<?php namespace SilverStripe\Control\Tests; use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest; use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse; use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse_Exception; class HTTPResponseTest extends SapphireTest { public function testStatusDescriptionStripsNewlines() { $r = new HTTPResponse('my body', 200, "my description \nwith newlines \rand carriage returns"); $this->assertEquals( "my description with newlines and carriage returns", $r->getStatusDescription() ); } public function testHTTPResponseException() { $response = new HTTPResponse("Test", 200, 'OK'); // Confirm that the exception's statusCode and statusDescription take precedence $e = new HTTPResponse_Exception($response, 404, 'not even found'); $this->assertEquals(404, $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()); $this->assertEquals('not even found', $e->getResponse()->getStatusDescription()); } public function testExceptionContentPlainByDefault() { // Confirm that the exception's statusCode and statusDescription take precedence $e = new HTTPResponse_Exception("Some content that may be from a hacker", 404, 'not even found'); $this->assertEquals("text/plain", $e->getResponse()->getHeader("Content-Type")); } public function testRemoveHeader() { $response = new HTTPResponse(); $response->addHeader('X-Animal', 'Monkey'); $this->assertSame('Monkey', $response->getHeader('X-Animal')); $response->removeHeader('X-Animal'); $this->assertEmpty($response->getHeader('X-Animal')); } public function providerTestValidStatusCodes() { return [ [200, 'OK'], [226, 'IM Used'], [426, 'Upgrade Required'], [451, 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider providerTestValidStatusCodes * @param int $code * @param string $status */ public function testValidStatusCodes($code, $status) { $response = new HTTPResponse(); $response->setStatusCode($code); $this->assertEquals($status, $response->getStatusDescription()); } }