title: Requirements summary: How to include and require other assets in your templates such as javascript and CSS files. # Requirements The requirements class takes care of including CSS and JavaScript into your applications. This is preferred to hard coding any references in the `` tag of your template, as it enables a more flexible handling through the [api:Requirements] class. ## Template Requirements API **mysite/templates/Page.ss** :::ss <% require css("cms/css/TreeSelector.css") %> <% require themedCSS("TreeSelector") %> <% require javascript("cms/javascript/LeftAndMain.js") %>
Requiring assets from the template is restricted compared to the PHP API.
## PHP Requirements API It is common practice to include most Requirements either in the *init()*-method of your [controller](../controllers/), or as close to rendering as possible (e.g. in [api:FormField]). :::php ` element, so you can define 'screen' or 'print' for example. :::php Requirements::css("cms/css/TreeSelector.css", "screen,projection"); ### Javascript Files :::php Requirements::javascript($path); A variant on the inclusion of custom javascript is the inclusion of *templated* javascript. Here, you keep your JavaScript in a separate file and instead load, via search and replace, several PHP-generated variables into that code. :::php $vars = array( "EditorCSS" => "cms/css/editor.css", ); Requirements::javascriptTemplate("cms/javascript/editor.template.js", $vars); In this example, `editor.template.js` is expected to contain a replaceable variable expressed as `$EditorCSS`. ### Custom Inline CSS or Javascript You can also quote custom script directly. This may seem a bit ugly, but is useful when you need to transfer some kind of 'configuration' from the database in a raw format. You'll need to use the `heredoc` syntax to quote JS and CSS, this is generally speaking the best way to do these things - it clearly marks the copy as belonging to a different language. :::php Requirements::customScript(<< To make debugging easier in your local environment, combined files is disabled when running your application in `dev` mode. By default it stores the generated file in the assets/ folder, but you can configure this by pointing the `Requirements.combined_files_folder` configuration setting to a specific folder. **mysite/_config/app.yml** :::yml Requirements: combined_files_folder: '_combined'
If SilverStripe doesn't have permissions on your server to write these files it will default back to including them individually. SilverStripe **will not** rewrite your paths within the file.
You can also combine CSS files into a media-specific stylesheets as you would with the `Requirements::css` call - use the third paramter of the `combine_files` function: :::php $printStylesheets = array( "$themeDir/css/print_HomePage.css", "$themeDir/css/print_Page.css", ); Requirements::combine_files('print.css', $printStylesheets, 'print'); By default, all requirements files are flushed (deleted) when ?flush querystring parameter is set. This can be disabled by setting the `Requirements.disable_flush_combined` config to `true`. ## Clearing assets :::php Requirements::clear(); Clears all defined requirements. You can also clear specific requirements. :::php Requirements::clear(THIRDPARTY_DIR.'/prototype.js');
Depending on where you call this command, a Requirement might be *re-included* afterwards.
## Blocking Requirements can also be explicitly blocked from inclusion, which is useful to avoid conflicting JavaScript logic or CSS rules. These blocking rules are independent of where the `block()` call is made. It applies both for already included requirements, and ones included after the `block()` call. One common example is to block the core `jquery.js` added by various form fields and core controllers, and use a newer version in a custom location. This assumes you have tested your application with the newer version. :::php Requirements::block(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js');
The CMS also uses the `Requirements` system, and its operation can be affected by `block()` calls. Avoid this by limiting the scope of your blocking operations, e.g. in `init()` of your controller.
## Inclusion Order Requirements acts like a stack, where everything is rendered sequentially in the order it was included. There is no way to change inclusion-order, other than using *Requirements::clear* and rebuilding the whole set of requirements.
Inclusion order is both relevant for CSS and Javascript files in terms of dependencies, inheritance and overlays - be careful when messing with the order of requirements.
## Javascript placement By default, SilverStripe includes all Javascript files at the bottom of the page body, unless there's another script already loaded, then, it's inserted before the first `