
namespace SilverStripe\Forms\Tests;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Tip;

class TipTest extends SapphireTest
     * Ensure the correct defaults are output in the schema
    public function testGeneratesAccurateDefaultSchema()
        $tip = new Tip('message');

        $schema = $tip->getTipSchema();

                'content' => 'message',
                'icon' => 'lamp',
                'importance' => 'normal',

     * Ensure custom settings are output in the schema
    public function testGeneratesAccurateCustomSchema()
        $tip = new Tip(

        $schema = $tip->getTipSchema();

                'content' => 'message',
                'icon' => 'page',
                'importance' => 'high',

     * Ensure passing an invalid importance level to the constructor fails
     * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage Provided importance level must be defined in Tip::IMPORTANCE_LEVELS
    public function testInvalidImportanceLevelInConstructorCausesException()
        $tip = new Tip('message', 'arbitrary-importance');

     * Ensure setting an invalid importance level fails
     * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage Provided importance level must be defined in Tip::IMPORTANCE_LEVELS
    public function testInvalidImportanceLevelInSetterCausesException()
        $tip = new Tip('message');
