children = new FieldList( $this->passwordField = new PasswordField( "{$name}[_Password]", $title ), $this->confirmPasswordfield = new PasswordField( "{$name}[_ConfirmPassword]", (isset($titleConfirmField)) ? $titleConfirmField : _t('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member.CONFIRMPASSWORD', 'Confirm Password') ) ); // has to be called in constructor because Field() isn't triggered upon saving the instance if ($showOnClick) { $this->children->push($this->hiddenField = new HiddenField("{$name}[_PasswordFieldVisible]")); } // disable auto complete foreach ($this->children as $child) { /** @var FormField $child */ $child->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); } $this->showOnClick = $showOnClick; parent::__construct($name, $title); $this->setValue($value); } public function Title() { // Title is displayed on nested field, not on the top level field return null; } public function setTitle($title) { parent::setTitle($title); $this->passwordField->setTitle($title); } /** * @param array $properties * * @return string */ public function Field($properties = array()) { $content = ''; if ($this->showOnClick) { if ($this->showOnClickTitle) { $title = $this->showOnClickTitle; } else { $title = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.SHOWONCLICKTITLE', 'Change Password', 'Label of the link which triggers display of the "change password" formfields' ); } $content .= "
\n"; $content .= "{$title}\n"; $content .= "
"; } foreach ($this->children as $field) { /** @var FormField $field */ $field->setDisabled($this->isDisabled()); $field->setReadonly($this->isReadonly()); if (count($this->attributes)) { foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) { $field->setAttribute($name, $value); } } $content .= $field->FieldHolder(); } if ($this->showOnClick) { $content .= "
\n"; $content .= "
\n"; } return $content; } /** * Returns the children of this field for use in templating. * @return FieldList */ public function getChildren() { return $this->children; } /** * Can be empty is a flag that turns on / off empty field checking. * * For example, set this to false (the default) when creating a user account, * and true when displaying on an edit form. * * @param boolean $value * * @return ConfirmedPasswordField */ public function setCanBeEmpty($value) { $this->canBeEmpty = (bool)$value; return $this; } /** * The title on the link which triggers display of the "password" and * "confirm password" formfields. Only used if {@link setShowOnClick()} * is set to TRUE. * * @param string $title * * @return ConfirmedPasswordField */ public function setShowOnClickTitle($title) { $this->showOnClickTitle = $title; return $this; } /** * @return string $title */ public function getShowOnClickTitle() { return $this->showOnClickTitle; } /** * @param string $title * * @return ConfirmedPasswordField */ public function setRightTitle($title) { foreach ($this->children as $field) { /** @var FormField $field */ $field->setRightTitle($title); } return $this; } /** * Set child field titles. Titles in order should be: * - "Current Password" (if getRequireExistingPassword() is set) * - "Password" * - "Confirm Password" * * @param array $titles List of child titles * @return $this */ public function setChildrenTitles($titles) { $expectedChildren = $this->getRequireExistingPassword() ? 3 : 2; if (is_array($titles) && count($titles) == $expectedChildren) { foreach ($this->children as $field) { if (isset($titles[0])) { /** @var FormField $field */ $field->setTitle($titles[0]); array_shift($titles); } } } return $this; } /** * Value is sometimes an array, and sometimes a single value, so we need * to handle both cases. * * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $data * @return $this */ public function setValue($value, $data = null) { // If $data is a DataObject, don't use the value, since it's a hashed value if ($data && $data instanceof DataObject) { $value = ''; } //store this for later $oldValue = $this->value; if (is_array($value)) { $this->value = $value['_Password']; $this->confirmValue = $value['_ConfirmPassword']; $this->currentPasswordValue = ($this->getRequireExistingPassword() && isset($value['_CurrentPassword'])) ? $value['_CurrentPassword'] : null; if ($this->showOnClick && isset($value['_PasswordFieldVisible'])) { $this->children->fieldByName($this->getName() . '[_PasswordFieldVisible]') ->setValue($value['_PasswordFieldVisible']); } } else { if ($value || (!$value && $this->canBeEmpty)) { $this->value = $value; $this->confirmValue = $value; } } //looking up field by name is expensive, so lets check it needs to change if ($oldValue != $this->value) { $this->children->fieldByName($this->getName() . '[_Password]') ->setValue($this->value); $this->children->fieldByName($this->getName() . '[_ConfirmPassword]') ->setValue($this->confirmValue); } return $this; } /** * Update the names of the child fields when updating name of field. * * @param string $name new name to give to the field. * @return $this */ public function setName($name) { $this->passwordField->setName($name . '[_Password]'); $this->confirmPasswordfield->setName($name . '[_ConfirmPassword]'); if ($this->hiddenField) { $this->hiddenField->setName($name . '[_PasswordFieldVisible]'); } parent::setName($name); return $this; } /** * Determines if the field was actually shown on the client side - if not, * we don't validate or save it. * * @return boolean */ public function isSaveable() { return !$this->showOnClick || ($this->showOnClick && $this->hiddenField && $this->hiddenField->Value()); } /** * Validate this field * * @param Validator $validator * @return bool */ public function validate($validator) { $name = $this->name; // if field isn't visible, don't validate if (!$this->isSaveable()) { return true; } $this->passwordField->setValue($this->value); $this->confirmPasswordfield->setValue($this->confirmValue); $value = $this->passwordField->Value(); // both password-fields should be the same if ($value != $this->confirmPasswordfield->Value()) { $validator->validationError( $name, _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\Form.VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH', "Passwords don't match"), "validation" ); return false; } if (!$this->canBeEmpty) { // both password-fields shouldn't be empty if (!$value || !$this->confirmPasswordfield->Value()) { $validator->validationError( $name, _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\Form.VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY', "Passwords can't be empty"), "validation" ); return false; } } // lengths if (($this->minLength || $this->maxLength)) { $errorMsg = null; $limit = null; if ($this->minLength && $this->maxLength) { $limit = "{{$this->minLength},{$this->maxLength}}"; $errorMsg = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.BETWEEN', 'Passwords must be {min} to {max} characters long.', array('min' => $this->minLength, 'max' => $this->maxLength) ); } elseif ($this->minLength) { $limit = "{{$this->minLength}}.*"; $errorMsg = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.ATLEAST', 'Passwords must be at least {min} characters long.', array('min' => $this->minLength) ); } elseif ($this->maxLength) { $limit = "{0,{$this->maxLength}}"; $errorMsg = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.MAXIMUM', 'Passwords must be at most {max} characters long.', array('max' => $this->maxLength) ); } $limitRegex = '/^.' . $limit . '$/'; if (!empty($value) && !preg_match($limitRegex, $value)) { $validator->validationError( $name, $errorMsg, "validation" ); } } if ($this->requireStrongPassword) { if (!preg_match('/^(([a-zA-Z]+\d+)|(\d+[a-zA-Z]+))[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $value)) { $validator->validationError( $name, _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\Form.VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD', "Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character" ), "validation" ); return false; } } // Check if current password is valid if (!empty($value) && $this->getRequireExistingPassword()) { if (!$this->currentPasswordValue) { $validator->validationError( $name, _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.CURRENT_PASSWORD_MISSING', "You must enter your current password." ), "validation" ); return false; } // Check this password is valid for the current user $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); if (!$member) { $validator->validationError( $name, _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.LOGGED_IN_ERROR', "You must be logged in to change your password." ), "validation" ); return false; } // With a valid user and password, check the password is correct $authenticators = Security::singleton()->getApplicableAuthenticators(Authenticator::CHECK_PASSWORD); foreach ($authenticators as $authenticator) { $checkResult = $authenticator->checkPassword($member, $this->currentPasswordValue); if (!$checkResult->isValid()) { $validator->validationError( $name, _t( 'SilverStripe\\Forms\\ConfirmedPasswordField.CURRENT_PASSWORD_ERROR', "The current password you have entered is not correct." ), "validation" ); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Only save if field was shown on the client, and is not empty. * * @param DataObjectInterface $record */ public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) { if (!$this->isSaveable()) { return; } if (!($this->canBeEmpty && !$this->value)) { parent::saveInto($record); } } /** * Makes a read only field with some stars in it to replace the password * * @return ReadonlyField */ public function performReadonlyTransformation() { /** @var ReadonlyField $field */ $field = $this->castedCopy('SilverStripe\\Forms\\ReadonlyField') ->setTitle($this->title ? $this->title : _t('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member.PASSWORD', 'Password')) ->setValue('*****'); return $field; } public function performDisabledTransformation() { return $this->performReadonlyTransformation(); } /** * Check if existing password is required * * @return bool */ public function getRequireExistingPassword() { return $this->requireExistingPassword; } /** * Set if the existing password should be required * * @param bool $show Flag to show or hide this field * @return $this */ public function setRequireExistingPassword($show) { // Don't modify if already added / removed if ((bool)$show === $this->requireExistingPassword) { return $this; } $this->requireExistingPassword = $show; $name = $this->getName(); $currentName = "{$name}[_CurrentPassword]"; if ($show) { $confirmField = PasswordField::create($currentName, _t('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member.CURRENT_PASSWORD', 'Current Password')); $this->children->unshift($confirmField); } else { $this->children->removeByName($currentName, true); } return $this; } }