1, 'Name' => 'test obj 1', 'Created' => '2013-01-01 00:00:00', 'SomeField' => 'VaLuE', ], [ 'ID' => 2, 'Name' => 'test obj 2', 'Created' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00', 'SomeField' => 'value', ], [ 'ID' => 3, 'Name' => 'test obj 3', 'Created' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00', 'SomeField' => null, ], ]; } private function getListWithRecords( string|DataList $data, string $dataListClass = DataList::class, ?int $foreignID = null, ?array $manyManyComponentData = null ): EagerLoadedList { // Get some garbage values for the manymany component so we don't get errors // If the component is actually needed, it'll be passed in if ($manyManyComponentData === null) { $manyManyComponent = []; if (in_array($dataListClass, [ManyManyThroughList::class, ManyManyList::class])) { $manyManyComponent['join'] = DataObject::class; $manyManyComponent['childField'] = ''; $manyManyComponent['parentField'] = ''; $manyManyComponent['parentClass'] = DataObject::class; $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = []; } } else { list($parentClass, $relationName) = $manyManyComponentData; $manyManyComponent = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyComponent($parentClass, $relationName); $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent($parentClass, $relationName); } if ($data instanceof DataList) { $dataClass = $data->dataClass(); $query = $data; } else { $dataClass = $data; $query = DataObject::get($dataClass); } if ($foreignID === null && $dataListClass !== DataList::class) { $foreignID = 9999; } $list = new EagerLoadedList($dataClass, $dataListClass, $foreignID, $manyManyComponent); foreach ($query->dataQuery()->execute() as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } return $list; } public function testHasID() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(Sortable::class, DataList::class); foreach ($this->getBasicRecordRows() as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } $this->assertTrue($list->hasID(3)); $this->assertFalse($list->hasID(999)); } public function testDataClass() { $dataClass = TeamComment::class; $list = new EagerLoadedList($dataClass, DataList::class); $this->assertEquals(TeamComment::class, $list->dataClass()); } public function testDataClassCaseInsensitive() { $dataClass = strtolower(TeamComment::class); $list = new EagerLoadedList($dataClass, DataList::class); $list->addRow(['ID' => 1]); $this->assertInstanceOf($dataClass, $list->first()); } public function testClone() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(ValidatedObject::class, DataList::class); $list->addRow(['ID' => 1]); $clone = clone($list); $this->assertEquals($list, $clone); $this->assertEquals($list->column(), $clone->column()); $clone->addRow(['ID' => 2]); $this->assertNotEquals($list->column(), $clone->column()); } public function testDbObject() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(TeamComment::class, DataList::class); $this->assertInstanceOf(DBPrimaryKey::class, $list->dbObject('ID')); $this->assertInstanceOf(DBVarchar::class, $list->dbObject('Name')); $this->assertInstanceOf(DBText::class, $list->dbObject('Comment')); } public function testGetIDList() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $idList = $list->getIDList(); $this->assertSame($list->column('ID'), array_keys($idList)); $this->assertSame($list->column('ID'), array_values($idList)); } public function testSetByIDList() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(TeamComment::class, DataList::class); $this->expectException(BadMethodCallException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't set the ComponentSet on an EagerLoadedList"); $list->setByIDList([1,2,3]); } public function testForForeignID() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(TeamComment::class, DataList::class); $this->expectException(BadMethodCallException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't change the foreign ID for an EagerLoadedList"); $list->forForeignID(1); } /** * Also tests addRows at the same time */ public function testGetRows() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(TeamComment::class, DataList::class); $rows = [ [ 'ID' => 202, 'Name' => 'Wobuffet', ], [ 'ID' => 25, 'Name' => 'Pikachu', ] ]; $list->addRows($rows); $this->assertSame($rows, $list->getRows()); // Check we can still add them on afterward $newRow = [ 'ID' => 1, 'Name' => 'Bulbasaur' ]; $rows[] = $newRow; $list->addRows([$newRow]); $this->assertSame($rows, $list->getRows()); } /** * @dataProvider provideAddRowBadID */ public function testAddRowBadID(array $row) { $list = new EagerLoadedList(TeamComment::class, DataList::class); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$row must have a valid ID'); $list->addRow($row); } public function provideAddRowBadID() { return [ [['ID' => null]], [['ID' => '']], [['ID' => [1,2,3]]], [['Name' => 'No ID provided']], ]; } public function testCount() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(Team::class, DataList::class); $this->assertSame(0, $list->count()); $list->addRows([ ['ID' => 1], ['ID' => 2], ['ID' => 3], ['ID' => 4], ]); $this->assertSame(4, $list->count()); } public function testExists() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(Team::class, DataList::class); $this->assertFalse($list->exists()); $list->addRows([ ['ID' => 1], ['ID' => 2], ['ID' => 3], ['ID' => 4], ]); $this->assertTrue($list->exists()); } /** * @dataProvider provideIteration */ public function testIteration(string $dataListClass): void { // Get some garbage values for the manymany component so we don't get errors. // Real relations aren't necessary for this test. $manyManyComponent = []; if (in_array($dataListClass, [ManyManyThroughList::class, ManyManyList::class])) { $manyManyComponent['join'] = DataObject::class; $manyManyComponent['childField'] = ''; $manyManyComponent['parentField'] = ''; $manyManyComponent['parentClass'] = DataObject::class; $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = []; } $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $eagerloadedDataClass = Sortable::class; $foreignID = $dataListClass === DataList::class ? null : 9999; $list = new EagerLoadedList($eagerloadedDataClass, $dataListClass, $foreignID, $manyManyComponent); foreach ($rows as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } // Validate that the list has the correct records with all the right values $this->iterate($list, $rows, array_column($rows, 'ID')); // Validate a repeated iteration works correctly (this has broken for other lists in the past) $this->iterate($list, $rows, array_column($rows, 'ID')); } public function provideIteration() { return [ [DataList::class], [HasManyList::class], [ManyManyThroughList::class], [ManyManyList::class], ]; } private function iterate(EagerLoadedList $list, array $rows, array $expectedIDs): void { $foundIDs = []; foreach ($list as $record) { // Assert the correct class is used for the records $this->assertInstanceOf($list->dataClass(), $record); // Get the row this record is for $matches = array_filter($rows, function ($row) use ($record) { return $row['ID'] === $record->ID; }); $row = $matches[array_key_first($matches)]; // Assert field values are correct foreach ($row as $field => $value) { $this->assertSame($value, $record->$field); } $foundIDs[] = $record->ID; } // Assert all (and only) the expected records were included in the list $this->assertSame($expectedIDs, $foundIDs); } /** * @dataProvider provideFilter * @dataProvider provideFilterWithSearchFilters */ public function testFilter( string $dataListClass, string $eagerloadedDataClass, array $rows, array $filter, array $expectedIDs ): void { // Get some garbage values for the manymany component so we don't get errors. // Real relations aren't necessary for this test. $manyManyComponent = []; if (in_array($dataListClass, [ManyManyThroughList::class, ManyManyList::class])) { $manyManyComponent['join'] = DataObject::class; $manyManyComponent['childField'] = ''; $manyManyComponent['parentField'] = ''; $manyManyComponent['parentClass'] = DataObject::class; $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = []; } $foreignID = $dataListClass === DataList::class ? null : 9999; $list = new EagerLoadedList($eagerloadedDataClass, $dataListClass, $foreignID, $manyManyComponent); foreach ($rows as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } $filteredList = $list->filter($filter); // Validate that the unfiltered list still has all records, and the filtered list has the expected amount $this->assertCount(count($rows), $list); $this->assertCount(count($expectedIDs), $filteredList); // Validate that the filtered list has the CORRECT records $this->iterate($list, $rows, array_column($rows, 'ID')); } public function provideFilter(): array { $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); return [ [ 'dataListClass' => DataList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => ['Created' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00'], 'expected' => [2, 3], ], [ 'dataListClass' => HasManyList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => ['Created' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00'], 'expected' => [2, 3], ], [ 'dataListClass' => ManyManyList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => ['Created' => '2023-12-01 00:00:00'], 'expected' => [], ], [ 'dataListClass' => ManyManyThroughList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => [ 'Created' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00', 'Name' => 'test obj 3', ], 'expected' => [3], ], [ 'dataListClass' => ManyManyThroughList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => [ 'Created' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00', 'Name' => 'not there', ], 'expected' => [], ], [ 'dataListClass' => ManyManyThroughList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => [ 'Name' => ['test obj 1', 'test obj 3', 'not there'], ], 'expected' => [1, 3], ], [ 'dataListClass' => ManyManyThroughList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => [ 'Name' => ['not there', 'also not there'], ], 'expected' => [], ], [ 'dataListClass' => ManyManyThroughList::class, 'eagerloadedDataClass' => ValidatedObject::class, $rows, 'filter' => [ 'ID' => [1, 2], ], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], ]; } public function provideFilterWithSearchFilters() { $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $scenarios = [ // exact match filter tests 'exact match - negate' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:not' => 'test obj 1'], 'expected' => [2, 3], ], 'exact match - negate two different ways' => [ 'filter' => [ 'Name:not' => 'test obj 1', 'Name:ExactMatch:not' => 'test obj 3', ], 'expected' => [2], ], 'exact match negated - nothing gets filtered out' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:not' => 'No row has this name - we should have all rows'], 'expected' => array_column($rows, 'ID'), ], 'exact match negated against null - only last item gets filtered out' => [ 'filter' => ['SomeField:not' => null], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], 'exact match negated with a few items' => [ 'filter' => [ 'Name:not' => ['test obj 1', 'test obj 3', 'not there'], ], 'expected' => [2], ], // case sensitivity checks 'exact match case sensitive' => [ 'filter' => ['SomeField:case' => 'value'], 'expected' => [2], ], 'exact match case insensitive' => [ 'filter' => ['SomeField:nocase' => 'value'], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], // explicit exact match 'exact match explicit' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:ExactMatch' => 'test obj 2'], 'expected' => [2], ], 'exact match explicit with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:ExactMatch:nocase' => 'Test Obj 2'], 'expected' => [2], ], // partialmatch filter 'partial match' => [ 'filter' => ['SomeField:PartialMatch:case' => 'alu'], 'expected' => [2], ], 'partial match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['SomeField:PartialMatch:nocase' => 'alu'], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], // greaterthan filter 'greaterthan match' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:GreaterThan' => 2], 'expected' => [3], ], 'greaterthan match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:GreaterThan:not' => 2], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], // greaterthanorequal filter 'greaterthanorequal match' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:GreaterThanOrEqual' => 2], 'expected' => [2, 3], ], 'greaterthanorequal match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:GreaterThanOrEqual:not' => 2], 'expected' => [1], ], // lessthan filter 'lessthan match' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:LessThan' => 2], 'expected' => [1], ], 'lessthan match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:LessThan:not' => 2], 'expected' => [2, 3], ], // lessthanorequal filter 'lessthanorequal match' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:LessThanOrEqual' => 2], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], 'lessthanorequal match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:LessThanOrEqual:not' => 2], 'expected' => [3], ], // various more complex filters/combinations and extra scenarios 'complex1' => [ 'filter' => [ 'SomeField:nocase' => 'value', 'Name:StartsWith' => 'test', ], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], 'complex2' => [ 'filter' => [ 'ID:LessThan' => 3, 'ID:GreaterThan:not' => 1, ], 'expected' => [1], ], 'complex3' => [ 'filter' => [ 'ID:LessThan' => 3, 'ID:GreaterThan' => 1, ], 'expected' => [2], ], ]; // No need to vary these between scenarios, we're just checking search filter // syntax works as expected. foreach (array_keys($scenarios) as $key) { array_unshift($scenarios[$key], $rows); array_unshift($scenarios[$key], ValidatedObject::class); array_unshift($scenarios[$key], DataList::class); } return $scenarios; } /** * @dataProvider provideFilterAnyWithSearchFilters */ public function testFilterAnyWithSearchfilters(array $filter, array $expectedIDs): void { $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $list = new EagerLoadedList(ValidatedObject::class, DataList::class); foreach ($rows as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } $filteredList = $list->filterAny($filter); // Validate that the unfiltered list still has all records, and the filtered list has the expected amount $this->assertCount(count($rows), $list); $this->assertCount(count($expectedIDs), $filteredList); // Validate that the filtered list has the CORRECT records $this->iterate($list, $rows, array_column($rows, 'ID')); } public function provideFilterAnyWithSearchFilters() { return [ // test a couple of search filters // don't need to be as explicit as the filter tests, just check the syntax works 'partial match' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:PartialMatch' => 'test obj'], 'expected' => [1, 2, 3], ], 'partial match2' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:PartialMatch' => 3], 'expected' => [3], ], 'partial match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['SomeField:PartialMatch:nocase' => 'alu'], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], 'greaterthan match' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:GreaterThan'=> 2], 'expected' => [3], ], 'greaterthan match with modifier' => [ 'filter' => ['ID:GreaterThan:not' => 2], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], 'multiple filters match' => [ 'filter' => [ 'SomeField:PartialMatch:case' => 'val', 'ID:GreaterThanOrEqual' => 2, ], 'expected' => [2, 3], ], 'exact match with a few items' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:ExactMatch' => ['test obj 1', 'test obj 2']], 'expected' => [1, 2], ], 'negate the above test' => [ 'filter' => ['Name:ExactMatch:not' => ['test obj 1', 'test obj 2']], 'expected' => [3], ], ]; } public function provideExcludeWithSearchfilters() { // If it's included in the filter test, then it's excluded in the exclude test, // so we can just use the same scenarios and reverse the expected results. $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $scenarios = $this->provideFilterWithSearchfilters(); foreach ($scenarios as $name => $scenario) { $kept = []; $excluded = []; foreach ($scenario['expected'] as $id) { $kept[] = $id; } foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row['ID'], $kept)) { $excluded[] = $row['ID']; } } $scenarios[$name]['expected'] = $excluded; // Remove args we won't be using for this test foreach (['dataListClass', 'eagerloadedDataClass', 'rows'] as $removeFromScenario) { array_shift($scenarios[$name]); } } return $scenarios; } /** * @dataProvider provideExcludeWithSearchfilters */ public function testExcludeWithSearchfilters(array $filter, array $expectedIDs): void { $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $list = new EagerLoadedList(ValidatedObject::class, DataList::class); foreach ($rows as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } $filteredList = $list->exclude($filter); // Validate that the unfiltered list still has all records, and the filtered list has the expected amount $this->assertCount(count($rows), $list); $this->assertCount(count($expectedIDs), $filteredList); // Validate that the filtered list has the CORRECT records $this->iterate($list, $rows, array_column($rows, 'ID')); } public function provideExcludeAnyWithSearchfilters() { // If it's included in the filterAny test, then it's excluded in the excludeAny test, // so we can just use the same scenarios and reverse the expected results. $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $scenarios = $this->provideFilterAnyWithSearchfilters(); foreach ($scenarios as $name => $scenario) { $kept = []; $excluded = []; foreach ($scenario['expected'] as $id) { $kept[] = $id; } foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row['ID'], $kept)) { $excluded[] = $row['ID']; } } $scenarios[$name]['expected'] = $excluded; } return $scenarios; } /** * @dataProvider provideExcludeAnyWithSearchfilters */ public function testExcludeAnyWithSearchfilters(array $filter, array $expectedIDs): void { $rows = $this->getBasicRecordRows(); $list = new EagerLoadedList(ValidatedObject::class, DataList::class); foreach ($rows as $row) { $list->addRow($row); } $filteredList = $list->excludeAny($filter); // Validate that the unfiltered list still has all records, and the filtered list has the expected amount $this->assertCount(count($rows), $list); $this->assertCount(count($expectedIDs), $filteredList); // Validate that the filtered list has the CORRECT records $this->iterate($list, $rows, array_column($rows, 'ID')); } public function testFilterByInvalidColumn() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(ValidatedObject::class, DataList::class); $list->addRow(['ID' => 1]); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't filter by column 'NotRealField'"); $list->filter(['NotRealField' => 'anything']); } public function testFilterByRelationColumn() { $list = new EagerLoadedList(Team::class, DataList::class); $list->addRow(['ID' => 1, 'CaptainID' => 1]); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't filter by column 'Captain.ShirtNumber'"); $list->filter(['Captain.ShirtNumber' => 'anything']); } /** * @dataProvider provideFilterByWrongNumArgs */ public function testFilterByWrongNumArgs(...$args) { $list = new EagerLoadedList(ValidatedObject::class, DataList::class); $list->addRow(['ID' => 1]); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Incorrect number of arguments passed to filter'); $list->filter(...$args); } public function provideFilterByWrongNumArgs() { return [ 0 => [], 3 => [1, 2, 3], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideLimitAndOffset */ public function testLimitAndOffset($length, $offset, $expectedCount, $expectException = false) { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $this->assertSame(TeamComment::get()->count(), $list->count(), 'base count should match'); if ($expectException) { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); } $this->assertCount($expectedCount, $list->limit($length, $offset)); $this->assertCount( $expectedCount, $list->limit(0, 9999)->limit($length, $offset), 'Follow up limit calls unset previous ones' ); // this mirrors an assertion in the tests for DataList to ensure they work the same way $this->assertCount($expectedCount, $list->limit($length, $offset)->toArray()); } public function provideLimitAndOffset(): array { return [ 'no limit' => [null, 0, 3], 'smaller limit' => [2, 0, 2], 'greater limit' => [4, 0, 3], 'one limit' => [1, 0, 1], 'zero limit' => [0, 0, 0], 'limit and offset' => [1, 1, 1], 'false limit equivalent to 0' => [false, 0, 0], 'offset only' => [null, 2, 1], 'offset greater than list length' => [null, 3, 0], 'negative length' => [-1, 0, 0, true], 'negative offset' => [0, -1, 0, true], ]; } public function testToNestedArray() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('ID'); $nestedArray = $list->toNestedArray(); $expected = [ [ 'ClassName' => TeamComment::class, 'Name' => 'Joe', 'Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Joe', 'TeamID' => $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment1')->TeamID, ], [ 'ClassName' => TeamComment::class, 'Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Bob', 'TeamID' => $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment2')->TeamID, ], [ 'ClassName' => TeamComment::class, 'Name' => 'Phil', 'Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2', 'TeamID' => $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment3')->TeamID, ], ]; $this->assertEquals(3, count($nestedArray ?? [])); $this->assertEquals($expected[0]['Name'], $nestedArray[0]['Name']); $this->assertEquals($expected[1]['Comment'], $nestedArray[1]['Comment']); $this->assertEquals($expected[2]['TeamID'], $nestedArray[2]['TeamID']); } public function testMap() { $map = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->map()->toArray(); $expected = [ $this->idFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment1') => 'Joe', $this->idFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment2') => 'Bob', $this->idFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment3') => 'Phil' ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $map); $otherMap = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->map('Name', 'TeamID')->toArray(); $otherExpected = [ 'Joe' => $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment1')->TeamID, 'Bob' => $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment2')->TeamID, 'Phil' => $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment3')->TeamID ]; $this->assertEquals($otherExpected, $otherMap); } public function testAggregate() { // Test many_many_extraFields $company = $this->objFromFixture(EquipmentCompany::class, 'equipmentcompany1'); $i = 0; $sum = 0; foreach ($company->SponsoredTeams() as $team) { $i++; $sum += $i; $company->SponsoredTeams()->setExtraData($team->ID, ['SponsorFee' => $i]); } $teams = $this->getListWithRecords( $company->SponsoredTeams(), ManyManyList::class, $company->ID, [EquipmentCompany::class, 'SponsoredTeams'] ); // try with a field that is in $db $this->assertEquals(7, $teams->max('NumericField')); $this->assertEquals(2, $teams->min('NumericField')); $this->assertEquals(4.5, $teams->avg('NumericField')); $this->assertEquals(9, $teams->sum('NumericField')); // try with a field from many_many_extraFields $this->assertEquals($i, $teams->max('SponsorFee')); $this->assertEquals(1, $teams->min('SponsorFee')); $this->assertEquals(round($sum / $i, 4), round($teams->avg('SponsorFee'), 4)); $this->assertEquals($sum, $teams->sum('SponsorFee')); } public function testEach() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $count = 0; $list->each( function ($item) use (&$count) { $count++; $this->assertInstanceOf(TeamComment::class, $item); } ); $this->assertEquals($count, $list->count()); } public function testByID() { // We can get a single item by ID. $id = $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2'); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $team = $list->byID($id); // byID() returns a DataObject, rather than a list $this->assertInstanceOf(Team::class, $team); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $team->Title); // An invalid ID returns null $this->assertNull($list->byID(0)); $this->assertNull($list->byID(-1)); $this->assertNull($list->byID(9999999)); } public function testByIDs() { $knownIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs(Player::class); $removedID = array_pop($knownIDs); $expectedCount = count($knownIDs); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Player::class); // Check we have all the players we searched for, and not the one we didn't $filteredList = $list->byIDs($knownIDs); foreach ($filteredList as $player) { $this->assertContains($player->ID, $knownIDs); $this->assertNotEquals($removedID, $player->ID); } $this->assertCount($expectedCount, $filteredList); // Check we don't get an extra player when we include a non-existent ID in there $knownIDs[] = 9999999; $filteredList = $list->byIDs($knownIDs); foreach ($filteredList as $player) { $this->assertContains($player->ID, $knownIDs); $this->assertNotEquals($removedID, $player->ID); $this->assertNotEquals(9999999, $player->ID); } $this->assertCount($expectedCount, $filteredList); // Check we don't include any records if searching against an empty list or non-existent ID $this->assertEmpty($list->byIDs([])); $this->assertEmpty($list->byIDs([9999999])); } public function testRemove() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $obj = $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2'); $this->assertTrue($list->hasID($obj->ID)); $list->remove($obj); $this->assertFalse($list->hasID($obj->ID)); } public function testCanSortBy() { // Basic check $team = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $this->assertTrue($team->canSortBy('Title')); $this->assertFalse($team->canSortBy('SubclassDatabaseField')); $this->assertFalse($team->canSortBy('SomethingElse')); // Subclasses $subteam = $this->getListWithRecords(SubTeam::class); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canSortBy('Title')); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canSortBy('SubclassDatabaseField')); $this->assertFalse($subteam->canSortBy('SomethingElse')); } public function testCannotSortByRelation() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $this->assertFalse($list->canSortBy('Team')); $this->assertFalse($list->canSortBy('Team.Title')); } public function testArrayAccess() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class)->sort('Title'); // We can use array access to refer to single items in the EagerLoadedList, as if it were an array $this->assertEquals('Subteam 1', $list[0]->Title); $this->assertEquals('Subteam 3', $list[2]->Title); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $list[4]->Title); $this->assertNull($list[9999]); } public function testFind() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $record = $list->find('Title', 'Team 1'); $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1'), $record->ID); // Test that you get null for a non-match $this->assertNull($list->find('Title', 'This team doesnt exist')); } public function testFindById() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $record = $list->find('ID', $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1')); $this->assertEquals('Team 1', $record->Title); // Test that you can call it twice on the same list $record = $list->find('ID', $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2')); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $record->Title); // Test that you get null for a non-match $this->assertNull($list->find('ID', 9999999)); } public function testSubtract() { $comment1 = $this->objFromFixture(TeamComment::class, 'comment1'); $subtractList = TeamComment::get()->filter('ID', $comment1->ID); $fullList = TeamComment::get(); $newList = $fullList->subtract($subtractList); $this->assertEquals(2, $newList->Count(), 'List should only contain two objects after subtraction'); } public function testSubtractBadDataclassThrowsException() { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $teamsComments = TeamComment::get(); $teams = Team::get(); $teamsComments->subtract($teams); } public function testSimpleSort() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortOneArgumentASC() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('Name ASC'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortOneArgumentDESC() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSortOneArgumentMultipleColumns() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('TeamID ASC, Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortASC() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'asc'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortDESC() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'desc'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSortWithArraySyntaxSortASC() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort(['Name'=>'asc']); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSortWithArraySyntaxSortDESC() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort(['Name'=>'desc']); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSortWithMultipleArraySyntaxSort() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort(['TeamID'=>'asc','Name'=>'desc']); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSortNumeric() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Sortable::class); $list1 = $list->sort('Sort', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals( [ -10, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 10 ], $list1->column('Sort') ); } public function testSortMixedCase() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Sortable::class); $list1 = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals( [ 'Bob', 'bonny', 'jane', 'John', 'sam', 'Steve', 'steven' ], $list1->column('Name') ); } public function testSortByRelation() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot sort by relations on EagerLoadedList'); $list = $list->sort('Team.Title', 'ASC'); } /** * @dataProvider provideSortInvalidParameters */ public function testSortInvalidParameters(string $sort, string $type): void { if ($type === 'valid') { $this->expectNotToPerformAssertions(); } elseif ($type === 'invalid-direction') { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/Invalid sort direction/'); } elseif ($type === 'unknown-column') { if (!(DB::get_conn()->getConnector() instanceof MySQLiConnector)) { $this->markTestSkipped('Database connector is not MySQLiConnector'); } $this->expectException(DatabaseException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/Unknown column/'); } elseif ($type === 'invalid-column') { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/Invalid sort column/'); } elseif ($type === 'unknown-relation') { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/is not a relation on model/'); } elseif ($type === 'nonlinear-relation') { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/is not a linear relation on model/'); } else { throw new \Exception("Invalid type $type"); } // column('ID') is required because that triggers the actual sorting of the rows $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class)->sort($sort)->column('ID'); } /** * @see DataListTest::provideRawSqlSortException() */ public function provideSortInvalidParameters(): array { return [ ['Title', 'valid'], ['Title asc', 'valid'], ['"Title" ASC', 'valid'], ['Title ASC, "DatabaseField"', 'valid'], ['"Title", "DatabaseField" DESC', 'valid'], ['Title ASC, DatabaseField DESC', 'valid'], ['Title ASC, , DatabaseField DESC', 'invalid-column'], ['"Captain"."ShirtNumber"', 'invalid-column'], ['"Captain"."ShirtNumber" DESC', 'invalid-column'], ['Title BACKWARDS', 'invalid-direction'], ['"Strange non-existent column name"', 'invalid-column'], ['NonExistentColumn', 'unknown-column'], ['Team.NonExistentColumn', 'unknown-relation'], ['"DataObjectTest_Team"."NonExistentColumn" ASC', 'invalid-column'], ['"DataObjectTest_Team"."Title" ASC', 'invalid-column'], ['DataObjectTest_Team.Title', 'unknown-relation'], ['Title, 1 = 1', 'invalid-column'], ["Title,'abc' = 'abc'", 'invalid-column'], ['Title,Mod(ID,3)=1', 'invalid-column'], ['(CASE WHEN ID < 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', 'invalid-column'], ['Founder.Fans.Surname', 'nonlinear-relation'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideSortDirectionValidationTwoArgs */ public function testSortDirectionValidationTwoArgs(string $direction, string $type): void { if ($type === 'valid') { $this->expectNotToPerformAssertions(); } else { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/Invalid sort direction/'); } $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class)->sort('Title', $direction)->column('ID'); } public function provideSortDirectionValidationTwoArgs(): array { return [ ['ASC', 'valid'], ['asc', 'valid'], ['DESC', 'valid'], ['desc', 'valid'], ['BACKWARDS', 'invalid'], ]; } /** * Test passing scalar values to sort() * * @dataProvider provideSortScalarValues */ public function testSortScalarValues(mixed $emtpyValue, string $type): void { $this->assertSame(['Subteam 1'], $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class)->limit(1)->column('Title')); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class)->sort('Title DESC'); $this->assertSame(['Team 3'], $list->limit(1)->column('Title')); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); if ($type === 'invalid-scalar') { $this->expectExceptionMessage('sort() arguments must either be a string, an array, or null'); } if ($type === 'empty-scalar') { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid sort parameter'); } $list = $list->sort($emtpyValue); $this->assertSame(['Subteam 1'], $list->limit(1)->column('Title')); } public function provideSortScalarValues(): array { return [ ['', 'empty-scalar'], [[], 'empty-scalar'], [false, 'invalid-scalar'], [true, 'invalid-scalar'], [0, 'invalid-scalar'], [1, 'invalid-scalar'], ]; } /** * Explicity tests that sort(null) will wipe any existing sort on a EagerLoadedList */ public function testSortNull(): void { $order = Team::get()->column('ID'); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class)->sort('Title DESC'); $this->assertNotSame($order, $list->column('ID')); $list = $list->sort(null); $this->assertSame($order, $list->column('ID')); } public function provideSortMatchesDataList() { // These will be used to make fixtures // We don't use a fixtures yaml file here because we want a full DataList of only // records with THESE values, with no other items to interfere. $dataSets = [ 'numbers' => [ 'field' => 'Sort', 'values' => [null, 0, 1, 123, 2, 3], ], 'numeric-strings' => [ 'field' => 'Name', 'values' => [null, '', '0', '1', '123', '2', '3'], ], 'numeric-after-strings' => [ 'field' => 'Name', 'values' => ['test1', 'test2', 'test0', 'test123', 'test3'], ], 'strings' => [ 'field' => 'Name', 'values' => [null, '', 'abc', 'a', 'A', 'AB', '1', '0'], ], ]; // Build the test scenario with both sort directions $scenarios = []; foreach (['ASC', 'DESC'] as $sortDir) { foreach ($dataSets as $data) { $scenarios[] = [ 'sortDir' => $sortDir, 'field' => $data['field'], 'values' => $data['values'] ]; } } return $scenarios; } /** * @dataProvider provideSortMatchesDataList */ public function testSortMatchesDataList(string $sortDir, string $field, array $values) { // Use explicit per-scenario fixtures Sortable::get()->removeAll(); foreach ($values as $value) { $data = [$field => $value]; if (!$field === 'Name') { $data['Name'] = $value; } $record = new Sortable($data); $record->write(); } // Sort both a DataList and an EagerLoadedList by the same items // and validate they have the same sort order $dataList = Sortable::get()->sort([$field => $sortDir]); $eagerList = $this->getListWithRecords(Sortable::class)->sort([$field => $sortDir]); $this->assertSame($dataList->map('ID', $field)->toArray(), $eagerList->map('ID', $field)->toArray()); } public function testCanFilterBy() { // Basic check $team = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("Title")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("SomethingElse")); // Has one $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("CaptainID")); // Subclasses $subteam = $this->getListWithRecords(SubTeam::class); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canFilterBy("Title")); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canFilterBy("SubclassDatabaseField")); } public function testCannotFilterByRelation() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Captain.ShirtNumber')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('SomethingElse.ShirtNumber')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Captain.SomethingElse')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Captain.FavouriteTeam.Captain.ShirtNumber')); // Has many $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Fans.Name')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('SomethingElse.Name')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Fans.SomethingElse')); // Many many $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Players.FirstName')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('SomethingElse.FirstName')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Players.SomethingElse')); } public function testAddfilter() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->addFilter(['Name' => 'Bob']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Bob'); } public function testFilterAny() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filterAny('Name', 'Bob'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); } public function testFilterAnyMultipleArray() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filterAny(['Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Bob']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Bob'); } public function testFilterAnyOnFilter() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filter( [ 'TeamID' => $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1') ] ); $list = $list->filterAny( [ 'Name' => ['Phil', 'Joe'], 'Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Bob' ] ); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( 'Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Bob, matched by comment and team' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Joe', $list->offsetGet(1)->Name, 'Results should include comments by Joe, matched by name and team (not by comment)' ); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filter( [ 'TeamID' => $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1') ] ); $list = $list->filterAny( [ 'Name' => ['Phil', 'Joe'], 'Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Bob' ] ); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $list = $list->filter(['Name' => 'Bob']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( 'Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Bob, matched by name and team' ); } public function testFilterAnyMultipleWithArrayFilter() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filterAny(['Name' => ['Bob','Phil']]); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count(), 'There should be two comments'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testFilterAnyArrayInArray() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filterAny([ 'Name' => ['Bob','Phil'], 'TeamID' => [$this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1')] ])->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( 'Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Bob, matched by name and team' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Joe', $list->offsetGet(1)->Name, 'Results should include comments by Joe, matched by team (not by name)' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Phil', $list->offsetGet(2)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Phil, matched by name (even if he\'s not in Team1)' ); } public function testFilterAndExcludeById() { $id = $this->idFromFixture(SubTeam::class, 'subteam1'); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(SubTeam::class)->filter('ID', $id); $this->assertEquals($id, $list->first()->ID); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(SubTeam::class); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list->exclude('ID', $id) ?? [])); } public function testFilterAnyByRelation() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Player::class); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't filter by column 'Teams.Title'"); $list = $list->filterAny(['Teams.Title' => 'Team']); } public function testFilterAggregate() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't filter by column 'Players.Count()'"); $list->filter(['Players.Count()' => 2]); } public function testFilterAnyAggregate() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't filter by column 'Players.Count()'"); $list->filterAny(['Players.Count()' => 2]); } public function provideCantFilterByRelation() { return [ 'many_many' => [ 'Players.FirstName', ], 'has_many' => [ 'Comments.Name', ], 'has_one' => [ 'FavouriteTeam.Title', ], 'non-existent relation' => [ 'MascotAnimal.Name', ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideCantFilterByRelation */ public function testCantFilterByRelation(string $column) { // Many to many $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Team::class); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't filter by column '$column'"); $list->filter($column, ['Captain', 'Captain 2']); } /** * @dataProvider provideFilterByNull */ public function testFilterByNull(string $filterMethod, array $filter, array $expected) { // Force DataObjectTest_Fan/fan5::Email to empty string $fan5id = $this->idFromFixture(Fan::class, 'fan5'); DB::prepared_query("UPDATE \"DataObjectTest_Fan\" SET \"Email\" = '' WHERE \"ID\" = ?", [$fan5id]); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Fan::class); $filteredList = $list->$filterMethod($filter); $this->assertListEquals($expected, $filteredList); } public function provideFilterByNull() { return [ 'Filter by null email' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email' => null], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], ], 'Filter by non-null' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email:not' => null], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => 'damian@thefans.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => 'richie@richers.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], ], 'Filter by empty only' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email' => ''], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], ], // This should include null values, matching the behaviour in DataList 'Non-empty only' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email:not' => ''], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => 'damian@thefans.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => 'richie@richers.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], ], 'Filter by null or empty values' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email' => [null, '']], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], ], 'Filter by many including null, empty string, and non-empty' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email' => [null, '', 'damian@thefans.com']], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => 'damian@thefans.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], ], 'Filter exclusion of above list' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email:not' => [null, '', 'damian@thefans.com']], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => 'richie@richers.com', ], ], ], 'Filter by many including empty string and non-empty 1' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email' => ['', 'damian@thefans.com']], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => 'damian@thefans.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], ], 'Filter by many including empty string and non-empty 2' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filter', 'filter' => ['Email:not' => ['', 'damian@thefans.com']], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => 'richie@richers.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], ], 'Filter by many including empty string and non-empty 3' => [ 'filterMethod' => 'filterAny', 'filter' => [ 'Email:not' => ['', 'damian@thefans.com'], 'Email' => null ], 'expected' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => 'richie@richers.com', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], ], ]; } public function testFilterByCallback() { $team1ID = $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1'); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filterByCallback( function ($item, $list) use ($team1ID) { return $item->TeamID == $team1ID; } ); $result = $list->column('Name'); $expected = array_intersect($result ?? [], ['Joe', 'Bob']); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, 'List should only contain comments from Team 1 (Joe and Bob)'); $this->assertTrue($list instanceof Filterable, 'The List should be of type SS_Filterable'); } public function testSimpleExclude() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude('Name', 'Bob'); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleExcludeWithMultiple() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude('Name', ['Joe', 'Phil']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testMultipleExcludeWithMiss() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude(['Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'Does not match any comments']); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } public function testMultipleExclude() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude(['Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Bob']); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); } /** * Test doesn't exclude if only matches one */ public function testMultipleExcludeMultipleMatches() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude(['Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2']); $this->assertCount(3, $list); } /** * exclude only those that match both */ public function testMultipleExcludeArraysMultipleMatches() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => [ 'This is a team comment by Bob', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2' ] ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Exclude only which matches both params */ public function testMultipleExcludeArraysMultipleMatchesOneMiss() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => [ 'Does not match any comments', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2' ] ]); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertListEquals( [ ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'Joe'], ], $list ); } /** * Test that if an exclude() is applied to a filter(), the filter() is still preserved. * @dataProvider provideExcludeOnFilter */ public function testExcludeOnFilter(array $filter, array $exclude, array $expected) { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->filter($filter); $list = $list->exclude($exclude); $this->assertListEquals($expected, $list->sort('Name')); } public function provideExcludeOnFilter() { return [ [ 'filter' => ['Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2'], 'exclude' => ['Name' => 'Bob'], 'expected' => [ ['Name' => 'Phil'], ], ], [ 'filter' => ['Name' => ['Phil', 'Bob']], 'exclude' => ['Name' => ['Bob', 'Joe']], 'expected' => [ ['Name' => 'Phil'], ], ], [ 'filter' => ['Name' => ['Phil', 'Bob']], 'exclude' => [ 'Name' => ['Joe', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => ['Matches no comments', 'Not a matching comment'] ], 'expected' => [ ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'Phil'], ], ], ]; } public function testExcludeWithSearchFilter() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude('Comment:PartialMatch', 'Bob'); $this->assertListEquals([ ['Name' => 'Joe'], ['Name' => 'Phil'], ], $list); } /** * Test that Bob and Phil are excluded (one match each) */ public function testExcludeAny() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->excludeAny([ 'Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2' ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Test that Bob and Phil are excluded by Name */ public function testExcludeAnyArrays() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->excludeAny([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => 'No matching comments' ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Test that Bob is excluded by Name, Phil by comment */ public function testExcludeAnyMultiArrays() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->excludeAny([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Fred'], 'Comment' => ['No matching comments', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2'] ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } public function testEmptyFilter() { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot filter Name against an empty set'); $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list->exclude('Name', []); } public function testMultipleExcludeWithMultipleThatCheersEitherTeam() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => 'Bob', 'TeamID' => [ $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1'), $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2'), ], ]); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); } public function testMultipleExcludeWithMultipleThatCheersOnNonExistingTeam() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude(['Name' => 'Bob', 'TeamID' => [3]]); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } public function testMultipleExcludeWithNoExclusion() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Bob','Joe'], 'Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2', ]); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } public function testMultipleExcludeWithTwoArray() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Bob','Joe'], 'TeamID' => [ $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1'), $this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2'), ], ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Phil'); } public function testMultipleExcludeWithTwoArrayOneTeam() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'TeamID' => [$this->idFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1')], ]); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testReverse() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $list = $list->reverse(); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); } public function testShuffle() { // Try shuffling 3 times - it's technically possible the result of a shuffle could be // the exact same order as the original list. for ($attempts = 1; $attempts <= 3; $attempts++) { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(Sortable::class)->shuffle(); $results1 = $list->column(); $results2 = $list->column(); // The lists should hold the same records $this->assertSame(count($results1), count($results2)); $failed = false; try { // The list order should different each time we "execute" the list $this->assertNotSame($results1, $results2); } catch (ExpectationFailedException $e) { $failed = true; // Only fail the test if we've tried and failed 3 times. if ($attempts === 3) { throw $e; } } // If we've passed the shuffle test, don't retry. if (!$failed) { break; } } } public function testColumn() { // sorted so postgres won't complain about the order being different $list = $this->getListWithRecords(RelationChildSecond::class)->sort('Title'); $ids = [ $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test1'), $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test2'), $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test3'), $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test3-duplicate'), ]; // Test default $this->assertSame($ids, $list->column()); // Test specific field $this->assertSame(['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Test 3', 'Test 3'], $list->column('Title')); } public function testColumnUnique() { // sorted so postgres won't complain about the order being different $list = $this->getListWithRecords(RelationChildSecond::class)->sort('Title'); $ids = [ $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test1'), $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test2'), $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test3'), $this->idFromFixture(RelationChildSecond::class, 'test3-duplicate'), ]; // Test default $this->assertSame($ids, $list->columnUnique()); // Test specific field $this->assertSame(['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Test 3'], $list->columnUnique('Title')); } public function testColumnFailureInvalidColumn() { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->getListWithRecords(Category::class)->column('ObviouslyInvalidColumn'); } public function testOffsetGet() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->offsetGet(1)->Name); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->offsetGet(2)->Name); $this->assertNull($list->offsetGet(999)); } public function testOffsetExists() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('Name'); $this->assertTrue($list->offsetExists(0)); $this->assertTrue($list->offsetExists(1)); $this->assertTrue($list->offsetExists(2)); $this->assertFalse($list->offsetExists(999)); } public function testOffsetGetNegative() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('Name'); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$offset can not be negative. -1 was provided.'); $list->offsetGet(-1); } public function testOffsetExistsNegative() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('Name'); $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$key can not be negative. -1 was provided.'); $list->offsetExists(-1); } public function testOffsetSet() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('Name'); $this->expectException(BadMethodCallException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't alter items in an EagerLoadedList using array-access"); $list->offsetSet(0, null); } public function testOffsetUnset() { $list = $this->getListWithRecords(TeamComment::class)->sort('Name'); $this->expectException(BadMethodCallException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't alter items in an EagerLoadedList using array-access"); $list->offsetUnset(0); } /** * @dataProvider provideRelation */ public function testRelation(string $parentClass, string $relation, ?array $expected) { $relationList = $this->getListWithRecords($parentClass)->relation($relation); if ($expected === null) { $this->assertNull($relationList); } else { $this->assertInstanceOf(DataList::class, $relationList); $this->assertListEquals($expected, $relationList); } } /** * @dataProvider provideRelation */ public function testRelationEagerLoaded(string $parentClass, string $relation, ?array $expected, array $eagerLoaded) { // Get an EagerLoadedList and add the relation data to it $list = $this->getListWithRecords($parentClass); foreach ($eagerLoaded as $parentFixture => $childData) { $parentID = $this->idFromFixture($parentClass, $parentFixture); if ($expected === null) { // has_one $list->addEagerLoadedData($relation, $parentID, $this->objFromFixture($childData['class'], $childData['fixture'])); } else { // has_many and many_many $data = new EagerLoadedList($childData[0]['class'], DataList::class); foreach ($childData as $child) { $childID = $this->idFromFixture($child['class'], $child['fixture']); $data->addRow(['ID' => $childID, 'Title' => $child['Title']]); } $list->addEagerLoadedData($relation, $parentID, $data); } } // Test that eager loaded data is correctly fetched $relationList = $list->relation($relation); if ($expected === null) { $this->assertNull($relationList); } else { $this->assertInstanceOf(EagerLoadedList::class, $relationList); $this->assertListEquals($expected, $relationList); } } public function provideRelation() { return [ 'many_many' => [ 'parentClass' => RelationChildFirst::class, 'relation' => 'ManyNext', 'expected' => [ ['Title' => 'Test 1'], ['Title' => 'Test 2'], ['Title' => 'Test 3'], ], 'eagerloaded' => [ 'test1' => [ ['class' => RelationChildSecond::class, 'fixture' => 'test1', 'Title' => 'Test 1'], ['class' => RelationChildSecond::class, 'fixture' => 'test2', 'Title' => 'Test 2'], ], 'test2' => [ ['class' => RelationChildSecond::class, 'fixture' => 'test1', 'Title' => 'Test 1'], ['class' => RelationChildSecond::class, 'fixture' => 'test3', 'Title' => 'Test 3'], ], ], ], 'has_many' => [ 'parentClass' => Team::class, 'relation' => 'SubTeams', 'expected' => [ ['Title' => 'Subteam 1'], ], 'eagerloaded' => [ 'team1' => [ ['class' => SubTeam::class, 'fixture' => 'subteam1', 'Title' => 'Subteam 1'], ], ], ], // calling relation() for a has_one just gives you null 'has_one' => [ 'parentClass' => DataObjectTest\Company::class, 'relation' => 'Owner', 'expected' => null, 'eagerloaded' => [ 'company1' => [ 'class' => Player::class, 'fixture' => 'player1', 'Title' => 'Player 1', ], 'company2' => [ 'class' => Player::class, 'fixture' => 'player2', 'Title' => 'Player 2', ], ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideCreateDataObject */ public function testCreateDataObject(string $dataClass, string $realClass, array $row) { $list = new EagerLoadedList($dataClass, DataList::class); // ID key must be present if (!array_key_exists('ID', $row)) { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$row must have an ID'); } $obj = $list->createDataObject($row); // Validate the class is correct $this->assertSame($realClass, get_class($obj)); // Validates all fields are available foreach ($row as $field => $value) { $this->assertSame($value, $obj->$field); } } public function provideCreateDataObject() { return [ 'no ClassName' => [ 'dataClass' => Team::class, 'realClass' => Team::class, 'row' => [ 'ID' => 1, 'Title' => 'Team 1', 'NumericField' => '1', // Extra field that doesn't exist on that class 'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'this shouldnt be there', ], ], 'subclassed ClassName' => [ 'dataClass' => Team::class, 'realClass' => SubTeam::class, 'row' => [ 'ClassName' => SubTeam::class, 'ID' => 1, 'Title' => 'Team 1', 'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'this time it should be there', ], ], 'RecordClassName takes precedence' => [ 'dataClass' => Team::class, 'realClass' => SubTeam::class, 'row' => [ 'ClassName' => Player::class, 'RecordClassName' => SubTeam::class, 'ID' => 1, 'Title' => 'Team 1', 'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'this time it should be there', ], ], 'No ID' => [ 'dataClass' => Team::class, 'realClass' => Team::class, 'row' => [ 'Title' => 'Team 1', 'NumericField' => '1', 'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'this shouldnt be there', ], ], ]; } public function testGetExtraFields() { // Prepare list $manyManyComponent = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $list = new EagerLoadedList(Player::class, ManyManyList::class, 9999, $manyManyComponent); $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1'); $expected = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $this->assertSame($expected, $list->getExtraFields()); } public function testGetExtraData() { // Prepare list $manyManyComponent = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $list = new EagerLoadedList(Player::class, ManyManyList::class, 9999, $manyManyComponent); // Validate extra data $row1 = [ 'ID' => 1, 'Position' => 'Captain', ]; $list->addRow($row1); $this->assertEquals(['Position' => $row1['Position']], $list->getExtraData('Teams', $row1['ID'])); // Also check numeric string while we're at it $this->assertEquals(['Position' => $row1['Position']], $list->getExtraData('Teams', (string)$row1['ID'])); // Validate no extra data $row2 = [ 'ID' => '2', ]; $list->addRow($row2); $this->assertEquals(['Position' => null], $list->getExtraData('Teams', $row2['ID'])); // Validate no record $this->assertEquals([], $list->getExtraData('Teams', 99999)); } public function testGetExtraDataBadID() { // Prepare list $manyManyComponent = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $manyManyComponent['extraFields'] = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent(Team::class, 'Players'); $list = new EagerLoadedList(Player::class, ManyManyList::class, 9999, $manyManyComponent); // Test exception when ID not numeric $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$itemID must be an integer or numeric string'); $list->getExtraData('Teams', 'abc'); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetExtraDataBadListType */ public function testGetExtraDataBadListType(string $listClass) { $list = new EagerLoadedList(Player::class, $listClass, 99999); $this->expectException(BadMethodCallException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot have extra fields on this list type'); $list->getExtraData('Teams', 1); } public function provideGetExtraDataBadListType() { return [ [HasManyList::class], [DataList::class], ]; } public function testDebug() { $list = Sortable::get(); $result = $list->debug(); $this->assertStringStartsWith('