 * @package framework
 * @subpackage tests
class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {

	protected $usesDatabase = true;

	protected $defaultUsername = null;
	protected $defaultPassword = null;

	public function setUp() {

		$this->defaultUsername = Security::default_admin_username();
		$this->defaultPassword = Security::default_admin_password();
		Security::setDefaultAdmin('admin', 'password');

	public function tearDown() {
		Security::setDefaultAdmin($this->defaultUsername, $this->defaultPassword);
	public function testLegacyPasswordHashMigrationUponLogin() {
		$member = new Member();


		$member->$field = 'test1@test.com';
		$member->PasswordEncryption = "sha1";
		$member->Password = "mypassword";

		$data = array(
			'Email' => $member->$field,
			'Password' => 'mypassword'

		$member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member->ID);
		$this->assertEquals($member->PasswordEncryption, "sha1_v2.4");
		$result = $member->checkPassword('mypassword');

	public function testNoLegacyPasswordHashMigrationOnIncompatibleAlgorithm() {
		Config::inst()->update('PasswordEncryptor', 'encryptors',

		$member = new Member();
		$member->$field = 'test2@test.com';
		$member->PasswordEncryption = "crc32";
		$member->Password = "mypassword";

		$data = array(
			'Email' => $member->$field,
			'Password' => 'mypassword'

		$member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member->ID);
		$this->assertEquals($member->PasswordEncryption, "crc32");
		$result = $member->checkPassword('mypassword');

	public function testCustomIdentifierField(){

		$origField = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
		Member::config()->unique_identifier_field = 'Username';


		$this->assertEquals($label, 'Username');

		Member::config()->unique_identifier_field = $origField;

	public function testGenerateLoginForm() {
		$controller = new Security();

		// Create basic login form
		$frontendForm = MemberAuthenticator::get_login_form($controller);
		$this->assertTrue($frontendForm instanceof MemberLoginForm);

		// Supports cms login form
		$cmsForm = MemberAuthenticator::get_cms_login_form($controller);
		$this->assertTrue($cmsForm instanceof CMSMemberLoginForm);

	 * Test that a member can be authenticated via their temp id
	public function testAuthenticateByTempID() {
		$member = new Member();
		$member->Email = 'test1@test.com';
		$member->PasswordEncryption = "sha1";
		$member->Password = "mypassword";

		// Make form
		$controller = new Security();
		$form = new Form($controller, 'Form', new FieldList(), new FieldList());

		// If the user has never logged in, then the tempid should be empty
		$tempID = $member->TempIDHash;

		// If the user logs in then they have a temp id
		$tempID = $member->TempIDHash;

		// Test correct login
		$result = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array(
			'tempid' => $tempID,
			'Password' => 'mypassword'
		), $form);
		$this->assertEquals($result->ID, $member->ID);

		// Test incorrect login
		$result = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array(
			'tempid' => $tempID,
			'Password' => 'notmypassword'
		), $form);
		$this->assertEquals('The provided details don&#039;t seem to be correct. Please try again.', $form->Message());
		$this->assertEquals('bad', $form->MessageType());

	 * Test that the default admin can be authenticated
	public function testDefaultAdmin() {
		// Make form
		$controller = new Security();
		$form = new Form($controller, 'Form', new FieldList(), new FieldList());

		// Test correct login
		$result = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array(
			'Email' => 'admin',
			'Password' => 'password'
		), $form);
		$this->assertEquals($result->Email, Security::default_admin_username());

		// Test incorrect login
		$result = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array(
			'Email' => 'admin',
			'Password' => 'notmypassword'
		), $form);
		$this->assertEquals('The provided details don&#039;t seem to be correct. Please try again.', $form->Message());
		$this->assertEquals('bad', $form->MessageType());