(function($) {

		ssDatepicker: function(opts) {
			return $(this).each(function() {
				if($(this).data('datepicker')) return; // already applied

				this.siblings("button").addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-calendar");
				var holder = $(this).parents('.field.date:first'), 
					config = $.extend(opts || {}, $(this).metadata({type: 'class'}), {});
				if(!config.showcalendar) return;
				if(config.locale && $.datepicker.regional[config.locale]) {
					config = $.extend(config, $.datepicker.regional[config.locale], {});

				if(config.min) config.minDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', config.min);
				if(config.max) config.maxDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', config.max);
				// Initialize and open a datepicker 
				// live() doesn't have "onmatch", and jQuery.entwine is a bit too heavyweight for this, so we need to do this onclick.
				config.dateFormat = config.jqueryDateformat;

	$('.field.date input.text').live('click', function() {