/** * $Id: Control.js 1045 2009-03-04 20:03:18Z spocke $ * * @author Moxiecode * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved. */ (function(tinymce) { // Shorten class names var DOM = tinymce.DOM, is = tinymce.is; /**#@+ * @class This class is the base class for all controls like buttons, toolbars, containers. This class should not * be instantiated directly other controls should inherit from this one. * @member tinymce.ui.Control */ tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Control', { /** * Constructs a new control instance. * * @param {String} id Control id. * @param {Object} s Optional name/value settings object. */ Control : function(id, s) { this.id = id; this.settings = s = s || {}; this.rendered = false; this.onRender = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this); this.classPrefix = ''; this.scope = s.scope || this; this.disabled = 0; this.active = 0; }, /**#@+ * @method */ /** * Sets the disabled state for the control. This will add CSS classes to the * element that contains the control. So that it can be disabled visually. * * @param {bool} s Boolean state if the control should be disabled or not. */ setDisabled : function(s) { var e; if (s != this.disabled) { e = DOM.get(this.id); // Add accessibility title for unavailable actions if (e && this.settings.unavailable_prefix) { if (s) { this.prevTitle = e.title; e.title = this.settings.unavailable_prefix + ": " + e.title; } else e.title = this.prevTitle; } this.setState('Disabled', s); this.setState('Enabled', !s); this.disabled = s; } }, /** * Returns true/false if the control is disabled or not. This is a method since you can then * choose to check some class or some internal bool state in subclasses. * * @return {bool} true/false if the control is disabled or not. */ isDisabled : function() { return this.disabled; }, /** * Sets the activated state for the control. This will add CSS classes to the * element that contains the control. So that it can be activated visually. * * @param {bool} s Boolean state if the control should be activated or not. */ setActive : function(s) { if (s != this.active) { this.setState('Active', s); this.active = s; } }, /** * Returns true/false if the control is disabled or not. This is a method since you can then * choose to check some class or some internal bool state in subclasses. * * @return {bool} true/false if the control is disabled or not. */ isActive : function() { return this.active; }, /** * Sets the specified class state for the control. * * @param {String} c Class name to add/remove depending on state. * @param {bool} s True/false state if the class should be removed or added. */ setState : function(c, s) { var n = DOM.get(this.id); c = this.classPrefix + c; if (s) DOM.addClass(n, c); else DOM.removeClass(n, c); }, /** * Returns true/false if the control has been rendered or not. * * @return {bool} State if the control has been rendered or not. */ isRendered : function() { return this.rendered; }, /** * Renders the control as a HTML string. This method is much faster than using the DOM and when * creating a whole toolbar with buttons it does make a lot of difference. * * @return {String} HTML for the button control element. */ renderHTML : function() { }, /** * Renders the control to the specified container element. * * @param {Element} n HTML DOM element to add control to. */ renderTo : function(n) { DOM.setHTML(n, this.renderHTML()); }, /** * Post render event. This will be executed after the control has been rendered and can be used to * set states, add events to the control etc. It's recommended for subclasses of the control to call this method by using this.parent(). */ postRender : function() { var t = this, b; // Set pending states if (is(t.disabled)) { b = t.disabled; t.disabled = -1; t.setDisabled(b); } if (is(t.active)) { b = t.active; t.active = -1; t.setActive(b); } }, /** * Removes the control. This means it will be removed from the DOM and any * events tied to it will also be removed. */ remove : function() { DOM.remove(this.id); this.destroy(); }, /** * Destroys the control will free any memory by removing event listeners etc. */ destroy : function() { tinymce.dom.Event.clear(this.id); } /**#@-*/ }); })(tinymce);