/** * $Id: Menu.js 1045 2009-03-04 20:03:18Z spocke $ * * @author Moxiecode * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved. */ (function(tinymce) { var is = tinymce.is, DOM = tinymce.DOM, each = tinymce.each, walk = tinymce.walk; /**#@+ * @class This class is base class for all menu types like DropMenus etc. This class should not * be instantiated directly other menu controls should inherit from this one. * @member tinymce.ui.Menu * @base tinymce.ui.MenuItem */ tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Menu:tinymce.ui.MenuItem', { /** * Constructs a new button control instance. * * @param {String} id Button control id for the button. * @param {Object} s Optional name/value settings object. */ Menu : function(id, s) { var t = this; t.parent(id, s); t.items = {}; t.collapsed = false; t.menuCount = 0; t.onAddItem = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this); }, /**#@+ * @method */ /** * Expands the menu, this will show them menu and all menu items. * * @param {bool} d Optional deep state. If this is set to true all children will be expanded as well. */ expand : function(d) { var t = this; if (d) { walk(t, function(o) { if (o.expand) o.expand(); }, 'items', t); } t.collapsed = false; }, /** * Collapses the menu, this will hide the menu and all menu items. * * @param {bool} d Optional deep state. If this is set to true all children will be collapsed as well. */ collapse : function(d) { var t = this; if (d) { walk(t, function(o) { if (o.collapse) o.collapse(); }, 'items', t); } t.collapsed = true; }, /** * Returns true/false if the menu has been collapsed or not. * * @return {bool} True/false state if the menu has been collapsed or not. */ isCollapsed : function() { return this.collapsed; }, /** * Adds a new menu, menu item or sub classes of them to the drop menu. * * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} o Menu or menu item to add to the drop menu. * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Same as the input control, the menu or menu item. */ add : function(o) { if (!o.settings) o = new tinymce.ui.MenuItem(o.id || DOM.uniqueId(), o); this.onAddItem.dispatch(this, o); return this.items[o.id] = o; }, /** * Adds a menu separator between the menu items. * * @return {tinymce.ui.MenuItem} Menu item instance for the separator. */ addSeparator : function() { return this.add({separator : true}); }, /** * Adds a sub menu to the menu. * * @param {Object} o Menu control or a object with settings to be created into an control. * @return {tinymce.ui.Menu} Menu control instance passed in or created. */ addMenu : function(o) { if (!o.collapse) o = this.createMenu(o); this.menuCount++; return this.add(o); }, /** * Returns true/false if the menu has sub menus or not. * * @return {bool} True/false state if the menu has sub menues or not. */ hasMenus : function() { return this.menuCount !== 0; }, /** * Removes a specific sub menu or menu item from the menu. * * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} o Menu item or menu to remove from menu. * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance or null if it wasn't found. */ remove : function(o) { delete this.items[o.id]; }, /** * Removes all menu items and sub menu items from the menu. */ removeAll : function() { var t = this; walk(t, function(o) { if (o.removeAll) o.removeAll(); else o.remove(); o.destroy(); }, 'items', t); t.items = {}; }, /** * Created a new sub menu for the menu control. * * @param {Object} s Optional name/value settings object. * @return {tinymce.ui.Menu} New drop menu instance. */ createMenu : function(o) { var m = new tinymce.ui.Menu(o.id || DOM.uniqueId(), o); m.onAddItem.add(this.onAddItem.dispatch, this.onAddItem); return m; } /**#@-*/ }); })(tinymce);