypeError::class); new DBDecimal(defaultValue: 'Invalid'); } public function testSpecifiedDefaultValueInDefaultsArray() { $this->assertEquals( $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal4, 4, 'Default value for Decimal type is set to 4' ); } public function testLongValueStoredCorrectly() { $this->assertSame( 1.0, $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal5, 'Long default long decimal value is rounded correctly' ); $this->assertEqualsWithDelta( 0.99999999999999999999, $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal5, PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON, 'Long default long decimal value is correct within float epsilon' ); $this->assertSame( 8.0, $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal6, 'Long decimal value with a default value is rounded correctly' ); $this->assertEqualsWithDelta( 7.99999999999999999999, $this->testDataObject->MyDecimal6, PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON, 'Long decimal value is within epsilon if longer than allowed number of float digits' ); } public function testScaffoldFormField() { /** @var DBDecimal $decimal */ $decimal = $this->testDataObject->dbObject('MyDecimal2'); $field = $decimal->scaffoldFormField('The Decimal'); $this->assertEquals(3, $field->getScale()); $field->setValue(1.9999); $this->assertEquals(1.9999, $field->dataValue()); $this->assertEquals('2.000', $field->Value()); } }