/** * File: LeftAndMain.BatchActions.js */ (function($) { $.entwine('ss', function($){ /** * Class: #Form_BatchActionsForm * * Batch actions which take a bunch of selected pages, * usually from the CMS tree implementation, and perform serverside * callbacks on the whole set. We make the tree selectable when the jQuery.UI tab * enclosing this form is opened. * * Events: * register - Called before an action is added. * unregister - Called before an action is removed. */ $('#Form_BatchActionsForm').entwine({ /** * Variable: Tree * (DOMElement) */ Tree: null, /** * Variable: Actions * (Array) Stores all actions that can be performed on the collected IDs as * function closures. This might trigger filtering of the selected IDs, * a confirmation message, etc. */ Actions: [], /** * Constructor: onmatch */ onmatch: function() { var self = this, tree = $('.cms-tree'); this.setTree(tree); tree.bind('check_node.jstree', function(e, data) { self.serializeFromTree(); }); $('.cms-tree-view-modes :input[name=view-mode]').bind('click', function(e) { var val = $(e.target).val(), dropdown = self.find(':input[name=Action]'); if(val == 'multiselect') { tree.addClass('multiple'); self.serializeFromTree(); } else { tree.removeClass('multiple'); } self._updateStateFromViewMode(); }); self._updateStateFromViewMode(); this._super(); }, /** * Updates the select box state according to the current view mode. */ _updateStateFromViewMode: function() { var viewMode = $('.cms-tree-view-modes :input[name=view-mode]:checked').val(); var dropdown = this.find(':input[name=Action]'); // Batch actions only make sense when multiselect is enabled. if(viewMode == 'multiselect') dropdown.removeAttr('disabled').trigger("liszt:updated"); else dropdown.attr('disabled', true).trigger("liszt:updated"); }, /** * Function: register * * Parameters: * * (String) type - ... * (Function) callback - ... */ register: function(type, callback) { this.trigger('register', {type: type, callback: callback}); var actions = this.getActions(); actions[type] = callback; this.setActions(actions); }, /** * Function: unregister * * Remove an existing action. * * Parameters: * * {String} type */ unregister: function(type) { this.trigger('unregister', {type: type}); var actions = this.getActions(); if(actions[type]) delete actions[type]; this.setActions(actions); }, /** * Function: _isActive * * Determines if we should allow and track tree selections. * * Todo: * Too much coupling with tabset * * Returns: * (boolean) */ _isActive: function() { return $('.cms-content-batchactions').is(':visible'); }, /** * Function: refreshSelected * * Ajax callbacks determine which pages is selectable in a certain batch action. * * Parameters: * {Object} rootNode */ refreshSelected : function(rootNode) { var self = this, st = this.getTree(), ids = this.getIDs(), allIds = []; // Default to refreshing the entire tree if(rootNode == null) rootNode = st; for(var idx in ids) { $($(st).getNodeByID(idx)).addClass('selected').attr('selected', 'selected'); } $(rootNode).find('li').each(function() { allIds.push($(this).data('id')); // Disable the nodes while the ajax request is being processed $(this).addClass('treeloading').setEnabled(false); }); // Post to the server to ask which pages can have this batch action applied var applicablePagesURL = this.find(':input[name=Action]').val() + '/applicablepages/?csvIDs=' + allIds.join(','); jQuery.getJSON(applicablePagesURL, function(applicableIDs) { // Set a CSS class on each tree node indicating which can be batch-actioned and which can't jQuery(rootNode).find('li').each(function() { $(this).removeClass('treeloading'); var id = $(this).data('id'); if(id == 0 || $.inArray(id, applicableIDs) >= 0) { $(this).setEnabled(true); } else { // De-select the node if it's non-applicable $(this).removeClass('selected').setEnabled(false); } }); self.serializeFromTree(); }); }, /** * Function: serializeFromTree * * Returns: * (boolean) */ serializeFromTree: function() { var tree = this.getTree(), ids = tree.getSelectedIDs(); // if no IDs are selected, stop here. This is an implict way for the // callback to cancel the actions if(!ids || !ids.length) return false; // write IDs to the hidden field this.setIDs(ids); return true; }, /** * Function: setIDS * * Parameters: * {Array} ids */ setIDs: function(ids) { this.find(':input[name=csvIDs]').val(ids ? ids.join(',') : null); }, /** * Function: getIDS * * Returns: * {Array} */ getIDs: function() { return this.find(':input[name=csvIDs]').val().split(','); }, /** * Function: onsubmit * * Parameters: * (Event) e */ onsubmit: function(e) { var self = this, ids = this.getIDs(), tree = this.getTree(); // if no nodes are selected, return with an error if(!ids || !ids.length) { alert(ss.i18n._t('CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE')); return false; } // apply callback, which might modify the IDs var type = this.find(':input[name=Action]').val(); if(this.getActions()[type]) ids = this.getActions()[type].apply(this, [ids]); // write (possibly modified) IDs back into to the hidden field this.setIDs(ids); // Reset failure states tree.find('li').removeClass('failed'); var button = this.find(':submit:first'); button.addClass('loading'); jQuery.ajax({ // don't use original form url url: type, type: 'POST', data: this.serializeArray(), complete: function(xmlhttp, status) { button.removeClass('loading'); // Deselect all nodes tree.jstree('uncheck_all'); self.setIDs([]); // Reset action self.find(':input[name=Action]').val('').change(); // status message (decode into UTF-8, HTTP headers don't allow multibyte) var msg = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-Status'); if(msg) statusMessage(decodeURIComponent(msg), (status == 'success') ? 'good' : 'bad'); }, success: function(data, status) { var id, node; if(data.modified) { var modifiedNodes = []; for(id in data.modified) { node = tree.getNodeByID(id); tree.jstree('set_text', node, data.modified[id]['TreeTitle']); modifiedNodes.push(node); } $(modifiedNodes).effect('highlight'); } if(data.deleted) { for(id in data.deleted) { node = tree.getNodeByID(id); if(node.length) tree.jstree('delete_node', node); } } if(data.error) { for(id in data.error) { node = tree.getNodeByID(id); $(node).addClass('failed'); } } }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; } }); }); /** * Class: #Form_BatchActionsForm :select[name=Action] */ $('#Form_BatchActionsForm select[name=Action]').entwine({ onmatch: function() { this.trigger('change'); this._super(); }, /** * Function: onchange * * Parameters: * (Event) e */ onchange: function(e) { var form = $(e.target.form), btn = form.find(':submit'); if($(e.target).val() == -1) { btn.attr('disabled', 'disabled').button('refresh'); } else { btn.removeAttr('disabled').button('refresh'); // form.submit(); } // TODO Should work by triggering change() along, but doesn't - entwine event bubbling? this.trigger("liszt:updated"); this._super(e); } }); $(document).ready(function() { /** * Publish selected pages action */ $('#Form_BatchActionsForm').entwine('ss').register('admin/batchactions/publish', function(ids) { var confirmed = confirm( "You have " + ids.length + " pages selected.\n\n" + "Do your really want to publish?" ); return (confirmed) ? ids : false; }); /** * Unpublish selected pages action */ $('#Form_BatchActionsForm').entwine('ss').register('admin/batchactions/unpublish', function(ids) { var confirmed = confirm( "You have " + ids.length + " pages selected.\n\n" + "Do your really want to unpublish?" ); return (confirmed) ? ids : false; }); /** * Delete selected pages action */ $('#Form_BatchActionsForm').entwine('ss').register('admin/batchactions/delete', function(ids) { var confirmed = confirm( "You have " + ids.length + " pages selected.\n\n" + "Do your really want to delete?" ); return (confirmed) ? ids : false; }); /** * Delete selected pages from live action */ $('#Form_BatchActionsForm').entwine('ss').register('admin/batchactions/deletefromlive', function(ids) { var confirmed = confirm( "You have " + ids.length + " pages selected.\n\n" + "Do your really want to delete these pages from live?" ); return (confirmed) ? ids : false; }); }); })(jQuery);