
- checkout datejs.com for a proper date implementation -> complete but very heavy parser, currently overkill

- rewrite required-method to use jQuery's extended val() on selects[/radios/checkboxes]
- consider a field-validator object that encapsulates a single element and all methods working on it
- export API browser
- add example/support for other URL schemes like svn://....
- document min/max/range methods for checkboxes/selects

 * Return false, if the element is
 * - some kind of text input and its value is too short
 * - a set of checkboxes has not enough boxes checked
 * - a select and has not enough options selected
 * Works with all kind of text inputs, checkboxes and select.
 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{minLength:5}" />
 * @desc Declares an optional input element with at least 5 characters (or none at all).
 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{required:true,minLength:5}" />
 * @desc Declares an input element that must have at least 5 characters.
 * @example <fieldset>
 * 	<legend>Spam</legend>
 * 	<label for="spam_email">
 * 		<input type="checkbox" id="spam_email" value="email" name="spam" validate="required:true,minLength:2" />
 * 		Spam via E-Mail
 * 	</label>
 * 	<label for="spam_phone">
 * 		<input type="checkbox" id="spam_phone" value="phone" name="spam" />
 * 		Spam via Phone
 * 	</label>
 * 	<label for="spam_mail">
 * 		<input type="checkbox" id="spam_mail" value="mail" name="spam" />
 * 		Spam via Mail
 * 	</label>
 * 	<label for="spam" class="error">Please select at least two types of spam.</label>
 * </fieldset>
 * @desc Specifies a group of checkboxes. To validate, at least two checkboxes must be selected.
 * @param Number min
 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.minLength
 * @type Boolean
 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
 * Return false, if the element is
 * - some kind of text input and its value is too short or too long
 * - a set of checkboxes has not enough or too many boxes checked
 * - a select and has not enough or too many options selected
 * Works with all kind of text inputs, checkboxes and selects.
 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{rangeLength:[3,5]}" />
 * @desc Declares an optional input element with at least 3 and at most 5 characters (or none at all).
 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{required:true,rangeLength:[3,5]}" />
 * @desc Declares an input element that must have at least 3 and at most 5 characters.
 * @example <select id="cars" class="{required:true,rangeLength:[2,3]}" multiple="multiple">
 * 	<option value="m_sl">Mercedes SL</option>
 * 	<option value="o_c">Opel Corsa</option>
 * 	<option value="vw_p">VW Polo</option>
 * 	<option value="t_s">Titanic Skoda</option>
 * </select>
 * @desc Specifies a select that must have at least two but no more than three options selected.
 * @param Array<Number> min/max
 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.rangeLength
 * @type Boolean
 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
- document numberOfInvalids and hideErrors

 * Returns the number of invalid elements in the form.
 * @example $("#myform").validate({
 * 	showErrors: function() {
 * 		$("#summary").html("Your form contains " + this.numberOfInvalids() + " errors, see details below.");
 * 		this.defaultShowErrors();
 * 	}
 * });
 * @desc Specifies a custom showErrors callback that updates the number of invalid elements each
 * time the form or a single element is validated.
 * @name jQuery.validator.prototype.numberOfInvalids
 * @type Number
 * Hides all error messages in this form.
 * @example var validator = $("#myform").validate();
 * $(".cancel").click(function() {
 * 	validator.hideErrors();
 * });
 * @desc Specifies a custom showErrors callback that updates the number of invalid elements each
 * time the form or a single element is validated.
 * @name jQuery.validator.prototype.hideErrors

- remove deprecated methods

- css references
 - http://test5.caribmedia.com/CSS/Secrets/members/michiel/floating-forms.html
 - http://paularmstrongdesigns.com/projects/awesomeform/
 - http://dnevnikeklektika.com/uni-form/

- consider validation on page load, disabling required-checks
- completely rework showErrors: manually settings errors is currently extremely flawed and utterly useless, eg. errors disappear if some other validation is triggered
- add custom event to remote validation for adding more parameters

- document focusInvalid()
- document validation lifecycle: setup (add event handlers), run validation (prepare form, validate elements, display errors/submit form)
	 -> show where the user can hook in via callbacks
- AND depedency: specify multiple expressions as an array

- add custom events for form and elements instead of more callbacks (additional options/callbacks)
 - beforeValidation: Callback, called before doing any validation
 - beforeSubmit: Callback, called before submitting the form (default submit or calling submitHandler, if specified) 

- animations!!
- ajax validation:
	- in combination with autocomplete (mustmatch company name, fill out address details, validate required)
	- validate zip code in comparison to address, if match and state is missing, fill out state
- strong password check/integration: http://phiras.wordpress.com/2007/04/08/password-strength-meter-a-jquery-plugin/

- stop firefox password manager to popup before validation - check mozilla bug tracker?

- overload addMethod with a Option-variant:
  name: "custom",
  message: "blablabla",
  parameteres: false,
  handler: function() { ... }

 - wordpress comment form, make it a drop-in method
 - ajaxForm() integration
 - ajaxSubmit with rules-option, more/less options to ajaxSubmit
 - watermark integration http://digitalbush.com/projects/watermark-input-plugin
 - datepicker integration
 - timepicker integration ( http://labs.perifer.se/timedatepicker/ ) 
 - integration with CakePHP ( https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/2359 )
 - integration with tabs: http://www.netix.sk/forms/test.html 
 - intergration with rich-text-editors (FCKEditor, Codepress)

- attachValidation, removeValidation, validate (with UI), valid (without UI)
- (re)move current addMethod implementation
- move rules plugin option
- move metadata support
- make validate method chainable
  -> provide an accessor for the validator if necessary at all 
- move a few default methods to additionals, eg. dateXXX, creditcard, definitely accept