"Text", 'LimitWordCount' => 'Text', 'LimitWordCountXML' => 'HTMLText', "LowerCase" => "Text", "UpperCase" => "Text", 'NoHTML' => 'Text', ); /** * Construct a string type field with a set of optional parameters. * * @param $name string The name of the field * @param $options array An array of options e.g. array('nullifyEmpty'=>false). See * {@link StringField::setOptions()} for information on the available options */ public function __construct($name = null, $options = array()) { // Workaround: The singleton pattern calls this constructor with true/1 as the second parameter, so we // must ignore it if(is_array($options)){ $this->setOptions($options); } parent::__construct($name); } /** * Update the optional parameters for this field. * @param $options array of options * The options allowed are: * * @return unknown_type */ public function setOptions(array $options = array()) { if(array_key_exists("nullifyEmpty", $options)) { $this->nullifyEmpty = $options["nullifyEmpty"] ? true : false; } } /** * Set whether this field stores empty strings rather than converting * them to null. * * @param $value boolean True if empty strings are to be converted to null */ public function setNullifyEmpty($value) { $this->nullifyEmpty = ($value ? true : false); } /** * Get whether this field stores empty strings rather than converting * them to null * * @return boolean True if empty strings are to be converted to null */ public function getNullifyEmpty() { return $this->nullifyEmpty; } /** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see core/model/fieldtypes/DBField#exists() */ public function exists() { return ($this->value || $this->value == '0') || ( !$this->nullifyEmpty && $this->value === ''); } /** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see core/model/fieldtypes/DBField#prepValueForDB($value) */ public function prepValueForDB($value) { if(!$this->nullifyEmpty && $value === '') { return DB::getConn()->prepStringForDB($value); } else { return parent::prepValueForDB($value); } } /** * @return string */ public function forTemplate() { return nl2br($this->XML()); } /** * Limit this field's content by a number of characters. * This makes use of strip_tags() to avoid malforming the * HTML tags in the string of text. * * @param int $limit Number of characters to limit by * @param string $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string * @return string */ public function LimitCharacters($limit = 20, $add = '...') { $value = trim($this->value); if($this->stat('escape_type') == 'xml') { $value = strip_tags($value); $value = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $value = (mb_strlen($value) > $limit) ? mb_substr($value, 0, $limit) . $add : $value; // Avoid encoding all multibyte characters as HTML entities by using htmlspecialchars(). $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } else { $value = (mb_strlen($value) > $limit) ? mb_substr($value, 0, $limit) . $add : $value; } return $value; } /** * Limit this field's content by a number of words. * * CAUTION: This is not XML safe. Please use * {@link LimitWordCountXML()} instead. * * @param int $numWords Number of words to limit by. * @param string $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string. * * @return string */ public function LimitWordCount($numWords = 26, $add = '...') { $this->value = trim(Convert::xml2raw($this->value)); $ret = explode(' ', $this->value, $numWords + 1); if(count($ret) <= $numWords - 1) { $ret = $this->value; } else { array_pop($ret); $ret = implode(' ', $ret) . $add; } return $ret; } /** * Limit the number of words of the current field's * content. This is XML safe, so characters like & * are converted to & * * @param int $numWords Number of words to limit by. * @param string $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string. * * @return string */ public function LimitWordCountXML($numWords = 26, $add = '...') { $ret = $this->LimitWordCount($numWords, $add); return Convert::raw2xml($ret); } /** * Converts the current value for this StringField to lowercase. * * @return string */ public function LowerCase() { return mb_strtolower($this->value); } /** * Converts the current value for this StringField to uppercase. * @return string */ public function UpperCase() { return mb_strtoupper($this->value); } /** * Return the value of the field stripped of html tags. * * @return string */ public function NoHTML() { return strip_tags($this->value); } }