Usage. * * treedropdownfield is used on {@link VirtualPage} a class which creates another instance of a page, with exactly the same fields that can be represented on another part of the site. The code below is taken from an example of this. * * * // Put this at the top of the class that defines your model (e.g. the class that extends DataObject). * static $has_one = array( * 'RightContent' => 'SiteTree' * ); * * // Setup the linking to the original page. (Put this in your getCMSFields() method or similar) * $treedropdownfield = new TreeDropdownField("RightContentID", "Choose a page to show on the right:", "SiteTree"); * * * This will generate a tree allowing the user to expand and contract subsections to find the appropriate page to save to the field. * * @package forms * @subpackage fields-relational */ class TreeDropdownField extends FormField { public static $url_handlers = array ( '$Action!/$ID' => '$Action' ); public static $allowed_actions = array ( 'tree' ); /** * @ignore */ protected $sourceObject, $keyField, $labelField, $filterCallback, $searchCallback, $baseID = 0; /** * Used by field search to leave only the relevant entries */ protected $searchIds = null, $searchExpanded = array(); /** * CAVEAT: for search to work properly $labelField must be a database field, or you need to setSearchFunction. * * @param string $name the field name * @param string $title the field label * @param sourceObject The object-type to list in the tree. Must be a 'hierachy' object. Alternatively, * you can set this to an array of key/value pairs, like a dropdown source. In this case, the field * will act like show a flat list of tree items, without any hierachy. This is most useful in * conjunction with TreeMultiselectField, for presenting a set of checkboxes in a compact view. * @param string $keyField to field on the source class to save as the field value (default ID). * @param string $labelField the field name to show as the human-readable value on the tree (default Title). * @param string $showSearch enable the ability to search the tree by entering the text in the input field. */ public function __construct($name, $title = null, $sourceObject = 'Group', $keyField = 'ID', $labelField = 'Title', $showSearch = false) { $this->sourceObject = $sourceObject; $this->keyField = $keyField; $this->labelField = $labelField; $this->showSearch = $showSearch; parent::__construct($name, $title); } /** * Set the ID of the root node of the tree. This defaults to 0 - i.e. displays the whole tree. * * @param int $ID */ public function setTreeBaseID($ID) { $this->baseID = (int) $ID; } /** * Set a callback used to filter the values of the tree before displaying to the user. * * @param callback $callback */ public function setFilterFunction($callback) { if(!is_callable($callback, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('TreeDropdownField->setFilterCallback(): not passed a valid callback'); } $this->filterCallback = $callback; } /** * Set a callback used to search the hierarchy globally, even before applying the filter. * * @param callback $callback */ public function setSearchFunction($callback) { if(!is_callable($callback, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('TreeDropdownField->setSearchFunction(): not passed a valid callback'); } $this->searchCallback = $callback; } /** * @return string */ public function Field() { Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/prototype.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/behaviour.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/jquery_improvements.js'); Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/TreeDropdownField.css'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/javascript/tree/tree.js"); Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/javascript/tree/tree.css"); Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/lang'); // needed for errorMessage() Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/javascript/TreeSelectorField.js"); if($this->Value() && $record = $this->objectForKey($this->Value())) { $title = $record->{$this->labelField}; } else { $title = _t('DropdownField.CHOOSE', '(Choose)', PR_MEDIUM, 'start value of a dropdown'); } return $this->createTag ( 'div', array ( 'id' => "TreeDropdownField_{$this->id()}", 'class' => 'TreeDropdownField single' . ($this->extraClass() ? " {$this->extraClass()}" : ''), 'href' => $this->form ? $this->Link() : "", ), $this->createTag ( 'input', array ( 'id' => $this->id(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $this->name, 'value' => $this->value ) ) . ($this->showSearch ? $this->createTag( 'input', array( 'class' => 'items', 'value' => '(Choose or type search)' ) ) : $this->createTag ( 'span', array ( 'class' => 'items' ), $title ) ) . $this->createTag ( 'a', array ( 'href' => '#', 'title' => 'open', 'class' => 'editLink' ), ' ' ) ); } /** * Get the whole tree of a part of the tree via an AJAX request. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return string */ public function tree(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { // Array sourceObject is an explicit list of values - construct a "flat tree" if(is_array($this->sourceObject)) { $output = ""; return $output; } // Regular source specification $isSubTree = false; $this->search = Convert::Raw2SQL($request->getVar('search')); if($ID = (int) $request->latestparam('ID')) { $obj = DataObject::get_by_id($this->sourceObject, $ID); $isSubTree = true; if(!$obj) { throw new Exception ( "TreeDropdownField->tree(): the object #$ID of type $this->sourceObject could not be found" ); } } else { if($this->baseID) { $obj = DataObject::get_by_id($this->sourceObject, $this->baseID); } if(!$this->baseID || !$obj) $obj = singleton($this->sourceObject); } // pre-process the tree - search needs to operate globally, not locally as marking filter does if ( $this->search != "" ) $this->populateIDs(); if ($this->filterCallback || $this->sourceObject == 'Folder' || $this->search != "" ) $obj->setMarkingFilterFunction(array($this, "filterMarking")); $obj->markPartialTree(); // allow to pass values to be selected within the ajax request if( isset($_REQUEST['forceValue']) || $this->value ) { $forceValue = ( isset($_REQUEST['forceValue']) ? $_REQUEST['forceValue'] : $this->value); if(($values = preg_split('/,\s*/', $forceValue)) && count($values)) foreach($values as $value) { if(!is_numeric($value)) continue; $obj->markToExpose($this->objectForKey($value)); } } $eval = '"
  • Name() . '-{$child->' . $this->keyField . '}\" class=\"$child->class"' . ' . $child->markingClasses() . "\">ID\">" . $child->' . $this->labelField . ' . ""'; if($isSubTree) { return substr(trim($obj->getChildrenAsUL('', $eval, null, true)), 4, -5); } return $obj->getChildrenAsUL('class="tree"', $eval, null, true); } /** * Marking function for the tree, which combines different filters sensibly. If a filter function has been set, * that will be called. If the source is a folder, automatically filter folder. And if search text is set, filter on that * too. Return true if all applicable conditions are true, false otherwise. * @param $node * @return unknown_type */ function filterMarking($node) { if ($this->filterCallback && !call_user_func($this->filterCallback, $node)) return false; if ($this->sourceObject == "Folder" && $node->ClassName != 'Folder') return false; if ($this->search != "") { return isset($this->searchIds[$node->ID]) && $this->searchIds[$node->ID] ? true : false; } return true; } /** * Populate $this->searchIds with the IDs of the pages matching the searched parameter and their parents. * Reverse-constructs the tree starting from the leaves. Initially taken from CMSSiteTreeFilter, but modified * with pluggable search function. */ protected function populateIDs() { // get all the leaves to be displayed if ( $this->searchCallback ) $res = call_user_func($this->searchCallback, $this->sourceObject, $this->labelField, $this->search); else $res = DataObject::get($this->sourceObject, "\"$this->labelField\" LIKE '%$this->search%'"); if( $res ) { // iteratively fetch the parents in bulk, until all the leaves can be accessed using the tree control foreach($res as $row) { if ($row->ParentID) $parents[$row->ParentID] = true; $this->searchIds[$row->ID] = true; } while (!empty($parents)) { $res = DB::query('SELECT "ParentID", "ID" FROM \"' . $this->sourceObject . '\" WHERE "ID" in ('.implode(',',array_keys($parents)).')'); $parents = array(); foreach($res as $row) { if ($row['ParentID']) $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true; $this->searchIds[$row['ID']] = true; $this->searchExpanded[$row['ID']] = true; } } } } /** * Get the object where the $keyField is equal to a certain value * * @param string|int $key * @return DataObject */ protected function objectForKey($key) { if($this->keyField == 'ID') { return DataObject::get_by_id($this->sourceObject, $key); } else { return DataObject::get_one($this->sourceObject, "\"{$this->keyField}\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql($key) . "'"); } } /** * Changes this field to the readonly field. */ function performReadonlyTransformation() { return new TreeDropdownField_Readonly($this->name, $this->title, $this->sourceObject, $this->keyField, $this->labelField); } } /** * @package forms * @subpackage fields-relational */ class TreeDropdownField_Readonly extends TreeDropdownField { protected $readonly = true; function Field() { $fieldName = $this->labelField; if($this->value) { $keyObj = $this->objectForKey($this->value); $obj = $keyObj ? $keyObj->$fieldName : ''; } else { $obj = null; } $source = array( $this->value => $obj ); $field = new LookupField($this->name, $this->title, $source); $field->setValue($this->value); $field->setForm($this->form); return $field->Field(); } }