markTestSkipped('Test calls deprecated code'); } if (!class_exists('DOMDocument')) { $this->markTestSkipped('"DOMDocument" required'); return; } $from = "
Row 1
Row 2 Row 2
Row 3 Row 3
"; $to = "
Row 1
Row 2 Row 2
"; $expected = "" . $to . "" . "" . $from . ""; $compare = Deprecation::withNoReplacement(function () use ($from, $to) { return Diff::compareHTML($from, $to); }); // Very hard to debug this way, wouldn't need to do this if PHP had an *actual* DOM parsing lib, // and not just the poor excuse that is DOMDocument $compare = preg_replace('/[\s\t\n\r]*/', '', $compare ?? ''); $expected = preg_replace('/[\s\t\n\r]*/', '', $expected ?? ''); $this->assertEquals($expected, $compare); } /** * @see */ public function testLegacyEachStatement() { if (Deprecation::isEnabled()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Test calls deprecated code'); } $sentenceOne = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'; $sentenceTwo = 'Nulla porttitor, ex quis commodo pharetra, diam dui efficitur justo, eu gravida elit eros vel libero.'; $from = "$sentenceOne $sentenceTwo"; $to = "$sentenceTwo $sentenceOne"; // We're cheating our test a little bit here, because depending on what HTML cleaner you have, you'll get // spaces added or not added around the tags. $expected = "/^ *$sentenceOne<\/del> *$sentenceTwo *$sentenceOne<\/ins> *$/"; $actual = Deprecation::withNoReplacement(function () use ($from, $to) { return Diff::compareHTML($from, $to); }); $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression($expected, $actual); } public function testDiffArray() { if (Deprecation::isEnabled()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Test calls deprecated code'); } $from = ['Lorem', ['array here please ignore'], 'ipsum dolor']; $to = 'Lorem,ipsum'; $expected = "/^Lorem,ipsum *dolor<\/del> *$/"; $actual = Deprecation::withNoReplacement(function () use ($from, $to) { return Diff::compareHTML($from, $to); }); $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression($expected, $actual); } }