dateDropdown = new DropdownField($name."[date]", "", array('NotSet' => '(Day)', '01'=>'01', '02'=>'02', '03'=>'03', '04'=>'04', '05'=>'05', '06'=>'06', '07'=>'07', '08'=>'08', '09'=>'09', '10'=>'10', '11'=>'11', '12'=>'12', '13'=>'13', '14'=>'14', '15'=>'15', '16'=>'16', '17'=>'17', '18'=>'18', '19'=>'19', '20'=>'20', '21'=>'21', '22'=>'22', '23'=>'23', '24'=>'24', '25'=>'25', '26'=>'26', '27'=>'27', '28'=>'28', '29'=>'29', '30'=>'30', '31'=>'31' ), $date ); $this->monthDropdown = new DropdownField($name."[month]", "", array( 'NotSet' => '(Month)', '01'=>'01', '02'=>'02', '03'=>'03', '04'=>'04', '05'=>'05', '06'=>'06', '07'=>'07', '08'=>'08', '09'=>'09', '10'=>'10', '11'=>'11', '12'=>'12' ), $month ); if($yearRange == null){ $this->customiseYearDropDown($name, "1995-2006", $year); }else{ $this->customiseYearDropDown($name, $yearRange, $year); } parent::__construct($name, $title); } function Field() { return $this->dateDropdown->Field() . $this->monthDropdown->Field() . $this->yearDropdown->Field(); } function performReadonlyTransformation() { $field = new CompositeDateField_Disabled($this->name, $this->title, $this->value); $field->setForm($this->form); return $field; } function customiseYearDropDown($name, $yearRange, $year){ list($from,$to) = explode('-', $yearRange); $source['NotSet'] = '(Year)'; for($i = $to; $i >= $from; $i--){ $source[$i]=$i; } $this->yearDropdown = new DropdownField($name."[year]", "", $source, $year); $this->yearDropdown->setValue($year); } function setForm($form) { $this->dateDropdown->setForm($form); $this->monthDropdown->setForm($form); $this->yearDropdown->setForm($form); parent::setForm($form); } function setValue($val) { if($val) { if(is_array($val)){ if($val['date'] == 'NotSet' || $val['month'] == 'NotSet' || $val['year'] == 'NotSet'){ $this->value = null; return; } $val = $val['year'] . '-' . $val['month'] . '-' . $val['date']; } $this->value = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($val)); list($year, $month, $date) = explode("-", $val); $this->yearDropdown->setValue($year); $this->monthDropdown->setValue($month); $this->dateDropdown->setValue($date); } else { $this->value = null; } } function jsValidation() { $formID = $this->form->FormName(); $jsFunc =<<name');"; } function validate($validator) { // TODO Implement server-side validation if($this->value == null) { $validator->validationError($this->name,_t('Form.VALIDATIONALLDATEVALUES',"Please ensure you have set all date values"),"validation"); return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Allows dates to be represented in a form, by * showing in a user friendly format, eg, dd/mm/yyyy. */ class CompositeDateField_Disabled extends DateField { function setValue($val) { if($val && $val != "0000-00-00") $this->value = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($val)); else $this->value = _t('Form.DATENOTSET', "(No date set)"); } function Field() { if($this->value) { $df = new Date($this->name); $df->setValue($this->dataValue()); $val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value); } else { $val = '' . _t('Form.NOTSET', '(not set)') . ''; } return "id() . "\">$val"; } function Type() { return "date_disabled readonly"; } } ?>