"Varchar", "Description" => "Text", "Code" => "Varchar", "CanCMS" => "Boolean", "CanCMSAdmin" => "Boolean", "Locked" => "Boolean", "Sort" => "Int", ); static $has_one = array( "Parent" => "SiteTree", ); static $many_many = array( "Members" => "Member", ); static $extensions = array( "Hierarchy", ); /** * Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton. * * @return FieldSet */ public function getCMSFields() { $fields = new FieldSet( new TabSet("Root", new Tab(_t('SecurityAdmin.MEMBERS', 'Members'), new TextField("Title", _t('SecurityAdmin.GROUPNAME', 'Group name')), $memberList = new MemberTableField( $this, "Members", $record, null, false ) ), new Tab(_t('SecurityAdmin.PERMISSIONS', 'Permissions'), new LiteralField( "", "

" . _t('SecurityAdmin.ADVANCEDONLY', "This section is for advanced users only. See this page for more information." ) . "

" ), new TableField( "Permissions", "Permission", array( "Code" => _t('SecurityAdmin.CODE', 'Code'), "Arg" => _t('SecurityAdmin.OPTIONALID', 'Optional ID'), ), array( "Code" => "PermissionDropdownField", "Arg" => "TextField", ), "GroupID", $id ) ) ) ); if(!Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) $fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root', 'Permissions'); $memberList->setController($this); $memberList->setPermissions(array('show', 'edit', 'delete', 'export', 'add')); $memberList->setParentClass('Group'); $memberList->setPopupCaption(_t('SecurityAdmin.VIEWUSER', 'View User')); $fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID")); return $fields; } static function getAdminGroups() { return DataObject::get('Group',"CanCMSAdmin=1"); } /** * Add a member to a group. * * @param DataObject $member * @param string $groupcode */ static function addToGroupByName($member, $groupcode) { $group = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = '" . Convert::raw2sql($groupcode). "'"); if($group) { $member->Groups()->add($group); $member->write(); } } /** * Overloaded getter. * * @param $limit string SQL * @param $offset int * @param $filter string SQL * @param $sort string SQL * @param $join string SQL * @return ComponentSet */ public function Members($limit = "", $offset = "", $filter = "", $sort = "", $join = "") { $table = "Group_Members"; if($filter) $filter = is_array($filter) ? $filter : array($filter); if( is_numeric( $limit ) ) { if( is_numeric( $offset ) ) $limit = "$offset, $limit"; else $limit = "0, $limit"; } else { $limit = ""; } // Get all of groups that this group contains $groupFamily = implode(", ", $this->collateFamilyIDs()); $filter[] = "`$table`.GroupID IN ($groupFamily)"; $join .= " INNER JOIN `$table` ON `$table`.MemberID = `Member`.ID" . Convert::raw2sql($join); $result = singleton("Member")->instance_get( $filter, $sort, $join, $limit, "ComponentSet" // datatype ); if(!$result) $result = new ComponentSet(); $result->setComponentInfo("many-to-many", $this, "Group", $table, "Member"); foreach($result as $item) $item->GroupID = $this->ID; return $result; } public function map($filter = "", $sort = "", $blank="") { $ret = new SQLMap(singleton('Group')->extendedSQL($filter, $sort)); if($blank){ $blankGroup = new Group(); $blankGroup->Title = $blank; $blankGroup->ID = 0; $ret->getItems()->shift($blankGroup); } return $ret; } /** * Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of * this record and all its descendants */ public function collateFamilyIDs() { $chunkToAdd = array(array("ID" => $this->ID)); while($chunkToAdd) { $idList = null; foreach($chunkToAdd as $item) { $idList[] = $family[] = $item['ID']; } $idList = implode(',',$idList); // Get the children of *all* the groups identified in the previous chunk. // This minimises the number of SQL queries necessary $sql = $this->extendedSQL("ParentID IN ($idList)", ""); $chunkToAdd = $sql->execute(); if(!$chunkToAdd->numRecords()) $chunkToAdd = null; } return $family; } /** * Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents */ public function collateAncestorIDs() { $parent = $this; while(isset($parent)) { $items[] = $parent->ID; $parent = $parent->Parent; } return $items; } /** * This isn't a decendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case * the group is "reorganised"; */ function cmsCleanup_parentChanged() { } /** * Override this so groups are ordered in the CMS */ public function stageChildren() { return DataObject::get('Group', "`Group`.`ParentID` = " . (int)$this->ID . " AND `Group`.ID != " . (int)$this->ID, "Sort"); } public function TreeTitle() { if($this->hasMethod('alternateTreeTitle')) return $this->alternateTreeTitle(); else return $this->Title; } /** * Overloaded to ensure the code is always descent. */ public function setCode($val){ $this->setField("Code",SiteTree::generateURLSegment($val)); } function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); if(stripos($this->Code, 'new-') === 0) { $this->setCode($this->Title); } } public function canEdit() { if($this->hasMethod('alternateCanEdit')) return $this->alternateCanEdit(); else return Member::currentUserID() ? true : false; } /** * Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree. * Filters to only those groups that the current user can edit */ function AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() { $children = $this->extInstance('Hierarchy')->AllChildrenIncludingDeleted(); $filteredChildren = new DataObjectSet(); if($children) foreach($children as $child) { if($child->canEdit()) $filteredChildren->push($child); } return $filteredChildren; } } /** * A group representing everyone, including users not logged in. * @package sapphire * @subpackage security */ class Group_Unsecure extends Group { } ?>