title: DateField summary: How to format and use the DateField class. # DateField This `FormField` subclass lets you display an editable date, either in a single text input field, or in three separate fields for day, month and year. It also provides a calendar date picker. The following example will add a simple DateField to your Page, allowing you to enter a date manually. **mysite/code/Page.php** :::php 'Date', ); public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Main', DateField::create('MyDate', 'Enter a date') ); return $fields; } } ## Custom Date Format A custom date format for a [api:DateField] can be provided through `setConfig`. :::php // will display a date in the following format: 31-06-2012 DateField::create('MyDate')->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy');
The formats are based on [Zend_Date constants](http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.date.constants.html).
## Min and Max Dates Sets the minimum and maximum allowed date values using the `min` and `max` configuration settings (in ISO format or strtotime()). :::php DateField::create('MyDate') ->setConfig('min', '-7 days') ->setConfig('max', '2012-12-31') ## Separate Day / Month / Year Fields The following setting will display your DateField as three input fields for day, month and year separately. HTML5 placeholders 'day', 'month' and 'year' are enabled by default. :::php DateField::create('MyDate') ->setConfig('dmyfields', true) ->setConfig('dmyseparator', '/') // set the separator ->setConfig('dmyplaceholders', 'true'); // enable HTML 5 Placeholders
Any custom date format settings will be ignored.
## Calendar Picker The following setting will add a Calendar to a single DateField, using the jQuery UI DatePicker widget. :::php DateField::create('MyDate') ->setConfig('showcalendar', true); The jQuery DatePicker doesn't support every constant available for `Zend_Date`. If you choose to use the calendar, the following constants should at least be safe: Constant | xxxxx -------- | ----- d | numeric day of the month (without leading zero) dd | numeric day of the month (with leading zero) EEE | dayname, abbreviated EEEE | dayname M | numeric month of the year (without leading zero) MM | numeric month of the year (with leading zero) MMM | monthname, abbreviated MMMM | monthname y | year (4 digits) yy | year (2 digits) yyyy | year (4 digits) Unfortunately the day- and monthname values in Zend Date do not always match those in the existing jQuery UI locale files, so constants like `EEE` or `MMM`, for day and month names could break validation. To fix this we had to slightly alter the jQuery locale files, situated in */framework/thirdparty/jquery-ui/datepicker/i18n/*, to match Zend_Date.
At this moment not all locale files may be present. If a locale file is missing, the DatePicker calendar will fallback to 'yyyy-MM-dd' whenever day - and/or monthnames are used. After saving, the correct format will be displayed.
## Formatting Hints It's often not immediate apparent which format a field accepts, and showing the technical format (e.g. `HH:mm:ss`) is of limited use to the average user. An alternative is to show the current date in the desired format alongside the field description as an example. :::php $dateField = DateField::create('MyDate'); // Show long format as text below the field $dateField->setDescription(sprintf( _t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'), Convert::raw2xml(Zend_Date::now()->toString($dateField->getConfig('dateformat'))) )); // Alternatively, set short format as a placeholder in the field $dateField->setAttribute('placeholder', $dateField->getConfig('dateformat'));
Fields scaffolded through [api:DataObject::scaffoldCMSFields] automatically have a description attached to them.
## API Documentation * [api:DateField]