<div class="EditableDropdown EditableMultiOptionFormField EditableFormField" id="$Name.Attr"> <div class="FieldInfo"> <% if isReadonly %> <img class="handle" src="sapphire/images/drag_readonly.gif" alt="These fields cannot be modified" /> <% else %> <img class="handle" src="sapphire/images/drag.gif" alt="Drag to rearrange order of fields" /> <% end_if %> <img class="icon" src="sapphire/images/fe_icons/dropdown.png" alt="Dropdown box" title="Dropdown box"/> $TitleField <a class="toggler" href="#" title="More options"><img src="cms/images/edit.gif" alt="More options" /></a> <% if isReadonly %> <img src="cms/images/locked.gif" alt="These fields cannot be modified" /> <% else %> <% if CanDelete %> <a class="delete" href="#" title="Delete this field"><img src="cms/images/delete.gif" alt="Delete this field" /></a> <% else %> <img src="cms/images/locked.gif" alt="This field is required for this form and cannot be deleted" /> <% end_if %> <% end_if %> </div> <div class="hidden"> $TemplateOption </div> <div class="ExtraOptions" id="$Name.Attr-extraOptions"> <div class="EditableDropdownBox FieldDefault"> <ul class="EditableDropdownOptions" id="$Name.Attr-list"> <% if isReadonly %> <% control Options %> $ReadonlyOption <% end_control %> <% else %> <% control Options %> $Option <% end_control %> <li class="AddDropdownOption"> <input class="text" type="text" name="$Name.Attr[NewOption]" value="" /> <a href="#" title="Add option to field"><img src="cms/images/add.gif" alt="Add new option" /></a> </li> <% end_if %> </ul> </div> <% control ExtraOptions %> $FieldHolder <% end_control %> </div> <input type="hidden" name="$Name.Attr[Deleted]" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="$Name.Attr[CustomParameter]" value="$CustomParameter" /> <input type="hidden" name="$Name.Attr[Type]" value="EditableDropdown" /> <input type="hidden" name="$Name.Attr[Sort]" value="-1" /> </div>